'Yep,my "P-Q"at first seems selfish
but its altrusim at its best.
Someone has to live through these
times why not me or... some of you out there?
May your own quest as daunting and worth
the search,endure and enjoy your journeys.
by Joe B. A Personal Quest Well,folks a second column for the unseen public who are not able to write me because of excess spam may some of you get through someway,somehow, so dialog(s) can begin. I remember reading Ann Fairbairn’s Five Smooth Stones about Joseph Champlin and his growing up from the early 1930’s through the 40’s,1950’s, and ‘60’s it is a book worth reading and pondering on but like Flower’s For Algernon the ending is too hard to take and I could never read those two books again. Both Charlie and Joseph go struggle succeed only to fail one because of a chemical that a turns Charlie from a slow retarded man into a genius only to return back to his state of slow wittedness. Joseph,an intelligent, sensitive,college educated young man falls in love with a white woman despite his friends and family he commits to marriage because he does love this woman and she returns his love. A child is born and at a pivotal moment Joseph after an accident causing him to walk with a slight limp he again faces a civil rights orientated situation which doesn’t end well. I am tired of Rainbow(Caucasians) included but mostly non white’s dying to live first for their rights, then for money,fame. We have been dying shedding blood in war,by police,chased,de-balled, chard alive,chased like animals by mobs,KKK,or just for fun following their father’s teachings. Isn’t time we as men stop setting our selves up as targets for hunting. Bad enough we have a history of being set up by police to end up behind bars. As a Black Man approaching 50 venturing though youth most girls ignored me,kept me at arms length which saved me during the late 70’s and 80’s before I knew about AIDS. I met a few women learning about care, jealousy,and break us. Finally a long term relationship with a lovely,sensuous,serious minded Black Woman and a friendship with a younger one completed a long process of delayed growing up. My life has been difficult but not really as troubled as some of my brother’s and sister’s I see damaged women and men and wonder if I’ll ever be faithful married man to the woman who chose me as hers soul mate for life. A low wage job,on Section 8,in the sometimes dangerous Tenderloin area of Market Street in San Francisco is not what most woman think of as date/mate material. Even being in the City taints me as other than heterosexual even though my original home is New York,near the Bronx, Queens,and Park Avenue then moving to Oakland and Berkeley California or visa versa and while homeless learning silk screening,painting, environmentalart,and photography gave so may directions its difficult following one. At this point I’m thinking of a longer span of life I owe it to myself to live,love,experience, as long as possible but the radical thing for me is see if it is possible to slow down and reverse my own aging process first struggling on my own then with help of Gerontology. Most people live their lives either quietly, adventurous,or inbetween I would really would like to try this way of living, has it been done before surely yes, but now if I had help from the government and followed some of they dictates minus too little sex. (I’ve done that already) I would like a small stipend and there should be others doing the same as I. What would be the purpose of this living longevity study? How about living longer and the results published so many more people can do the same but not under government care as we guinea pigs. First as now I’ll struggle along giving up most of the foods, desserts,meats,all that cause to age the interior of the body,deep mental techniques,exercises to help further reverse maybe rejuvenate tissues throughout the body. Later if a year then 2,3,up to 5 happens more will be possible until there is a limit then some cloning replacement parts, as the process of de-aging continues and some if not all of become younger there will be sexologist’s testing us further or our girlfriends,wives may do the honors checking on our complete sexual functioning. It sounds science fictional but I’m starting now because there is no time like the present to go for this after all life should be enjoyed to its fullest and want more life for its fullest enjoyment. If I succeed alone well its only I who’ll benefit but if the government or a life extension cartel with vast amount of knowledge can help then it speeds the way for everyone. So,people,this is my quest and I don’t think I’m fighting windmills but it will take others doing the same thing to see what I’m about. For the rest of you thinking me completely cracked even if I learn to slow,delay,and reverse my personal aging process. If I can do it exactly the same way 50,60,70,or 80,times all it means is by 2030,40,or 2074,2084,I might not be an immortal that’s not the aim. The aim is to simply be alive and healthy. My other question is where will you reader’s be? That’s it,my two columns,email or snail mail me especially Life Extension and Immortalist organizations. Please tell where I can find studies on how to best do this self experiment without harming my self. Thank You Snail or Email Joe at: Email: askjoe@poormagazine.org |