B.Jr./Putin BAD SEEDS?

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pstrong pI’m half asleep listeningbr / to Mr. B.Ward’s take on ’Select‘br / Prez Bush's European visit withbr / the elected President of Russiabr / bVladimir Putin./b/p pAre both men bclonesbr / of each other?/bbr / br /Do they needing militarybr / might and theb”good 'ole daysbr / of brinkmenship?”/bbr / /p/strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Joe Bolden/p p“With these two leaders both our countries br /br / br /Russia and America are in submarines made with leaky screen doors.br / br /We’re taking on water slowly sinking; lets jettison these two./p pThe above are my words. br /I listen and think of others not only conservative butbr /ultra conservative stations whooping up this “Star Wars, br /Floating Missle Denfense “shinola” System again./p pbr /Who can blame Mr. Putin for upgrades of Mother Russia’s Nuclear defense brwhen ourbUnilateral/bbr / br /uneven,br /one-sided, br /single,br / skewered, basymetrical,br /lopsided, br /unequal br /leader won’t change his mind on particular situations that call for deeper thinking and reasoning./b/p pbr /Isn’t this why we elect officials, for their ability to see farther than their own personal gain?br / br /Oh, G.W. was “Selected” by the Supreme Court not elected bybWe The people/b-I forgot that vital fact./p pbWe cannot go back to multi-headed ballistic nuclear missles./bbr / br /Remember the “One Nuke can ruin your day?” bWell, multi-headed ones from space will br /bFUCK THIS ONE WORLD PERMANENTLY!/b/b/p pbr /All this to militarize space. /ppI said it before and I repeat G.W. Bush Jr. is a man of yesteryear with rear-view-window vision./p pbr /Yes, we are a superpower however we need each other it happens with complexity./p pbr /We are not alone in the world we need cooporation not multi-phallis flexing. /p pbr /This Missile Defense System is a stupid move. /p pbr /I thought Conservative meant putting on brakes to keep cool heads and advance slowly to better futures./p pBut this administration is a - and I use the expression in the extreme is a brbHORRORSHOW.br / br /Is Bush a livingbr / br /“Clockwork?”br / br /Maybe Mr. Albert Gore never attacked G.W’s Jr. heart but his neural net or wetware may be contaminated by lead poisoning. /brb/p pbTHIS GUY’S AMERICAN FEATHER NEAR, HIS FRONTAL LOBES ISN’T CLICKED ALL THE WAY FORWARD./b/p pbr /Can we start impeachment proceedings now, or at least give him and "Heart-man" complete medical and psychological checkup starting with the latest M.I.R. scans./p pQuestion, is G.W.B. Jr. our early 21st.Century version of br /b‘Doctor Strange Love?/bbr / br /Is he really capable of snatching war out of the relatively shut mouth of peace? /p pbr /Is Mr. Yesteryear so afraid of peaceful coexsistance with other nations or boring things like improved health care for all, a future where spacers come in every hue, religion, sex, and living in space is so boring and routinebr / br /that fatalities are not as upsetting br /because every country has known grief while living and working in space's high frontier?/p pbr /I’m just speculating positive from negative aspects.br / br / Bush is acting very negative in his first year in office, good the more he reveals the more people can get him out of office in 2004. /p pbr /Sounds fair to me. Lets keep up another tradition like father, like son give 'em both one term in office./p pbr /Hope folks are taking notice of ‘Prez Bush and our socalled leaders and not just two browns across the bay. /p pIts ‘gettin scary ‘n hairy in Washingtoon, uh, ‘ton now Mr. Bush knowsbr / br /California is not an isolated case, this energy crisis? as other states start suffering brown/black outs, gas, oil, and other shortages./p pMr. Bush is talking a differently on it. /p pbr /There are choice words I’d say about this ultra conservative, God fearing, family values, moral, right wing administration.br / br /I won’t because there are others more elequent than I can ever be.br / br /So let them go prosy and sling wet dirt with a much larger circulation than I and the hard working scribes of Poor Magazine./p pbr /Please donate what can to Poor Magazine orbr / C/0 Ask Joe at 255 9th St. Street, San Francisco, CA. 94103 USA/p pFor Joe only my snail mail:br / PO Box 1230 #645br / Market St.br / San Francisco, CA 94102br / Email: askjoe@poormagazine.org/p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p