Original Post Date
2001-06-04 11:00 PM
Original Body
p This column is less personalbr /
then my second one. Though I ambr /
a wee bit ticked off, let me explain./p
pby Joseph Bolden/p
pIts Saturday May, 26 on Monday May, 28 2001 which is Memorial Day a movie will be shown that I planned on Saturday or Sunday. /p
pIt’s "PEARL HARBOR" already its called a winner in the mega buck category./p
pDisney Studios is sure to get its share and then some for showing it before and on Memorial Day./p
pPersonally I’m ready to see it now rather than Monday but being a mandatory thing at Poor Magazine it makes me feel prejudicial against it. /p
pI had plans on seeing "Shrek,Spy Kids, and Thebr /
Animal. /p
pSo I honestly have to disqualify my views on the film because of this and other circumstances when watching it for example:/p
p1.Other plans than this movie./p
p2. It will be really long (3hrs.), loud, and bright, since I haven’t been to many rock concerts and my ears and work well. /p
p3. my weak eyes will be strained to the point of pounding headaches–it won’t be enjoyable. /p
pBut a few items will be used to ease those problems.br /
I'm gonna try to sleep through the whole thing./p
pPearl Harbor is about the Japanese supposedly sneak attack on December 7,1941 that brought America into World War 11./p
pBen Affleck, Josh Hartnett, Kate Beckensale as love interest and Alex Baldwin and Cuba Gooding Jr. (as unknown hero Black oops Negro guy.[hope he doesn’t get killed in the movie.]/p
pThis ends part1 on my dubious before after preview of the P.H. flick./p
pPart 2 begins and ends on Tuesday May, 29. Memorial Day. /p
pI may have to go to this movie epic but I do not have to see all of it./p
pI'll look at some before a well deserved nap. /p
pSo folks, tell me about the other films I missed that you enjoy. /p
pPS This is why I'd be a lousy critic./p
p©Joseph Bolden/Staff Writerbr /
Poor Magazine/p
pPlease send donations to Poor Magazine C/0 Ask Joe at 255 9th St. Street, San Francisco, CA.94103 USA/p
pFor Joe only my snail mail:br /
PO Box 1230 #645 Market St.br /
San Francisco, CA 94102br /
Email:askjoe@poormagazine.br /