S.S.M. & Stem Cells, Or Which will shake us to our Foundations the most?

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Same Sex Marriage/Stem Cells
The first takes time the latter is
real gray grinder.

And Folks say'ol J.C.'Mr'G'
has no sense of humor.

by Joe B.

S.S.M. & Stem Cells Which is Bigger Deal?

Ok S.S.M’s are still going on by appointment and the world has not been swallowed up,covered in green-purple slime and spit out at least for now.

Protester pro and con argue both on the steps and inside gleaming floors,ceiling,and halls of City Hall.

Its all so Whole-new- set-of-problems-time as everyone across the country is up in arms over Same Sex Marriages and yet what does it all mean?

In my humble opinion it’s the old guard refusing to budge as change surrounds and supplants what has always been to many plain: Marriage between a man and a woman forming a unit with the begetting of children.

The problem with that premise is the origin of marriage wasn’t about of two souls united in the name of whichever deity chosen but a series of commitments,promises, laws,obligations, contracts,and less we forget ownership of one half said union woman.

Yes,women were seen as chattel and to married was for them slavery sometimes condemned to a living hell of forced sex by way of rape and beatings and bearing children became for many a death sentence and remember male children were and still somewhat to this day valued higher then females yet without those females no children male or female would be born.

There is also parentage.

While men married women for maid service and children it was also for property hence the all important dowry from females as payment by parents,or father,mother showing monetarily the wife’s worth.

Men had it good, women had as short a life span as men due to rape by either spouse’s or soldiers in war doing their popular and traditional rape and pillage conquest for lands and power directive.

Men cohabited openly with mistresses without threat from wife,girl friends,of any laws but some paid with their lives by slow poison,from male related or strangers seeing the wrong correcting in unique ways.

A few thousand years of battering,being brutalized for their sex,legalized infidelity,made women silent going inward talk with others in similar circumstances.

Between church and state,custom,and inertia it looked that for all time women and slaves would forever be chained to harsh unfair laws regarding them.

It took centuries but both groups slowly win their freedom of sorts in fits and starts.

This union of two codified into law blessed by holy mother church with all is contracts and condition no longer confines women to early death in youth or from child bearing now that some power lay in their own hands and bodies though churches,judges still without knowing the slightest way human female minds and bodies function still want to have power over them but those dark days are done.

The laws against same sex unions either casual or committed companionship threatens the foundation of marriage only because individuals in positions of power have personal animosity against the very concept or as witnessed by band of men or women going have Lesbian and homosexuals.

I have yet to hear of bands of gay men and women going after straight men and woman to harass and in hyper angered state commit murder because they personally cannot stand seeing people of different or alternative lifestyles.

Think of it people from other places across the Bay Area take their time to drive,use muni,Bart,or if they live in the city walk to Castro or any other city or town to go after people living their lives to use fists,knives, baseball bats on people who normally they would never have contacted with!

The old "God made Adam & Eve not Adam & Steve" or
Man woman make children Man and man make disease is false because AIDS is a recent phenomenon there has always been gay men and women through out this world at all times in history-read it sometime its called learning about the known and unknown.

And unfortunately for straight folks all two gay men need do to have children is adopt or have a trusted female friend have sex a few times or have one or both males sperm for artificial insemination until sperm meets egg and the age old process begin until a baby is born.

Lesbians can reproduce (they still have all the equipment) for reproduction all that’s needed is a willing and trustworthy male or maybe one or both women take turns with the artificial insemination method.

So the Man w/Man–Women w/Women=disease is a false premise both same sex couples can reproduce they just cannot with each other and need a third party but it is possible.

I believe the big deal is exclusivity men and woman use to be special because they can for a unit and create life.

But now that both gay man and women can do it also makes the man and woman exclusivity seem just an older tried and true way.

Maybe if gays are married and are entitled to all the benefits regular couples have no one will see marriage as such a big scary step and lets face it two people joined in marriage is not for the purpose of having kids but for two to be life long soul mates with or without children.

50% of marriages last only 1.5 years.(now don’t quote me on that.

When one comes from a broken home they really don’t want to try marriage for a long time because of the pain they suffered from the divorce.

I say let ‘em (Lesbian women,Gay men)get married, have children,join PTA, [Parent’s Teacher’s Association] pay taxes on homes like everyone else and I can predict within the first decade there will be fewer and fewer people clogging up the streets at Folsom Street Fair and other celebrations.

Why because those formally in or at those street fairs are now with their children or working to take care of the down payments on homes,dining out,at the movies,plays, or visiting other married friends in the city or across the bay.

Gays have said "We’re Queer We’re Here Get Over It."

Now it looks like we need to join them to say "They’re Queer Are Married Let’s Move On."

Spent to much time on a –this-to-shall-pass-issue.

Now on the same day as all the hoopla in City Hall was going on in South Korea another kind of revolutionary breakthrough occurred in science of stem cell manipulation.

South Korean researchers for the first time cloned a human embryo,then culled (picked our or taken away) from stem cells from it. (As said in the pre Fang sold Examiner Paper.) Marking an important step toward one day growing patient’s own replacement tissue to treat diseases.

Yeah,old story the only problem is stem cell science has advanced and will keep advancing until the day you or I if we have minor accidents taking away a hand,food, or leg can get a genetic replacement without rejection problems.

I know Mr. Christopher Reeves is looking at this and may have contacted American,Korean,and other researchers working in this or science and technical fields.

This is one of those little milestones that doesn’t get seen but cause a ripple effect throughout the field and creates whole new areas of interests and areas of study.

One example may be small that shows what I mean:

Does anyone remember Dr. Rosalind Franklin,in 1951 she advanced the X-ray resolution of DNA structure to a new level of clarity and sophistication.

Franklin made if possible for both James Watson,Francis Crick,able to see a structure looking like twisted strands of string strung together.

It was the discovery of… oh the Double Helix of 1953? By the way since I’ve read the story of the Double Helix by James Watson its only fair to read Rosalind Franklin DNA by Anne Sayre.

Another book about a woman in is Lisa Meitner, the first scientist in the world to discover fission.

But by birth, accident of time and circumstances: The Wrong Person at The Wrong Time. Or so says a random link box in the www.popular-science.net/nobel/dna.html
Which is the site that helped me write this column.
Thank You Popular Science.net/nobel/dna. html.

As you can see women given half a chance do wondrous, miraculous deeds the greatest is still species survival by giving birth, she even discovered fission and dna. Maybe if people-kind survives another woman will indeed lead us from life extension to true physical immortality. But we’ll always need wombs to grow and nourish in unless the cloning process can be done without making psychopathic monsters out of children first.

If anyone say they are absolutely ready for the brave new world to come… well, tell me about it so I can be less afraid.

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