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by Joe B. 2 For 1 Column Day Today is a special [I know,"you’ve written long columns before Joe."] True in the past 3-4, even 6 pages long or more this time its on purpose an not an accident of prose overflow. The first is about the recent "Poor People’s Congress" From P.O.W. E.R. [People Organized to Win Employment Rights It is a mass meeting of the above and other like minded organizations sick and tired of getting the shit end of San Francisco. On Saturday,April. 17, 2004 the meeting began late but you know brown ‘n black bro’s and sister’s are first we meet,talk, catch up on each other, friends,and family are stomach and thirst then we concentrate on real serious business of worker rights for all. A slide show from of Early Barbary Coast’s (S.F.) wild west past how emigrants from Aisans, Mexico,Original American’s,Blacks,Whites, and Pan Pacific Islander’s from the late the mid 1800’s (19th century and early 20th century help create the City we know and some of us love today. But everyone of these worker’s time and again are given a raw deal as their communities became poorer while the blood, sweat,and toil meant profit and opulent wealth for those on Nob Hill, Pacifica,and other wealth communities. A vote on a platform to give the majority of working people in this city a say in what happens in their lives and not to forced out when rents sky rocket because of reckless speculation, greedy real estate developers,and equally greedy land lords wanting convert their building into profit making loft or office building complexes not from any problem caused by tenants but for how much green to be made. Mult lingual chants, a food break,question and answer, and play on how P. I.C.[Private Industry Council] playing politics with lives of single adults and families. Next a call for to spread involvement into an unstoppable movement to create real affordable housing not the oxymoron it means now. Questions and Comments were next followed by a two man rap group I’ve forgotten but their four songs though all were deep and makes you think. Myself fell in and out of sleep sitting comfortably in the basement of Boniface Church. It was an uplifting event which will grow because too many people and families middle income and less are shafted out of their fair share. By 2:20 my second black bean and rice,taco,carrot cake, and grape juice lunch was done its time to bid ado to return home before returning the digital data machine, mikes,wire and bag they came in back to Poor Magazine on the same night that day. All I say is there’s to many fed up,intelligent, poor folks out of work and they have lots idle time figuring out solutions to most of the problems they have not cause but are constantly scape-goated for and whatever befalls the silk hatted, Champaign,Caviar,bunch (though most mind you are innocent doing everything to help their fellow working,low waged San Franciscan’s) For those guilty of corruption and grievous gobbling of excess money not really needed by folks who’ve already are wealthy as can be. Got any ideas out there? Hard working women, men,and families need all the help against forces arrayed against them. Snail or Email Joe at: Email: askjoe@poormagazine.org |