Police use leathal Force for Medical Energency.

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pstrongbLast Tuesday on June, 12, 2001br / Inside the Metreon Theaterbr / br /Mr. IDRIS STELLEY, a 23 year old/b/strong/p pblack man, shot to death by 8 policemen.br / br /His body riddled with 26 bullets.br / More questions of WHY Mmultiply. /p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Joseph Bolden/p pbr /And for what? a 1 to 3 inch penknife police say was larger weapon? br /bIs this the start of a cover-up, framming the dead?br / br /Won't Happen Now, With or Without Witnesses, This Is Not Going Down Asb"Rightous Shoot, End Of Story."/b/b/p pNo way not today Not Again Folks Because it can be br /any of us facing some out of control cop or bandbr / br /of brother's, sister's at the end of their '38,'45 or shotgun; Wanna Take That Chance? I Didn't Think So.br / /p pThe fact that his mother Mrs. Meesha is trainned in calming down her son and others with br /simular mental problems means nothing./p pInicially, she calls police for help with her son who has a mental disorder, I heard he was having bouts of depression.br / br /Even when Mrs. Meesha explains her son’s problem.br / br /All the police could think of is “LEATHAL FORCE.” shooting the young man so many times that they hit one of their own.br / br /This has happened again and again Mr. Dialo taking out his wallet outside his doorway at his own home in New York shot fourty times, or knocking on the wrong door in Oakland killing someone defending his home from intruders.br / br /Its always been a gastly bleakbNightmare in America/b for people of color especially black folk in particular. /p pJust as in England blacks,Indians (of India and Indian Decent), Pakistani peoples or Irish/Scottish were treated less than human in that country. I say that knowing that these people know how a word, look, or any control method can be mean death to persons under the oppressor’s yoke. /p pI do not know all the details but I do know since the br /Mother was there, she knows what her son had and it was no weapon.br / br /This reminds of rap and video by 'N.W.A., "Digital Underground, “911 is a joke in our town” or Ice-T's “Cop Killer.” Remember all the flack Ice went through to the point of then President Bush Sr. used him as hisbr / scapegoat ticket for another term in the White House./p pThe Police (not the one with ‘Sting’) but the blue guys and women with guns blazing wanted no one to buy Ice-T’s CD because of its content told people to defend themselves, take a few ‘em with them if ‘somethin broke off. Meanwhile “cops killing” goes on in communities all over this country./p pMost police uphold, abide by the law, work within the system even thebr / hotshots know where to draw the line from lawlessness; but other br /jerks in uniforms make everyone fear all cops./p pHere’s an Idea, Get rid of the rotten driftwood and the black silhouette. Instead use multicolor ones.br / br /those black silhouette in use now make all black people living, breathing targets without the need of a bullseye-since our whole body to police is the /ppb BULLSEYE!/b /ppten years later, a brand new century young black men are still seen asbr /bTARGET PRACTICE/b It’s time for an updatedbr /b“COP KILLER, BEAM ‘EM DEAD. ten album CD set along with all the other ills. Use Rap instruct our young and old in street survival it seems many of us have forgotten the price paid "Living in AmeriKKKa."/b Someone will say I’m advocating violence./p pGet it right, I’m advocating survival, self defence, of anyone including those who gets jacked up by cops just because cops can jack‘u up. One of the best ways to fight this bGOON SQUAD MENTALITY IS GATHERING EVIDENCE OF THIS DEADLY PATTERN ALL OVER THE COUNTRY THEN INTRODUCE AND DEMAND LASTING CHANGES TO THIS "DEADLY TARGET PRACTICE."/bbr / br /If I ever do buy a gun, lets just say one will not be enough I might have to invest in bullet proof vests, and gas masks too. Notice what the police ware to counteract riots and we as citizens should do the same they don't have all the firepower bTHEY WANT US TO THINK THEY DO./bbr / I’m beginning to thinkbpigs/bas long as they can some will go on “Joykills” being a powerful group they can always say b“THE SITUATION ESCALATED OUT OF CONTROL, SORRY ABOUT THAT.”/b Remember Appology as policy, do a public appology and keep on killing people.br / br /This Tuesday, June, 19, 2001 on the steps of Thomas C. Hill Hall of Justice at 850 Briant St. there is a new media feeding frenzy.br / br /Mr. Van Jones, Executive Director of PoliceWatch held a tight reignbr / on the media explaining the circumstances of another young man’s death.br / Mr. Jones said “S.F.P.D. Protocol responce is Deadly, training is escalate, escalate, escalate.”br / br /After this a silent prayer for the fallen young 23 year old./p pThere are signs protesting the way police killed the man some of them read,br / br /b911 = Blood Bath, pCalled The Police, Better Call The Ambulance, /ppPolice Road Rage, br /A Cops Fears, Equals a Mother’s tears, /pp26 bullets, Another Dead Black Man, br /Swiss army pocket knife does not call for 26 Bullets./p/b /p pQuestions float about Mr.br / Idris having head wounds and police denialbr / while morticians working on the body indicate reconstruction problems with Mr. Stelley's head. /p pI don't know I haven't view the young man's bodybthrough close relatives, close friends who did canbr / br / shed more light on this./b/p pThe full truth will outbr / br / and this time it won't take years to uncover./p pPolice have to be trained in fundamental new ways on how to cope with a changing society, that color and mental disablility cannot be solved with stun guns, bean bags, rubber bullets, or tranquilizer darts.br / br /Incidently, why didn’t they bring alternative defense/subdue weaponsbr / in case they were needed?/p pThe police needbr / schooling in altinate kinds of in br /defence of life not just the taking of it. /p pCops might have to keep their vests and visors on 365 daysbr / a year, 24 hours a day year in, year out, br /until they learn they work for the public not to br /isolate and kill them. /p pPlease donate what you br /can to Poor Magazine orbr / br /C/0 Ask Joe at 255 9th br /St. Street, San br /Francisco, CA. 94103 USA/p pFor Joe only my snail mail:br / br /PO Box 1230 #645br / br /Market St.San Francisco, br /CA 94102br / br / Email:askjoe@poormagazine.br / orgbr / /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p