No thanks, Mr. Bush

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pstrong a letter to the editor at PNN/strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TDIMG SRC= "../sites/default/files/arch_img/334/photo_1_feature.jpg" //td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Cynthia Cravens /p pDear Poor News Network,/p pI plan to return my check for my tax return to Mr. Bush with a notebr / saying, "No thanks. I don't need this money that badly. You took me forbr / a special interest, but you were wrong. I'm an American citizen and Ibr / will not be bought. This money should have been spent by my governmentbr / to ensure that all Americans have access to medical care; to nourishbr / basic, disinterested research into energy generation; to promote abr / decent standard of living and educational opportunities for America'sbr / poor and middle class; and, most importantly, to provide for publicbr / financing of federal elections so that our institutions of governmentbr / will, once again, be respected."/p pI will send copies of this letter to the New York Times, the Sanbr / Francisco Chronicle, my US Senators and Representatives, and the IRS./p pRegards,/p pCynthia Cravens /p p*****************************************/p pbi Another letter to the Bush Administration/i/b/p pChaos In California- An open Letter to the Bush Administration br / br /From Dee Gray/p pDear W: /p pSince you have been in office, your administration has done nothing but cause chaos in our country. “Unite the Country,” was that not your slogan? You have done more to divide this country than any other administration I have known. You are attempting to isolate California with your assaults, as if we are not a part of the United States! Subtle messages in the press like “California is taking all your energy!” from Republican administrations in other states further your crusade to alienate California. /p pWhat a difference in the United States between now and a few months ago, when Clinton was president. Chaos reigns now. This chaos of rolling blackouts, stock market dips and confusion, disinformation about the economy and jobs. And the worst of it, of course, is in California./p pPerhaps California to you is just too powerful a place, filled with terrible people you and your right wingers disdain, like Hollywood whores and pimps, hippies, protesters, queers, potheads, leftist talk show hosts, and last but not least, Democrats. What was it you used to call them, Commie Pinko Queers? /p pIf you’ve read the recent census report, you should know that California is no longer “White.” Latinos are now outnumbering all other ethnic groups in California. You claim to be so caring of Latinos- or are those just Latinos in Texas? Do they have some unique quality that California Latinos do not possess? Perhaps when it comes to the vote?/p pThe energy crisis exploded when you took office. Your idea is to force California to spend all of its money on energy, and force Silicon Valley entrepreneurs to relocate or go out of business. You hope is to weaken California even more than the rest of the country, force us to our knees until we cry “uncle” and beg you to drill for oil in Alaska and along the California coast. You weaken EPA regulations for air pollution but you do nothing to develop and promote alternative and renewable energies. You negotiate with the Arabs to produce less oil so that you can further put the squeeze on this country to destroy wildlife habitats and the natural beauty of these environments. Why should you have interest in wildlife? Your interest is in keeping us dependent on oil. That’s where the money is!/p pMr. Cheney and the oil interests have used California as a guinea pig. With such a successful energy crisis, why would they stop now? Think of the profit that may be gained by putting the same pressure on the rest of the country, as Mr. Cheney has predicted! You, Dick, and your oil buddies must be salivating at this prospect. You needn’t be bothered with Arab nations when you exploit this crisis and expand oil drilling here at home. You can raise and lower prices of energy at will in the true spirit of capitalism, justified by Cheney’s staggeringly ridiculous claim that we are not technologically advanced enough to utilize wind and solar energy. Will the whole nation following California into such third-world status?/p pIn fact, I’m beginning to see startling similarities between the Bush Administration and the oppressive Taliban in Afghanistan. After the Taliban destroyed all the statues of Buddha in their country, they said they knew that they had done the right thing because badly needed rains began to fall in Afghanistan. In the end, what will be your justification for the chaos you are creating in California and our nation? /p pSincerely, Dee,br / br /An American in California,br / br /still one of the states in this / br /A Californian who will vote for a presidentbr / br /in a state where Latinos outnumber whitesbr / br /and where citizens also care aboutbr / br /Little League / /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p