Original Post Date
2001-10-01 11:00 PM
Original Body
pstrongBombs dropped on the US today by Terrorists....What does a terrorist look like?/strong/p
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pby PNN staff/p
pAt 8:40-8:45am on Tuesday, September 11, 2001, two planes crashed into New Yorks two Largest Skyscrapers -The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center - then another plane crashed into The Pentagon - and then a report of three more planes disappearing - two of them on the way to California. Thousands dead... several thousand wounded. /p
pBush says: “A Full scale investigation will be launched into this full-scaled attack... Freedom has been attacked and Freedom will be defended at any cost!!-Full resources of the federal government will be used to defend our freedom. We will hunt down and punish anyone connected to this.” /p
pFive battleships and several air force planes entered the New York Harbor today at 11:00 am -Auxillary police officers were granted full police credentials. A New Yorker who made a statement implying that “The US government deserved this” is practically killed by mob rule in New York City./p
pUnofficial “insider” rumours reported that three months ago all security personnel at the Federal building in San Francisco, had all their weapons upgraded from 30 to 40 clip “glocks” and last Friday another warning went out to all government security personnel that something “big” was going to “happen”. /p
pbAll I can say is.... it’s not all that it seems..../bHere's a few questions to ponder...What does a terrorist look like? a person of color, a homeless person in the wrong neighborhood. And how do you “hunt down” and punish human beings? Who and what would gain from a “World War” or better yet- martial law?. What better way to bolster a waning defense fund or an argument for a national “security” budget? and why would we want a major military presence in the New York Harbor....? maybe...to kill innocent Arab or Arab-alike immigrant hot dog vendors - clothiers and maybe a few unlucky prosititutes and panhandlers caught in the fray... /p
pAs a very low income person who is a part of a very poor family -and is working with an extremely grassroots (read: poor) organization... catastrophy is terrifying - we are already on the bottom of every totem pole- we have no backing and no help and if anything gets any harder we will just fall down further -/p
pTo all freedom fighters, organizers and conscious citizens out there already fighting racism and classism, marginalization, media manipulation, police profiling and on and on, our struggle continues- it has just become more polarized and more intense -do not take anything for granted!!- question EVERYTHING you hear and read - Free Speech is all we, sort-of have -and we must support each other in our efforts to be HEARD, be a community, love and be there for each other!! /p