Two Mom's Minus Dad's. We keep this up and real flesh and blood Peoplekind become rare and exotic.

Original Author
Original Body

Children are still being born,right?

If The Battle of sexless is winning...

keep me among among sexually functioning

I the battle of the sexes I'm a deserter
anyone with me?

by Joe B.

Fake Wombs,Two Mom’s And Zero Dad’s

Between experimental artificial wombs of 2000 and today’s "Males need not apply" at the lower page in the middle of the ever shrinking "The Examiner Weekly newspaper I’m wonder if both sexes have it wrong?

Its seems if men are redundant for pumping out trillions of gallons of spermatozoa that women can extract without flesh on flesh pleasure principle for procreation fake womb renders women as redundant.

I still maintain women and men are both equally brilliant and a the same time profoundly stupid.

Girls think quicker, better verbal,emotional intelligence until about 14 it may be 10 now its when they think of boys but its not the ones learning applied sciences, literature,or into politics its jocks,body builder’s,flashy ones with cars they go ga ga over.

It may take a decade or so until they are tired of being mistreated, disrespected,emotionally, and physically.

Boys take longer growing out of awkwardness some remain so we go for the too early ample girls with breasts and backs
( buttocks) teasing them mercilessly making them feel like freaks just as boys too skinny,tall,fat, are girls and boys are cruel in they’re desperate way of fitting in indeed its one of the only times where true individualism rings somewhat hollow.

As with men they find years later how petty, mean,idiotic they were.

So as to which of our species fem or men is superior/inferior of the other is really illogical because as if science and technology has its way both men and fem’s will make ourselves so redundant that may be artificial fem’s and men will take over real men and women as we continue stupidly argue who’s the best sex.

Women are as corruptible as men I say that knowing the pure human motive beyond sex roles.

Some women in power have shown it already through out time.

Ladies,look up your Herstory you already know His.

As for economics take whole chapter’s out of males books just add your own penmanship to it if you want change do what men do buckle down and get to work if men are stupid and can be controlled by our bio–physical urges then for Goddess sake use what you know to gain access and power then don’t be selfish with your sister’s and share it as men do when most aren’t looking.

All I see is male bashing jokes with no power behind it and though some women’s perfect men are gingerbread and snowmen there are many perfect men out there one may be for you and not others and there lies the answer,there are perfect men for those women who love what they have and stop trying to change what they have and for those who’ve found their mates don’t share secrets with your friends and family especially bedroom and the odd problem ones.

One thing about turning 50 its no in crowd worries, one can be him or her self without friends buzzing telling you what’s cool everyone can be cool as they want to be.

My odd little quest is seeing how long I can live in great health while delaying,slowing, stopping,and reversing my aging process that’s my personal adventure and it’s a multi disciplinary aspects before there was friends,school,limited travel,girls,women, bumming around in California,trade schools, surviving homelessness, more learning,political organization (not I) a fuzzed up,blurry future that has come into clear focus.

I do not know where life extensions road will lead may be a short one but if not let’s say I’ll be around choosing whatever it means to live in changing times.

One thing it will take long to find out is if inserting other species after getting them human compatible would be very interesting what our human imagination would come with.

I’m not completely void of happenings outside my personal sphere.

A great neighborhood beat cop both young folks and adults connected with is ambushed and killed of course ‘Thin Blue Line ranks close wanting justice on Officer Isaac Espinoza’s behalf his family and the force as a whole but the "2000 cops strong" attitude only means it was 2001 and going half cocked can whittle down their number one by one or in groups.

Death Penalty For Cop Killer’s is what Mr. Gary Delagnes,Police Union says he and the rank and file officers want.

A snag is D.A. Kamala Harris Ideologically opposed to capital punishment Harris has ruled out the death penalty for life with out parole for David Hall.

Police Chief Heather Fong is also want death for Davis,no revelation there.

Lots of innocent people have been railroaded and have been freed chemical death after being on death row for years that’s torture enough for years snatched away for fitting profiles.

Prosecutors and cops ego’s on the line bent on legal killing what they truly thought a guilty turns innocent.

All I say is if it’s a federal crime to kill law enforcement officer the same should be for "accidental, righteous shoots of citizen’s. Police face mostly deadly paperwork with high moments of excitement in the heat of car or on-foot hot pursuit of suspects.

If a cops life is worth an automatic death sentence then innocent lives taken should afford cops automatic trip to the death chamber without possibility of life behind bars.

Yeah, cops want know they are not beyond law, no freebie shooting at suspects with hands up weaponless,or suspicious looking objects such as wallets,pens,or deadly glowing cell phones. Folks it better to buy bullet proof vests that covers everything and have it light enough so you can run when weapons are aimed and shaking.

Target practice is normal in ghetto,barrios, reservation,there ‘po folks walking unarmed is like a free duck shoot to cops.

Its way past time to arm ourselves when law enforcement is literally the enemy! Learn gun safety,martial arts (you may have to register guns but keep unarmed combat to yourself it may save you if the psychological advantage is yours.

Police are enshrined gun toting legalized gangs with powers of life and death but as we’ve sadly seen even the good one fall because to harassed citizen’s are weary of all cops.

Until there are more humane instruction most interaction with police are potentially deadly the wild west,north,east,and south are still around only its wares gray,blue uniforms and see everyone outside of uniform as other,not them, in a us vs. them mentality.

Be careful folks they still play slave catcher even though slaves no longer exist in America.

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