Original Post Date
2001-06-19 11:00 PM
Original Body
pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TDIMG SRC= "../sites/default/files/arch_img/363/photo_2_supplement.jpg" //td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD
pby Leroy Moore/p
pbSave our Disabled Brothers Sisters! /bbr /
br /COME Express Your Thoughts,br /
br /Solutions and Network/p
pJuly 14th 1-5 @ CENTRO DEL PUEBLObr /
br /474 Valencia St. San Francisco Second Floor cross Street 16th a block frombr /
br /16th Mission Bart Station/p
pbCrimes Brutality Againstbr /
People with Disabilities/b/p
pDo you know the rate ofbr /
violent crimebr /
is 5 to 10 times higherbr /
against peoplebr /
with disabilities than against the general public?/p
p* Many of these crimes are not reportedbr /
but when they are the testimony of victims with disabilities are not taken seriously./p
p* Do you knowbr /
there has beenbr /
a rise ofbr /
police shootingsbr /
of people withbr /
mental illnessbr /
especially poor peoplebr /
of color?/p
pBecause of this there has beenbr /
an increasebr /
demand for disabilitybr /
training of police officers./p
pA groundbreaking network to bring people with disabilities,br /
advocates, services providers,br /
law enforcements and local media together.br /
There will be panel discussions and presentations by disabled advocates,br /
SFPD ADA Coordinator andbr /
Resources etc../p
pSponsored by Disability Advocates of Minorities Organizationbr /
Co-Sponsors: Crime Victims with Disabilities Initiative,br /
San Francisco Coalition on Homelessness br /
Poor Magazine/p
pFor more information call Leroy Moore atbr /
(415) 586-2047 orbr /
E-mail a href="mailto:sfdamo@Yahoo.com"sfdamo@Yahoo.com/abr /
Scent free environment!br /