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pstrong pbr /Recently my birthday passed,br / it was celebrated quietly with littlebr / fanfare. Which is how I like it, beingbr / a thousand plus. /p pbr /All kidding aside, its a daybr / closer to the reaper’s scythe. /p pThe irony is our applied sciencesbr / makes it harder to strike us all down,br / sooner than later death’s blade willbr / break from / /p/strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Joseph Bolden/p pbbr /I was born nine years after World War II, ten years before the end of WW II‘s Baby Boom./b /p pI’ve heard there is a w-site dedicated to this vast middle group I am part of by sheer chance./p pbr /Its funny that our squeezed in-group sees what’s happening to our brother’s and sister’s ahead of us and tries to warn our younger siblings how it’s changing. /p pbr /Two books, 1 called "The Age Wave" and another "Third Wave" comes to mind./p pbr /Did you think any of you would be here alive, healthy, married with children, wealthy, or poor in the Twenty First Century?/p pbr /I am still pissed at being gypped out individual jet packs, anti-gravity belts, rings, boots, or rolling roads that people can stand or sit as moving sidewalks conveys them to where they want to go with or without automated computer guided cars. /p pbr /and hoverboards the size of skate and surfboards with child or adult auto-safety devices enbedded in these sports itemes. /p pWe men have found that we are as complex as womenbr / claim they are, that they can indeed rape us if they have a weapon or are physically stronger [think of China] that beautifully sculptured, tall, sexy amazon lady wrestler./p pbr /Some women say don’t need us, can clone us, themselves or even given time improve on the original model. The exact same argument can be said of women by men. /p pbr /These battles of the Sexes wars without sex is exhaustion without the fun. /p pbr /Men and Women sitting out the battle engaging with each other will produce offspring that will end this insane war./p pbr /My future plans are simple be, healthier, stronger, more intelligent, sensitive to my own needs before worrying about others, most importantly maintaining a sense of humorbr / about myself, the world around me and to leaveb[if and when I do]/bthis world slightly better than when I entered it./p pbr /My one disappointment is that young folks haven’t kidded each other on the "thousand years" millennium jokes./p pbr /Dad, mom, what did you do before DVD’s and Virtual Immersion Games?/p pbr /How does it feel being 500 to 1000 years old?br / br /Son, you’re a thousand years old you just look 13, 15, 18, 20, 25 and so on./p pbr /"It's true everyone in grade school, Jr. high, college, university, undergraduate, graduate school, all have turned 500 to a thousand years old at the stroke of twelve midnight at the end of 2000." /p pbr /Ok, so everyone is sophisticated and its all-so-2000 already; it doesn’t mean all fun is dead, let us celebrate anew our survival as a global species in this new age./p pbr /Problems sure, death, illness, dying, granted but all human beings are on this floating rainbow jewel in space. /p pbr /We better take care of it like a sacred talisman or we won’t survive long enough to spread ourselves off world and beyond our solar system./p pbr /That’s one of our varied futures if we dare take up the challenge. Dare I say, quest?/p pbr /That’s enough. I’ve got to find a place to swim after doing Tai Chi exercise either in the City or Berkeley across the bay. /p pbr /I’d like to be living in the 22nd century and beyond. But there are a few things to do this century. /p pbr /Getting back in shape for my own wellbeing is a start. Live Long, and prosper./p pbr /Please send donations to Poor Magazine C/0 Ask Joe at 255 9th St. Street, San Francisco, CA. 94103 USA/p pbr /For Joe only my snail mail:PO Box 1230 #645 Market St. San Francisco, CA 94102br / / orgbr / /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p