POOR Press Book release party 2003!

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POOR Press Releases their books by very low and no income youth and adults for 2003-04

by PNN staff

The people came - the voices were heard. Histories and Herstories were spoken.

A. Faye Hicks, Carmi Johnson,
Oji Elliot, Byron Gafford, Marvin Crutchfield. Martrice Candler and many more upcoming youth and adults spoke on the POOR Press authors panel at the 2nd annual POOR Press Release Party to introduce their poverty scholarship on issues ranging from racial injustice at the workplace to the plight of the poor single mother.

The day was also informed by Poverty Scholars- The Po Poets Project of POOR Magazine, who spit rhymes from their tome; The houzin Project; Art and Resources on Gentrification, Eviction and houselessness.

So now friends, readers and potential conscious Gift Givers - it is Up To You...please support all these po folks - tryin to be heard.. buy our books... for all your holiday needs and wants... !!! ( see below for on-line POOR Press catalogue)
