Just read and please reply.
by Joe B. MAIL CALL; SO, EMAIL ME! It’s a rainy, windy Monday in the City,I rode a bus avoiding slogging uphill on foot through Polk and Pine Street. But end missed the Pine Street Station bus stop walking down in the rain to get to my job. Last week I set up a email column for asking or telling Joe columns. Some people can be awfully rude and I can be right back but better not or I’ll have three editors picking apart my work again. I want all those unseen eyes who’ve read my column to know how much I appreciate their time when they could very well be doing something else more important. For six years I’ve written at POOR Magazine Inc.,been to benefits honoring local and foreign poverty heroes,heroine’s, poets, and sometimes POOR –M- itself. We’ve moved once from the historic Local 6 Warehouse Union Hall on 255 9th Street; you know the one with the worker’s mural outside and its original inside? Well Poor –M- maybe moving again. There are other problems I cannot discuss that’s up to the two Genetically Connected- Mother/Daughter team of Dee & Tiny Co Editor’s of POOR Magazine Inc.,hard cover and internet magazine. I’ve been part of both if not from its very inception POOR Magazine was Mrs. Dee and Tiny’s mental drive. From nebulous mixtures of thought,concept,idea, to concrete fruition of solid product. I just happen to be a replacement for Mr. Shawn who lived in Oakland though I do not know where he lives now. I’m saying all this because… I may have to go, I’m thinking of moving to Berkeley. Who knows it may not come to that. Now about another job lined up, resume written, interviews,all that’s just a nebulous a concept as the founding of POOR Magazine in 1994-’95 but from here it is 2004 and it still here. As for me I know I’ve got to move on,I don’t know if I’ll ever write columns with odd,strange, and unusual topics that you have read (you know I’m a frustrated novelist, world traveler,and have been real lonely if not alone.) But to make an exit one must have an entrance to somewhere else. My brilliant plan(yeah right) is to qualify as a research subject(Guinea Pig for money) for a month after that some of that money will be used as first,last,and security payment on housing for rent. Selling drugs can get you dead but testing them may get you dead too! However I’m thinking Marijuana smoking as a way to earn money legally. I’d like to be a columnist living in Berkeley but I don’t think it may pan out because of so many rules but I can try anyway. As for women; they are a likable lot aside from famous a dead serial killer,castration anxieties,and naturally large or body building, martial arts trained women that could easily body slam or deliver death blows as easily as make tender,unrelenting, passionate physical love to me as well lets just say I’ll take my chances with straight, lesbian, and maybe bisexual women than my own sex. Men are great as buds, pals,fight-to-the-death- back-against-the-wall situations but as I’ve said before I’m hopelessly addicted to the feminine allure. In other words this moth will dare flames, fly will enter spider’s web. I have truthful, honest,and forthright now its you,my readers turn. Everyday there are ads from all kinds of web sites for money, free vacations, love, astrology, breast and phallus enlargements (which I’d tried but have you seen what those large, bulbous, things look like up close on supposedly very endowed men? No wonder women both want men to be bigger but paradoxically worry about being ripped apart Anyway readers email me at askjoe@poormagazine.org I like knowing what you think of my column and especially to women if you send me wicked mash notes I will respond and not be a jerk with stupid smart aleck remarks unless you want it that way. I’ve got to go to a dentists appointment then swimming and weight training sessions at the ‘Y. A Email: askjoe@poormagazine.org |