CyLost In Chatrooms. Electronic Buildings Made Of Voices.

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From Nubie to Regular
in a few months, still learning.

by Joe B.

A few months ago my internet adventure has begun.

There’s no way to explain how many dumb errors were made in hundreds if not thousands of attempts at logging in at various date sites and though it would be against the law to reveal said sites.

I can say most of them were adult sites and a few were strictly literary where I said in columns what I could not at my regular work site.

The two sites with help from emails to me help me through a difficult time both social and economic.

The first lesson learned is writing down all User,Screen,and or Password names down or its forgotten after disuse or if one is on too many online dating sites.

Images or photo’s took me longer more than a few months first because of crippling self doubt about my own physical looks and second I have few digital photo’s but finally did place one on a few sites.

In chat rooms I pride myself on being honest to a fault but forgot most people do not use their real names but User or Screen names so did I but after at time when chatting became somewhat frustrating because either I kept losing the thread of conversations or the PC would boot me off the system.

So green was I that people did IM me [instant messaging]
Written diction is not as important as being understood,which didn’t make sense until I heard on a sit com TV shows correct spelling is a negative showing to youth of older persons online while misspellings and coded words that youths may use is seen as a positive aspect.

Then there’s Cyber Sex.

I’ve heard the term but didn’t quite know the meaning until I did it myself in chat rooms.

The women there know what I speak of.

I’m the so called weird guy that wrote X-R rated suggestive scenarios from the fantasy job of massaging women and being seduced by them,to wild women on motorcycles being sexually aggressive to men they pick up.

This I though of as erotic online chats not cyber sex with web- camera’s where both parties see each other nude.

I’m informed its all cyber sex.

I thank the women for their indulgence and will not use online pseudonyms.

At the time it was highly embarrassing not only that my mind came up with those stories but that a few them were true.

Then I really went crazy going to lets say sex for sex sake where women and men really want physically hook up and being online is just a faster way of meet-greet- be-discreet for intimate fun.

No, didn’t hook up with any ladies yet and if I did I certainly wouldn’t tell gntle M’s don’t at least that’s the way I was raised.

So what have I learned?
1) Find the sites that fits your personality.

2) Reveal little as possible about self but be truthful.

3) Keep all names,sites, dates, on hard copy.

4) Listen first before write/talking online.

5) Have sense of fun, set hrs. don’t get addicted.

6) Be aware of other sensibilities, be helpful.

7) Read Chat etiquette, rules, ask when in doubt

I learned in virtual realms people are as lonely,lead other lives, want to connect as in real world,and are as
bewildered in the online world as anywhere else.

What will I be doing after my home is PC fixed and have a web cam connection?

It will be face to face without nudity unless we really trust each other doing that.

I always think there’s some unseen third party peeking in on everyone online maybe I’m paranoid but maybe its true!

That F.B.I. carnivore program hasn’t been destroyed just not talked about as much which makes me think its still working stealthy through all the integrated internet connections.

To the guy’s online who’ve warmly welcomed me thank you also though primarily I was there strictly to date and be intimate with females. The men were very kind treating me with gruff, tough love.

At one point I became a greeter for new people coming online and cooling down arguments.

I still don’t know if the Boudoir (Finally spelled it right!) became full in daytime as well as night was my doing after trying out a test or has it always been full?

Anyway it was a frustrating,exasperating, also exhilarating,time and was/is worth all the goofs I made fumbling through also at the same time I was getting my teeth cleaned, scraped,and worried about an upcoming operation.

I’d like to tell them I’m keeping them stain free, eating less meat, and found a place to learn Salsa dancing. (cannot tell where only that its in the City.)

If I with my inept way can get have women talk, I M me then anyone can do it.

And if any of the men or ladies from the online date site is reading this column,could you tell them where to find it so they can email me without going through the date site. I know, Joe you a sneaky devil.

Well,that’s it and though I may rarely talk about chat rooms or cyber sex I’ll check ‘em them out and what happens discreetly between me and others in future will not be known to anyone they and I,as I’ve said before gentlemen never tell.

Any online folks at those date sites can if they want can contact me (intimate dating I hope, no kidding).

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