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Mcee’s wit Disabilities (MWD) & KRIP-HOP On The Move

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Krip Hop In Denmark, Philadelphia and New York!

Hey New Yorkers Check it out!

October 30th - Rob Da Noize Performs at NYU's Diva Ball Celebration The Kimmel Center60 Washington Square South E&L Auditorium, 4th floor7pm-11pm.

by Leroy Moore/Illin n Chillin

Hello Peeps it’s been a long time. Last time I wrote about Krip-Hop we just got out of a wonderful Diversifying Hip-Hop: Krip-Hop Homo-Hop event at University of California at Berkeley. Well a lot of things are popping at Krip-Hop Nation.

Krip-Hop Homo-Hop event has caught attention of New York University so this year Rob Da Noize Temple of the Sugar Hill Gang and Krip-Hop Nation will present at NYU on the evolution of Krip Hop, Krip Hop Nation, and the disability rights movement. Event Details: October 21st - Rob Da Noize Temple Speaks @ NYU The Kimmel Center60 Washington Square South Room 602 7pm-8: 30pm October 30th - Rob Da Noize Performs at NYU's Diva Ball Celebration The Kimmel Center60 Washington Square South E&L Auditorium, 4th floor7pm-11pm. NYU wants to bring Diversify Hip-Hop: Krip-Hop Homo-Hop to their campus next year. We’ll begin talking and organizing this after the holidays.

In 2009 Krip-Hop Nation teamed up with Handicapped Art Works in München, Augsburg, Germany to start working on a new international project, Mcees With Disabilities, MWD. MWD is an international CD Project of Mcees With Disabilities from around the world. MWD has collaborated with talented Hip-Hop artists with disabilities from around the world to create not only an international CD but to form a community to put a spotlight on the talents and projects of musicians with disabilities. Today MWD has artists in Germany, US, UK, Africa, Italy and Spain and is still growing.

After almost a year working together through the internet, Binkiwoi of Handicapped Art Works and I, Leroy will meet face to face in Binkiwoi’s home on October 29th to talk about MWD with a music manager and to put together MWD’s Demo. MWD’s process and creation has happened online so this is the first time we will see each other. After that creative meeting, Leroy/Krip-Hop heads to WOMEX World Music Festival in Copenhagen, Denmark where Staff Benda Bilili of the Congo will perform and be awarded the number one CD in Europe. Staff is an all disabled musician band. My sister, Pamela Juhl, who is a reporter in Copenhagen and I will cover the festival interviewing Staff and others at the festival.

After Denmark, Krip-Hop will be off to Philly and NY for a Krip-Hop presentations at Temple University and City College in New York. So stay tune for updates…


God Bless You My Brother

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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A letter to PNN columnist, Leroy Moore, from Michael Manning, a Black disabled young man, who is serving a 12 to 30 year prison sentence on a self-defense case in a state prison in Pennsylvania.

by Michael Manning

To read more about Micheal's case; check out the article Fighting to Stay Alive on Illin-N-Chillin.

Dear Mr. Moore,

I don’t know how to begin to thank you for all your support and aid in my case. I just want to say may God bless you, and thank you so very, very much. Words could never express how very grateful and thankful I am to you. Your gifts could never repay you. You are appreciated my brother. I read the article, Fighting to Stay Alive and it touched my heart and I cried. I felt your concern and genuine care about this ongoing and growing injustice upon disabled people.

As you know I’m serving time on an unjust sentence for defending myself against an unprovoked attack by two armed men. You asked me in your letter to describe my feelings. To be quite honest I don’t even know where to begin. I have so many feelings. One is of devastation at being the victim of a violent attack, only to turn around and be tried as the perpetrator of a crime I did not commit. At times I’m angry because my life, dreams, family and freedom were taken away from me for trying to defend myself by fighting to stay alive. Other times I am perplexed at how all the evidence in my case points to my innocence, by showing self-defense. For example, the county’s own forensic scientist, Dr. Isadore Mahalikis, confirmed that the wounds I sustained in the attack were defensive wounds and that I was the victim. Furthermore the deceased had no defensive wounds on him. My clothing was ripped and torn from the struggle, proving that I was the victim, not the aggressor.

This forensic pathologist testifies 95 percent of the time on the county’s behalf, so he was not a freelance pathologist, nor was he hired by my defense attorney. The district attorney acquired him. When he rendered his opinion and facts in my favor he was dismissed as not being credible by the prosecution. At that time the county’s own coroner described the point of entry and direction in which the knife punctured the aggressor and it totally bolstered my version of how the stabbing occurred. My attorney demonstrated how the version I testified to was consistent with the coroner’s description, also pointed out that the prosecution’s theory was inconsistent. Then there is the testimony of a retired detective who testified that the second aggressor was two feet behind me with a baseball bat.

There are so many inconsistencies in the prosecution’s theory and it just amazes me that I was convicted. But, as I looked up to the jurors that sentenced me I notice that none were my peers; no one there was of my race or age group. An alternate juror was overheard making a remark stating, “Mr. Manning is lucky I’m not on the panel. I would have gave him 1st Degree murder just cause he is a ‘Nigger.’”

It’s a living nightmare how racism still plagues us. I had to sit on trial and defend not only my life, but my disability, as I was humiliated by the district attorney as he accused me of lying about my disability and being lazy, not a contribution to society. I was asked by my attorney to demonstrate how I walk without the aid of my cane. After I had done so, the district attorney remarked, and I quote, “I can pretend not to walk also,” persuading the jury to believe I was not disabled and able to walk.

The judge made a comment saying, and I quote again, “I think I know how this works. My wife is a physical therapist, if someone says you're in a pain you’re gonna believe it.” I was facing two prosecutors, one just wore a robe.

