Longevity Race. No Revolutionary Suicide for me, someones gotta live to tell WHAT'S UP.

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Five decades soon to be,what
sort of person shall I continue evolving
to be?

Life,rough,tough,tender,rude,all is
change all is in flux.

by Joe B.

Longevity Race

While contemplating my first fifty years on earth I also wondered will my delayed youth,learning to slow,reverse,and otherwise intervene in my personal life span what will happen in the next 10 to 20 years hence?

Between the temporary stoppage of Gay Marriage, Meteors floating about ready to deep impact earth,the flooding of the eastern and western seaboard,and future impact of therapeutic and recent process of cloned embryo’s and nanotechnology science,plus a few so called leaders in the white house what do you folks think upper most on my mind?

The ground hasn’t opened up to swallow so called sinners of same sex marriage.

Fire has not consumed anyone and even the HIV/AIDS virus though still alive and killing is being slowly beaten back by people acting more responsible and protective of themselves and their partners.

White House is the most worrying because if our leaders are riding on horseback going back to fossil and coal fuel instead taming nuclear and alternative energies.

The last thing worrying me is same sex marriages.

It may cause ideological,moral,and ethical considerations but its coming and it won’t be stopped by scared homophobic senators,an un-elected though selected president so freaked he’s willing to amend the constitution to make outlaw same sex unions.

The church,well institutions as these are here to keep order and stabilize society which is good except they become impediments to necessary change then they become problems to a society outgrowing dogmatic or outmoded concepts.

Being of roman catholic faith myself with nuns in their bat like outfits which I thought they turned into bats and sucked blood from bad little boys and girls.

Priests seem to be there with the sign of the cross telling you avoid girls while the nuns told girls avoid boys no wonder catholic girls were both angry and horny when they found they were set up by both parent and catholic church.

Getting back to Therapeutic and cloning Embryos make it possible not only to clone a human but also to avoid ethical concerns by bypassing creation a human for spare parts as in an old science fiction flick.
"The Clonus Horror where clones are created spare parts for their human hosts.

"The Clones" two films showing the mostly dark mechanisms of cloning in individual and or a government’s hands.

"Clone Master,a 1978 film is a bio chemist (Pat Hindle using replica’s (clones) of himself to thwart the planned destruction of a top- secret cloning project.

In creating clones of himself they quickly are human to him as they from the moment of full grown birth show they are exactly alike but different in personality.

Ms. Robyn Douglass plays love interest of the bio chemist helping her natural nurturing instincts turned on as she and boyfriend assist the clones in their birthing process.

Venerable Ralph Bellamy plays a wise scientist who at first doubts former students success until he’s breaking the law helping clones to survive government shut down of the project.

The clones are scatters using telepathy to contact their creator/father/ brother telling them of success and failure.

One is caught by police "Father they have my prints they think I’m you."

"Father my eyes,my vision is going

Father,I met a girl I think I’m in love, she wants to marry me."

The films ends with their creator and girlfriend going looking after them.

I think is was suppose to be a pilot where in every episode a clone dies.

I think the original move can be shown on the SCI Fi Channel and a new updated series can be based on it with surviving clones with families and even one or two clones creating younger versions of themselves.

Thanks to E!Online Movie Facts for information freely given.

I mention the three films just to say we’ve come a long way from science fiction to science fact.

I for one want to have cloning in my life so I can have a longer life but that doesn’t mean I’ll make a human then take his parts for me NO!

I want to separate parts grown for me from brain stem,veins,nerves, blood vessels,to other parts separated from each so as not to be human and cause him/her pain as they die just give me the parts un-whole and when that technology is perfected cloned parts minus human clone will make the "Do clones have souls?" mute.

Eggs that become embryos then grow into humans have souls are unique in themselves and are every bit as human no matter how they were created.

Reader’s you may have problems with cloning and other life saving,death, delaying sciences.

But if your child, mother,father,sister, brother,wife,has a chance to be safe, the lives made healthier,longer our you yourself would you deny them the chance?

That’s my question to all my readers out there, give the choice it the science was out here,how would you use it?

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