Demand for Ancestors, Land and Culture Back from Akkkademia- UCBerkeley Regents, Faculty and Students

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Stolen Land/Hoarded Resources Un-Tour thru Akkkademia - Un-Tour Stop #1 UC Berkeley kkkampus - 1) Hurts ( Hearst) Museum of AnthroWrongOlogy 2) “Krapital Strategies” (Capital Strategies) Building 3) Peoples Park - Our Demand:


Stolen Land /Hoarded Resources,Ancestors Land, Resource and Culture Back Demand for UC Berkeley - From POOR Magazine/Homefulness/Deecolonize Academy /Indians Organizing For Change and Krip Hop Nation 


DEMANDs to UCBerkeley Regents, Donors/Staff and Students  


1)We The Indigenous unHoused, Displaced, Privatized, Enslaved, Bordered, po-Liced , Disabled, and profited off of Peoples Present UC Berkeley  a Demand first all of the Stolen Ancestors of the Ohlone Lisjan Nation - warehoused in the Hurts Museum and #LandBack to the Ohlone /Lisjan Nation so they can properly honor their ancestors. As well any and all indigenous, 1st peoples/Aboriginal Peoples & their Belongings, culture, books, knowledge and practices warehoused at that Museum be returned to the 1st Peoples/Indigenous peoples descendents within 30 days of this demand.


2) We, the aforementioned peoples demand Land Back for Evicted and Unhoused People PoLice Harassed and gentriFUKEd out for the Dorm Industrial Complex and the land hoarding and resource theft perpetrated by Institutions like UC Berkeley and UC Hastings 


3) We Demand Land Back and reparations for Generations of Cultural theft and Cultural appropriation of disabled black and brown and indigenous bodies  


4) We demand that Peoples Park remain free, un-devil-oped, and maintained for the use of the people, however the people see fit to self-govern themselves 

5) We demand that the rent- controlled apartment building at 1921 Walnut Street remain in tact and the tenants never be displaced or threatened with removal again.


6) We demand that houseless, disabled, Black, Brown and indigenous peoples who have been the “subjects” of studies, research, Arkkkeaology Extractions, Evictions, Sweeps and poLice harassment be supported with reparations and returned stolen resources and stolen “studied” knowledge so we can build our own solutions to our own problems informed by #PovertyScholarship like Homefulness and Deecolonize Academy


7) Finally That UC PoLice be closed and the millions of dollars paid to continue the ongoing harassment, profiling, incarceration and murder of Black, Brown, Disabled, Houseless and Indigenous Bodies be returned to communities who have sufferred/survived their ongoing terror. 


8) We offer to begin a dialogue with Akkkademia to redistribute, reparate, and begin a generational and ancestral healing process from the disease of wealth and/or resource-hoarding , generational or inherited land-stealing, displacing, academic or cultural theft and/or desecrating of indigenous bodies, houseless bodies,DIsabled Bodies, Black and Brown and incarcerated and silenced Peoples


8) We offer to assist in this healing, changing, decolonizing and degentriFUKing move  A Session of PeopleSkool at POOR Magazine- informed by Poverty Scholarship- Poor People-led Theory, Art, Words and Tears Across Mama Earth -To reach us to begin this urgent healing contact @povertyskola and @poormagazine on Twitter and IG




