I pray this is a sick joke, but don't believe it is.

Original Author
Original Body
pstrong pbLow Levels of Radiationbr / in metals to be reused inbr / domestic products./b/p pbOxymoron, Darwin Awardbr / Winning Logic In Action./b/p/strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Joe. B./p pHi. Joe, No time, to explainbr / why this is not a column, but what's here... is Abr / br /potentialy Deadly Serious Matter for all. /p pReader Beware, and spread the word./p p Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 21:48:45 -0700br / br /To: a href="mailto:ampb@california.com"ampb@california.com/abr / Subject: radioactive metals? /p pDear Readers,br / I would like to alert you to something that affects us all verybr / seriously. br /bThe U.S. Department of Energy is planning on taking scrapbr / metals contaminated with "low level" radiation and recycling them into thebr / commercial metal stream. This metal would then be incorporated intobr / everyday household and personal metal products./b For more information onbr / this, go to the following website: /p p b http://www.em.doe.gov/smpeis/index.html/b /p p For your own health and the health of future generations, please take thebr / time to email the D.O.E. and tell them to stop this dangerous plan. bTherebr / is no such thing as a "safe dose" of radiation.br / /b If this radioactive metalbr / gets thrown onto the scrap pile, the consequences will be very serious! /p p Please pass this message on to anyone who cares about health andbr / environmental issues.br / bThe deadline for comments is September 10./b Feelbr / free to use the sample letter below or use your own words. The emailbr / address is:br / /p p a href="mailto:Metals.Disposition.PEIS@em.doe.gov"Metals.Disposition.PEIS@em.doe.gov/a /p pbr /b The fax number is (301) 903-9770 /b/p p Kenneth Picha, Jr.br / br / Office of Technicalbr / br /Program Integrationbr / EM-22, /p p Attn: Metals Disposition PEISbr / br /Office of Environmental Managementbr / US Dept. of Energybr / 1000 Independence Ave. SWbr / Washington, DC 20585-0113 /p p Dear Mr. Picha,br / I am writing you to express my concern over the DOE plans to recyclebr / br / metal contaminated with low level radiation into the commercial metalbr / stream. /pp This material should not even be transported. br /The idea of mixingbr / it in with all the other scrap metal is horrible. /p pThe radioactivity wouldbr / just spread and contaminate the whole world. /ppThis plan should be verybr / carefully reconsidered and all citizens should be given a reasonable lengthbr / of time to comment on it. /ppbAs it is, the comment period ends on Septemberbr / 10 and hardly anyone has even heard of the plan outside of DOE./b /ppThebr / consequences of your actions could possibly poison every person on thebr / planet, so please use your authority and power to do the right thing. /ppIbr / think at the very least the scope of the Environmental Impact Statementbr / should include all volumetric and surface contaminated metals and allbr / materials from DOE facilities. /ppThe health effects of exposure to thisbr / material should be studied for a long time before any hasty action isbr / taken. /p p br / Sincerely, /p p Paul Griffin /p p from the Association of Micro-Power Broadcastersbr / PMB 22br / br /2018 Shattuck Ave. /p p Berkeley, CA 94704br / br /(510) 848-1455 /p pa href="mailto:ampb@california.com"ampb@california.com/a /p p If you feel you have received this email by mistake, or would like to bebr / br /off the list, simply reply with the word "remove" in the subject area. Webr / don't mean to be a bother! /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p