Aging,Good & Bad. I can date women 25 to 30 or more without guilt.

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Finally got a new P.O.Box.

Color Photo's(women)and money order.

Photo's Optional but would like money
orders with $$$ in 'em.

by Joe B.


Good news people,just rented a P.O. Box so if readers want to send slow mail or send email by slow mail they can.

As for the(women only) sending nude or scantily clad photo’s of themselves I have one answer for them… Please make sure they are color copies and not your only great sexy photo of you that you have.

Nearly two weeks past I was invited to the first I.S.F.[Idriss Stelly Foundation] named in honor of Mrs. Mesha Monge- Idrzarry son who at age 22 was executed by nine S.F.P.D. in the Metreon movie theater.

48 shots on June 13, 2001 nearly three years ago.

For her and Mrs. Sandra Juanita Cooper who's Mesha’s best friend and as near a second mother to Idriss as her child was close to a sibling.

Out of this heart crushing tragedy a mother, friends,and those who knew Mr. Idriss Stelly and parents of slain children formed a foundation to combat police preying on youth and adults."NO PIGS IN THE HOOD"

When I went to 4921 3rd. Street in Hunter’s Point on Sunday Feb. 21, 2 pm.

I had nearly forgotten how Mesha looked after the first few months of her son’s death.

Though she won a $500,000 wrongful death against the Police department at the time she was so pale,had lost so much weight that I feared between her deep inconsolable grief she she might succumb from it. Hosted by B.V.H.P. Sista’s Ms. Sandra-juanita Cooper/Mesha Monge – Irigarry

I didn’t know how strong her heart,spirit was or that from her friends and the Hunter’s Point Community rallied behind her and in the sharing of other parent’s losses of children enabled and may have strengthened Mesha’s own resolve not to give in but fight back not only for her son but also for other son’s, daughter’s,father’s, mother’s,and friends taken cruelly from friends and loved ones.

Vegitarian,meat eater’s food abounded songs, speeches,I cannot name all who are there but it was great enveloping of love spilling about a determined,strong,firm, justice,for fallen and still threatened community by an occupying force called the San Francisco Police Department.

Also I met an engaging gentleman also of BVHP Community Radio 103.3 FM. Sunday,6 pm – 8pm.

Now,I don’t know how I could be on that show with my pitiful grumbling about the odd twists of fate befalling us all but I must try and hope my voice lends strength to others in the beleaguered HP community.

Of age and learning.

At this late date in my life I’m sort of glad I didn’t get married and maybe women saw that steering away or using as extra sweat exercise.

An though I talk about lesbian and straight women as two sides of coin I know from each one I’ve learned valuable lessons from letting my guard down though not completely to listening (sometimes I’m still in solution mode) but its getting better and that at times women just want to be heard and not necessarily solve their problems.

Being on lots of adult rated dating sights wasn’t part of my job so I’ll have to continue that at home.

An online persona of mine is "clitluvguy"yeah, just what reader’s are thinking "a sick user/screen name."

But as I’ve said in a few chat rooms I was being as honest as I can but found out later it’s the online equivalent of a smoky dance club bars with people in not on their best behavior at least packaged as a pleasing image.

I wanted not to have any bars to anyone who was real and online really dating that’s why the intimate pink or red dot is always filled because it my true wants of down to earth,real flesh on flesh safe sex skin meshing.

And if readers still don’t know who I am just think of a certain story lines or online literary cyber sex.

I did enjoy mixing real and false in the Boudoir.

I was new,and at times antagonistic with an acid wit and foul mouth with a scientific bent.

I never updated simply because I didn’t have enough money and also I was at work.

I’ll say this, there was something fresh injected on that and other online dating sites.

So if you know who I was or am on your site maybe some of you can snail or email me sometimes there is one of you that writes semi regularly who’s son I hope and pray is doing and feeling better,I don’t know if that’s the case so I still pray just in case.

I’m about to turn the big 5 – 0 but its not as big a deal for the fact that many times I should’ve of died from almost drowning as a child in New York’s Orchard Beach,silly risk taking roof jumping,hopping backs of bus bumpers,or being mistaken for some gang group.

I can still be shot, stabbed, for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

As for dance clubs I think a slower,slightly older group will be safer and less rejection because when one is younger we’re so into looks,cars, presentation,and image its very hard to separate flash,style,and image from subtle,quiet,real.

A beer at a table, unhurried conversation, and time for all the subtleties mature adults can command for steady or one night stands.

I’m sure mature elder adult men and women take more time and half less worries than 20 or 30 some-things finding feeling their way around.

So readers,of on line date sites,I mean meet‘n mate folks for real flesh encounters not cyber cam games.

PS My new PO Box below PM donations.

So send me something. Questions,Photo’s women(color) or whatever
you think and if I can email you back.

(I’ve only had one person’s feed back by email.Come on(Are You… Chicken?

Donations C/0 Poor Magazine

1448 Pine Street #205

San Francisco, CA 94103

For Joe only my snail mail:
PO Box 1230 #204
Market St.
San Francisco, CA 94102

