HousePro 'Biz, Other Woes! One Hell Of A Year, Right? But Will Next Year Be Better?ll

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Personal Stuff, yeah.

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Without feedback I'm writtin'blind
folks,tell me what your likes, dislikes and...

GULP!Hate or love.

by Joe B.

Saw serious Gubernatorial candidates debate Wednesday, still want Gray Davis to finish his term.

As for Props 53,54 a no on both.

I’m not gonna go through the where,why or how its up to all of us as voters, those who have yet to be registered and especially young folks so fed up with the process/ system they see no point in it at all yet you are our future leaders.

Some of you are already leaders now and not in some dim future when your "the right age"screw that; y'all know that translates into wait also never.

Me,as middleaged black guy can only say read up, learn all the Rainbow World(s)her/history around the world,form groups, clubs,discuss,compare notes, keep learning.

Critical Brain Mass folks from low,mid,high tech programmers,web watcher’s, search engine creators and others in W3 can really help spread wirelessly the truth.

The same technology Att. Gen. Ashcroft and other law enforcement uses can rebound on them.

Tech isn’t good or bad it’s users that dictates what type of use they will be for.

As for little old middle aged me there’s an upcoming Periodontal appointment.

What makes me cringe is not sharp needles in my gums pushed down to nerves but that after a surgical procedure after reattachment of gums to teeth I have to keep them (teeth and gums) clean as possible which means a change in eating habits and food eaten.

I’ve been warning friends, acquaintances, relatives in person and by email that there might be a drastic change in my appearance.

That I may look like a person with HIV/AID’s.

I’m told to replace weight loss with muscle weight training,swimming.

Not a bad Idea,makes me feel much better going through this knowing the results after a month or two I may really look and feel better than just well but reshaped, rippling, or ripped physique.

Maybe being so focussed on personal health and fitness will wean me off my male gaze of women.

Strive at other pursuits like having new business cards written, saving money,buying insurance for that business,learn Message, redesign or improve something.

This year has been a bit rough for most people unless you had connections to Bush,Hali-Burton,law enforcement,or C.P.S. [Child Protective Services]

I’ve decide to keep quiet and surprise everyone when whatever plans made in my mind come to fruition I can say "Told you time again but you laughed, didn’t believe an so I shut my mouth and did my thing."

So,folks do look at my odd stuff on-web!

All I can say is thank you all Women,Girls,Men, Boys,S/O’s of all ages.

If you’ve laughed, thought,got mad,pondered, imagined,or what I’ve helped in anyway I'd like a few brave females to know how.

Oh yeah,if some of you (women only)sent racy poems,or eye popping digital images of yourselves.

I will not be offended but my employers will or a few interns here may be.

And to mainly to all the women on some of the adult chat sites;thanks awfully for being patient to the newbie,green guy in the chat rooms though I still think there was too much testosterone and less estrogen in the mix and yet I have a sneaky suspicion that women like it that way because it inverts the power structure giving them more power of control than if there more fems than men.

I could be wrong this perception.

So,ladies,guys, [mostly ladies,] sorry guys.

I’d like you to write me saying I’m wrong,right, or in between?

I can be contacted below.

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1448 Pine Street #205

San Francisco, CA 94103

