Closed Ranks Pt.1/Glide Program Pt. 2. Too long for one column so 2 must do both equally important, maybe on more so.

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I dislike writing two columns
in a day.

These two topics are important
in that both can save lives...

if correct and informed choices are known.

by Joe B.

Close Ranks Pt. 1/Glide Program Pt. 2

It’s a not-to-bad Monday morning in the second city of lights. Mr. Newsom and Mr. Gonzalez are so close that both are metaphorically if not actually physically sweating Tuesdays election results.

Matt is no pushover and Gavin has run a savvy campaign.

That’s all I’m saying about both candidates being completely A-political myself.

Folks, you have 3-count-‘em 3 days to chose the best person for the post of Mayor Of San Francisco Sunday,Monday and Tuesday.

Three days folks,if ‘ya don’t vote don’t bitch and groan on who did or didn’t win.

Its up to all native San Franciscan’s and transplanted ones from everywhere to send a message how we want San Francisco to be run: for elite social/business multi national interests or rank and file regular working poor families or individuals just wanting to live,work,and raise families.

We must remember historically whom first made turned this wilderness place of mud manure covered streets into a sprawling city.

The were and are wandering artists,rebels, seekers of fame and fortune,disinherited of scions of middle to upper crust families,outlaws, soiled dove women,widows, and widowers,law abiding citizens and maybe a few established business folks.

San Francisco always seemed to be a mixture of all the elements of human endeavors but these days it seems the business interests want the city to oust to keep the workers to a rigid sharp edged bumpy grindstone freezing the mandatory minimum raise as the cost of living continues to rise astronomically.

Some historians might know what happens to the towns that made impossible for families,or individuals worker to live.

They pack up and leave taking with them all their skills, loyalty,and knowledge and these once tough scrappy towns die slow agonizing death or quickly get taken over by desert sand or overrun by vegetation.

I don’t know if I want to live in a Multi National Corporate Owned City constantly looks to the bottom line where citizens become interchangeable cogs in the M.N.C.O.C’s. in cities people are the real infrastructure as buildings,hi-free ways, transportation are more impermanent.

Whatever the outcome folks will adapt,survive, and change whom so ever is supposedly in charge.
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