Glide Program Pt. 2. Sometimes in Public Speaking Your Real Self Emerges.

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3 Programs.

Lives saved,futures changed
who otherwise would've died.


by Joe B.

Glide Program Pt. 2

Besides "A Date That Will Live In Infamy." Spoken by the late President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the aftermath of Japanese Zero’s (Airplanes)bombing Pearl Harbor in the early morning that got millions of Americans in the in 1941. Footnote:
[even though it’s been raging since 1938].

[Didn’t American’s avoid war the World War I 1914 – 1918 by not going at the start but only after the Civilian Luxury Liner Lusitania was torpedoed by a German U-boat in 1915.

Another anniversary or milestone was acknowledged on Sunday in Glide Memorial which began for me last Wednesday.

It was to be my last day working with Mr. Willie Dudley and Mr. David Rivera my immediate supervisors of the HIV/AIDS Needle Exchange Program are first line foot soldiers in the war on SID’s= Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

Me,originally volunteered for inputting data of persons varying in sexual orientations.

It’s the boring data entry most people avoid but I only practiced it years ago as a sampling of what I could be doing as an Electronic Office Manager ‘uh,it’s a glorified Secretary surrounded by constantly updated technologies.

While PC’s are reconfigured,new programs installed I was now filling 1.( Bleach For clean needles for addicts preventing premature death especially for those trying quit.

2. Condoms: (male and female condoms help to prevent STD’s and HIV/AIDS Virus from infecting more people.

3. Hygiene (In clear plastic bags or in black kit bags are Band-Aids, ointment,towelet,water, soap,lotion,cotton swabs, wide rubber band,(for tying off arm,find a vein placing drugs through it, also shampoo,and conditioner and paper with information if further help is needed.

It was my last day Wednesday,Dec. 3, everything goes as usual except about a half hour into my work doing I was asked to sum up what I thought about Glide’s Needle Exchange Program.

Mr. Rivera and Mr. Dudley helped by explaining I already knew what was going and to speak from the heart.

I though "Ok, only 9 am and I’m home free.

Wrong by Sunday I find it’s a tradition to speak twice once for 9 am. and again at 11 am.

This really didn’t set with me well but its better to do this without delay because that same day as part of the ‘PO Poet’s there is a performance at City Hall.

Second row, never been that close to the music, band,and chorus of singer’s I’ve always avoided being to close because the noise.

An hour ticks then my name is called.

On shaky knees I walk to up blue carpeted stairs onto the wood floors.

The words came slow, halting, but clear and then my brain rebels as I hear myself saying
I have had safe sex, some of it against so called nature but I was lucky being monogamous. I don’t drink, smoke, or do drugs,I’m heterosexual and available."

There is laughter, murmurs,then outright cheers,whistles,and claps from many pews and I’m thinking You stuuupid horny ass, Why did you say that at the end of the speech?"

I left dazed, confused, thinking I made a complete fool of myself but also admitted to myself I’ve always wanted to say that because of the if-you’re- from-there-you’re-gay B-S.

Walked home checked message and found my friend from Mills was going to be here to spit her words.

I didn’t want her out in the weather because she sounds like she’s just getting over a head cold and coming out here might make her sick again.

Back a second time I’m sitting on steps leading the stage instead of sitting down when my name is called.

This time was better as I explained what that Glides’s Needle Exchange Program saved lives should be expanded everywhere in every city and town and then my mouth turned against me again!

I don’t know if I said hopelessly heterosexual or simply I’m available want to have a relationship in this city without going to Oakland,Berkeley,or anywhere else.

Its over,after a restroom break I was picking up my coat,hat, looking for my umbrella with its telescoping white plastic cover.

(whew, glad I didn’t say sheath)

First an well dressed elderly black gentleman suggested I see his daughter or was it sister?

A young woman said I’d like to see you giving me her number,we exchanged numbers and emails.

It felt heady,after the exchange I didn’t want to just say thanks because does take courage to ask someone,or tell someone something so in leaving as a gesture and answer I kiss her hand in heartfelt thanks for her act of trust.

I’m given money for a cab to whisk me off to City Hall fast its was only 5 dollars.

Before going to the poetry,I decide to vote that day instead of Monday or Tuesday.

The poetry is outside across from City Hall. I hear her voice with a strain in it.

That means she’s still sick even though dressed up for winters chill and though she says she’s alright as we spend a few hours shopping,taking Muni to Balboa I see her sleeping.

I know she should’ve been at friends,relatives or at my place where she would be alone or both of would be sleeping because I wasn’t feeling that energetic either.

She’ll be visiting relatives,friends all over the country and that she chose to be with me during the day before leaving is something I cherish but won’t admit until asked by her and no one else.

It was a great Sunday, turning church into a huge dating pool is cool and I just had to try it so I did.

Now for on-liners watching I wish everyone a very safe and happy holiday,who knows I may have a few dates this season and be in a budding relationship.

Now that’s a gift that keeps on giving and giving as longs as both participants keep giving of themselves.

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