Original Post Date
2001-09-17 11:00 PM
Original Body
pby Husayn Sayfuddiyn/p
pWelcome to the world... Welcome to the world... of the undead...br //p
p of Death's head, Welcome to the world.. of the Death Row inmate...br /
Welcome to the world... with a Death Date...br //p
p Counting down to a timeless eternity... where time is both friend and the enemy..br /
Count down to a "No Tomorrow"... Counting down on time from which you cant borrow.br //p
pThere is no blindfold on American Justices' eyes...br /br /
Her scales are unbalanced and her verdict is a Lie...br //p
pSo now Mumia is on Death Row... about to die...br //p
pCount down on the City of Unbrotherly Love, on cracked Liberty Bells...br //p
pMumia Abu Jamal paces the Devils' Death Cell..br /br /
Dying for a cause he did not choose... Lynched by a law with triple rules,br //p
p another Black man born to lose... born to losebr //p
pFirst they lynched Nat, then Malcolm, and then the King..br /br /
and now Mumia is about to swing...... a victim of an American genocidal plot..br /
that's sings, 'let freedom ring' on a freedom you aint got....br / /p
pCount Down from Death Row.. poor man's field where no poppies grow..br //p
pMumia's life in an ill wind blows...framed by the police and the prosecution..br /br /
who demands his life for white restitution...br //p
pBut how much time do you have brother? On the clock that's winding down?br /br /
The clock of life that ticks away and never makes a sound...br / Count down without sound..
/pp as the masquerade known as Justice.... counts down..
/ppon the meals you eat../p
p on the people you'll meet..br //p
p counts down.. on life, counts down on your dreams..br /br /
COUNTS DOWN on believing... in other human beings....
/ppCount down to free...br / Mumia Abu Jamal - Get down and free... /p
pMumia Abu Jamal br / Today its Abu, tomorrow it's you..br /br /
Not only you, but your children too..br //p
pTo be caught up in a trap, that's disguised ..as honor and glory, the devils paradise...br //p
pCount down to Life... and not to Death..br //p
p Let Mumia Abu Jamal breathe freedoms' breath....br //p
p Countdown to Free MAJ Get down and Free MAJ!br //p
p GET down MAJ Countdown to Free MAJ!br /br /
Count down to Life... and not to Death..br /br /
Let Mumia Abu Jamal breathe freedoms' breath....br //p
p Countdown to Free MAJ Free! MAJ!/p
pHusayn Sayfuddiyn As-Sufibr /br /
a href="mailto:thequilombo@aol.com"thequilombo@aol.com/abr /