To Evolve Or Devolve?

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pstrong pA Complete Cloning Banbr / br / Tuesday, July, 30, 2001,br / Is a really bad / /p/strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Joe B./p pFor the 162 House Reps. voting against Stem Cell Cloning ban./p pYou are not alone... This isn't over./p pIn Washington, D.C., between Select ‘Preident Bush, the House of Representatives vote 265 for - 162 against a Cloning Ban Tuesday night onbr /July 30, 2001 for me represents a continuing split in humanity./p pFirst five supreme court judges bSelect a president, women's right over their own reproductive lives is at risk,br / then oil and coal are new again,br / /b now banning all human cloning including limitedbr / br / Therapeutic cloning for research b[to gain knowledge of this "embryonic" science.]/b /p pThroughout human history there has been the activist,br / the conservative, and a third group looking at these two extremesbr / trying to choose which group to join./p pThank whatever divine spark Mr. Bush has to make a compromise Friday, August 10. 2001 that gives scientists and researchers a chance under federal guidelines to be proceed with extreme caution. /p pBut a complete ban should make one choose up sides, either we br / evolve further improving our species or die out./p pIts serious when Mr. Roger Pedersen, professor of biology, Stem Cell expert and UCSF researcher may leaves for Britain becausebr / br /of America’s br /political strangle hold over Federalbr / Funds for cloning research. /pp His work: using stem cells from human embryos andbr / learning to br /control their development into nerves, organs, or other internal organs is too hostile a work place here./p pOther research scientists are leaving or thinking of doing so. br /Didier Stainier, who’s recent discovered how stem cells develop in internal organs. /p p America has benefited from international brain drains from the past lets not reverse that process./p pAmerica’s Puritan streak and fear of change even as inventors improve our lives has br /always been diametrically opposed to each other./p p A growing schism of past and future is colliding,br / br / No congress, judges, should dictate how long we’ll live!/p p Folks, we have dodged a huge bulletbr / which target could have been another dark age!/p pI for one tell you now,br / br /its time to begin choosing how we want to live and not br /people in power fearing change. /p pWe cannot obey every law from on high especially br /if they are not in our best interests. /p pReady for a new kind of revolution?br / where the longer one lives br /the more you learn, the better your chances of survival?/p pWe cannot go through another near 10 year moratorium like President R. Reagan did in the 1980’s for Genetic Engineering - Not This Time!/p pUnless its no nukes, biochemical warfare or ethnic cleansing / /p pI can understand safeguards, guidelines for cloning and other life saving, improving technologies, its not quite Aldous, Huxley’s "Brave New World" however if we speed to quick it could be./p pIn every era or epoch there is a moment when people make a stand br / in this one, it means literally a longer, healthier life span, going out among the stars or fall back into a evolutionary dead end./p pShould we continue on orbr / go back tobr /the socalled ‘good old days? br / Am I slightly paranoid, if I am then write me tell me what’s best. /p pWe are at a crossroad either direction is full of peril and promise. /p pI’ll take a few steps into a murky abyss; but having friends along the road will make this new journey less bleak and dangerous. /p pHow about you… readers - what fears, joys, dangers, safety awaits us?/p pI’ve many questions and would like to know a few answers, how about you? ... Bye./p pPlease donate what you can to br /Poor Magazine or C/0 Ask br /Joe at 255 9th St.Street,br /San Francisco, CA.94103 USA/p pbr /For Joe only my snail mail:br / br /PO Box 1230 #645br / Market / br /San Francisco, CA 94102br / br /Email: