Farewell our DOG

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By AudreyCandyCorn aka SistahSaveASoul

Today snow dog passed away, June 2nd2020

His name was Beanie
she called him Boston
He was much more then a dog, he was and is an extended family member. Boston lived 18 years- that's a long time 4 a dog to live- but this was not any dog
this was a spirit and his sole purpose was to be a companion and confidant and lover to my dear sister
now when I say lover I'm not talkin bestiality I'm talking about unconditional love that is unspoken, untainted, yet felt deeply
This is the experience of a lifetime, to have a spirit come down in a not human form to be on the side of you when you look to the right and left for strength
how special is it when you can't get up, there is an entity there to help motivate you as if it was a push to get up, to have someone in front of you, leading you with Keen Instinct and a Discerning spirit, leading you never into a road of Destruction
how sweet it is to be loved by you Boston beanie
our dear teacup toy spirit
we love you we thank you we honor your existence and all of the love and commitment you have provided for our dear sister snowland savvy savvy morfina friends to the end
family the two of you
a mother and son
powerful tag team
I guess this is where Opposites attract
what doesn't break you has the potential to make you stronger and what has the potential to make you strong has the same potential to make you weak
the spirit of Beanie AKA Boston will forever live on
well done Boston, mission complete, you executed well and we are grateful for the lessons, grateful for the hearts that you have touched outside of your human master
and so as we release you just to find comfort and bringing you back home yet in another form we know that you will forever be with snow he watched over her on Earth
so watch over her in heaven
farewell our DOG 