Comedy, Song & Passion. Time To Get Our Jack-A's In Gear.

Original Author
Original Body

Got Plan's?

Getting,Regaining Health?

Whatever's The Deal...

Don't Flub,be a Slug but get on
with being your best selves.

by Joe B.

Comedy,Song,And Passion

It’s a new year,my resolutions are simple do yoga,keep apartment, person clean neat so women can enter feeling safe, comfortable and not in a no-womb-land kind of place.

Last year I did embryo comedy on relationships of men,women,gay,lesbian or myself trying to figure out where I fit it into all this stuff.

Meanwhile trying to do more audio pieces on radio in a comic vein which means cutting most of column written material to immediate on air universal situations or making a serial of parts each month making it much easier than creating a piece each month.

(yep,I’m a lazy guy I became that way by coming up new things each month then finding it couldn’t be used because of time.)

Have to think of school,class,time, exercise and engaging the world.

I don’t know if I can sing because of minor throat injury in my youth or if self taught piano playing will help me compose songs running in my head.

Eclectic passions cause havoc when their so much one likes to do but knowing time is a thief and nature is a cruel mistress.

Tonight,with a few props,words,and common human foibles that may garner a few chuckles, titters,and outright guffaw’s of laughter.

Comedy,singing,song writing,playing a musical instrument is still new causing inner awe in me.

The Mars Mission so far a success is as challenging as a human finding ways to be,do more than originally thought possible.

I’d like to be a colonist on Mars,raise Mars/Earth children but first I must live long on old Gaia and this means life extension, rejuvenation, regeneration,or youth revitalization processes that seems only speculative fantasy now.

Few know what the future holds and don’t trust the experts who believe and pronounce what here and now stays we know once so called experts do this their credibility begins to widen into an ever widening gap.

Now to figure out comic sketches for tonight and have and share few laughs at my expense.

Well, all you have your own ways of dealing with this new time plus its an election year to boot.

Take care on and off liners don’t get too entangled on line that y’all rarely take eyes, fingers, voice box from flickering energies of PC’s with the Net surrounding your senses.

Take time off,date, bike,hike in mountains, forests, rivers, deserts, icy climates,or walk around the block connecting to all life forms both animal and human.

As you can see I still don’t trust this connective collective-Borg minded-love-technologies until we’re independent of it and have choices of being on or off it as we chose. Remember the blackouts?

Its way past time to disconnect from a weak technological electromagnetic grid which S-‘Prez Bush Jr. wants to repair,patch up so it can happen again.

The more disconnected from certain technologies the freer we ultimately become so brown and blackouts will no longer happen as frequently as it has been becoming a normalized thing.

That’s it more me,take care,be safe, stay independent and free,also Live Long And Prosper this from a certain fictional character that may soon sadly may leave us.

Any Suggestions, Questions or Answers?

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1448 Pine Street #205

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