Clear Minds

Original Author
Original Body

I have written columns on many topic over the years of 1998 to 2001. I hope some of ‘em show my improvement over the years.

Revealing bits of myself is at best
stressful, at worst, slow torture.

by Joseph Bolden

Is my writing unique? That’s up to viewers out there. Being eclectic and spouting off on various subjects can be frustrating and confusing. Some you may not have not seen my work due to a combination of human and mechanical errors or rolling blackouts. Any donation to Poor or myself, even just a tiny bit is a bench mark to see if readers actually read my work. I hope my words get people to think before blindly reacting. We all know the danger of "blind reaction" from work, road, and school shootings.

There is also the more chilling danger of killings done not out of blind reaction but done by those with well thought out plans that result in mass murders. The 1995 Oklahoma Federal Building bombing is an extreme example of this.

The Supreme Court ruling against the use of medical marijuana, even in legitimate and dire cases where people are trying to relieve the pain of Glaucoma or where people are dying from AIDS, is very troubling. It shows a merciless disregard for human suffering.

It’s a perfect means of criminalization. People self-medicating with medical marijuana end up in jail. This is another example of our laws and leaders mentally "tripping" back in time instead of moving forward. Can we spell CHANGE THE FEDERAL LAW? Am I the only one seeing this robotic, knee jerk weirdness?

That’s it for me. I’ll be at a family function for a couple of days in late May, so stay connected (only when needed).

Here’s the pitch again folks–please send any comments and donations you can to Poor Magazine
C/0 Ask Joe
255 9th Street
San Francisco, CA 94103

For Joe only my snail mail:
PO Box 1230 #645
Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
