Twin Dreams

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Mr. Yesterday Pt.2
And a Quest In Space.

Two men of wealth and power
work to win their prize, both endeavors
seem impossible tasks. One going for America’s top job, President of The United States.
The other, a once-in-a-lifetime ride into space.

by Joseph Bolden

A new President’s first 100 days usually called “The Honeymoon Phase" before the difficult work of coordinating between Governors, Mayors, Senators, the Congress, other politicians and, power brokers around the world.

Select President G.W. Bush plain speaking sounds like a friendly, personable and a good person in groups or in one-on-one situation but his policy on energy, semi pathological single minded handling of California’s energy woes.

Ignoring alternative energies like solar, wind, bio-mass, geothermal, hydroelectric power, microwave, electromagnetic, or human power.

Instead, Mr. Bush, the 2nd. using some of his vast power and wealth to seek solutions he going back in time to oil, drilling for more gooey, viscous, dead, and buried prehistoric animals, nuclear power plants and recently billions of tons of coal.

Remember “Coal” folks - how coal miners slowly died from coal dust in their lungs or cave-ins or fires? Oil, Coal, what’s next Wood burning stoves, horse power with real horses? It seems this administration is doing everything in its power to brake California but it’ll back fire because Cali-folk not only dream they also create.

One of the things we might create is a way free ourselves from P.U.C. [Public Utility Commission ] and eventually electric grids all over the country. If some other state or county does it first we will learn and adapt their ways to ours.
This is why I call Mr. G.W. Bush, Mr. Yesterday because he’s using old oil and gas; instead of having America diversify as they may have America could be falling back to the smoke stack era of the 1900’s. Alternative Energy is highly expensive at first but as applied science moves on the less expensive it gets. If this new man-on-horseback won’t start an intensive, pro-active, energy policy pro-gram then we as the public all over the country will have to do it in groups or individually.

The 252-172 vote by a new Congress of a new bill the Unborn Victims of Violence Act passed on April 26, 2001 gives a fetus the same right as a person. Sounds like an end run around 1973 Row vs. Wade Womanize Right To Choose by elevating the legal status of prenatal development under federal law.

Essentially a pregnant woman fetus from clump of dividing cells to viable embryo has equal right of protection (person-hood). We already have laws protecting pregnant woman; this law can turns women into chattel protect the little lady, she’s helpless with child. It’s a mean backdoor law to eventually chip away all women’s right to choose by using their own wombs as weapons against them.

Ladies, young women, and girls of all ages this new federal law is another step backward. Before it gets any worse reclaim your reproductive rights and make it last in perpetuity.
I might be a dumb sticks guy but if you are not free we dumb sticks are next. So Wimmen, stay clear of those control freak men and women No Going Back! No Going Back!

The Other man is Mr. Dennis, Tito with Russian Cosmonaut Musabaev are on their way to the international space station by way of a Soyuz rocket.

Mr. Tito, is a 61-year-old California millionaire paying the Russian Space Agency $20,000,000 million for the privilege.

So he’s rich and don’t know which switch not to touch as for American training he’ll probably be taking pictures, learning how to eat and sleep, but most importantly he will learn and know how to use the ass-vacuum space toilet.

Mr. Tito, a former NASA engineer put his money where his dreams were not for fame, glory, or publicity but for his own personal vision. I ask how many people with the resources, time, stamina, and strength of will would take such a chance?

America made a deal with Russia and its mission is still a go there’s an extra passenger on board is all. What ever happens Mr. Dennis Tito next rockets safely to earth he will have more fame than he ever anticipated. Between reporters, movie moguls, books, appearances, his friends, family you know more people will want to go to experience the starlit-deep black of endless space!

A personal Quest is the name of Mr. Tito’s long dream. He did it at 61 years young not many of us will follow our goals to its conclusion as Mr. Tito has. Good luck, to a Citizen Spacer and tourist; I hope there are more after him.

It is time for humanity to spread from earth to all immensity and I believe it can be done safely, cheaply, and regular. We are an intelligent, creative, and quick-study adaptive species with capabilities hard wired and many more we’re about to scare ourselves with if we move to fast discovering them.

Next time: some ideas on preventing asteroids hitting earth.

Questions? Opinions? You Know The Drill Folks.

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