The prosecution’s witness testified that I was not the aggressor and that in fact Harry Bureley was, which by Pennsylvania law justifies my situation as self- defense. Plus the fact my fingerprints were not on the weapon, but the prints that were on it were never identified.

I’m just horrified at the gross injustice I’m suffering as well as the injustices others just like me are suffering. There is no justice in this system if you’re Black, poor or disabled. I can’t believe the numbers of disabled citizens in these prisons. I have heard so many horrific stories of injustice. It all comes down to economics; the state gets paid double for a disabled inmate versus a normal healthy functioning inmate. The rising number of disabled inmates is alarming. Something has to be done, people have to be informed of this inhuman treatment. This is why I’m so glad you published this informative, shocking and eye-opening article. We need more people on the outside to be informed and outraged at what’s happening to their follow citizens.

With respect to the recent tragic events in New York and Washington where my family and friends were killed, I pray this spirit of unity will open the public’s eyes to the injustice America inflicts on its own citizens. When America is attacked, it’s called justice when they seek retaliation or revenge on those suspected of attacking us. However, when I’m hacked or another citizen is, and we seek to protect ourselves in the best of battle and not by a revengeful retaliation some time later, I’m labeled a murderer and convicted of a crime I did not commit. It’s very painful to see how this country and system fail us where we are supposed to be protected.

It is really hard to stay focused when you’re wrongfully incarcerated. People can never imagine the pain, torment, frustration and stress you have, especially when your loved ones, family and friends have to come and see you in this type of environment. And then for them to have to leave without you really tears my heart apart. This particular institution I’m in seems to try to break your family bonds with all their restrictions on visits and phone use, not to mention the outrageous charges from the phone company. I’m blessed and praise God that I’m really close to home so my calls are not very expensive and visiting is not as much of a hardship as many of my friends face.

The more I’m here the more I see that this place is not about correction or rehabilitation, it’s purely economics and punishment. The programs here are pathetic and taught by people with no experience or solid education in any areas.

Most of the people here are very racist, not against one color or race, but in favor of their own religions and disability. I have had several peremptory remarks inflicted on me due to my disability. For example, I have been called a “handicap a–hole” and a “three-legged cripple” because I walk with a cane. There is an investigation on this particular institution for its racist practice of not paroling Blacks and Muslims. It’s truly a living nightmare. People who are wheelchair users as well as us who use canes and walkers are forced to walk about 3/4 of a mile for our meals. In the winter we’ve to battle snow and ice, hard rains and frigid tempatures just to be feed the slop they offer us.

I dream about the day I’m released and back with my family and friends. When I get out I want to join organizations such as Disability Advocates of Minorities Organization to help fight for disabled men. There are too many disabled men in these prisons wrongly and unjustly. There are not many Black disabled men here due to the location but there are a lot in the system who need to supported and heard from, so I would like to help as best I can.

My advice to anyone who is disabled and caught up in this system is to put faith in Christ and fight. Try to keep focused, though it’s very hard. You’ve got to keep praying and never cease and think positively and know you will come out of this. Most of all do not get caught up in the negativity these types of environments breed. Stay true to yourself and keep God first and everything else will fall into place. It’s a test of faith and a very hard one at that. When you can’t go on anymore and want to give up just let go and give it to God.


I couldn't even get a bed last night...

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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by A. Faye Hicks, Tiny and The Coalition on Homelessness

"I couldn't even get a bed last night" Miss. A. Faye Hicks, the elegant recipient of the Po Poet Laureate title at POOR was standing in the middle of PNN's newsroom explaining the mayhem of the previous night, "they (shelter staff) were turning the men away as they came in, it was something terrible - telling them they couldn't get in if they weren't on GA (Welfare) and even if they were on GA they had to go all the way across town to another place to get fingerprinted and registered..and even though it was for the men only all us women got caught up in it."

Miss A. Faye was referring to the most recent attack from the Prop N front; On Friday, May 2nd,
69 clients of Multi-Service Center South were notified that their beds would no longer be available to them after Monday, May 5th.

The beds are being removed from the 7 – 9 day lottery system to begin accommodating CAAP recipients who will be given first priority in the shelter system as a result of Care Not Cash (Proposition N, which passed in November).

Clients were asked to leave by Monday, where they then must go to a drop-in
center to be registered and fingerprinted. If individuals refuse either to
have their picture taken or to have their fingerprints scanned by a computer
at the shelter, they are refused access to the shelter. However, they are
not guaranteed beds.

According to Ivette Blair, MSC-South’s Program Director, the 68 beds would
be used to accommodate CAAP recipients.

City officials have confirmed this information, but are not providing
anything in writing. Since this policy has been rushed into affect, there
is much confusion among homeless provider staff, and clients are receiving
contradictory information.

These changes were implemented on a Friday, which made it impossible
to obtain any response from city officials until Monday, the day of implementation, when it was too
late. Advocates like The Coalition on Homelessness and POOR Magazine are asking DHS to stop these changes, at least until proper preparation can take place.

Inwardly, I scream in frustration at this whole situation after spending at least 30 minutes on a phone call with "the information officer" (that was his title) of one of the largest non-profit providers two weeks ago when PNN reported on the first eviction notices that were served on case managed residents of Next Door Shelter due to Prop N - where this information officer accused PNN of doing "irresponsible journalism" because we kept the headline intact "billions For War while folks are evicted from Next Door" I wondered at what any of these "officers" would have to say now.

"and they were tellin' all the women up in there that it wasn't gonna affect us- well, that's a lie - we already affected.. we already bein' lied to..", Miss A. Faye was waving her long arms into the sky in exasperation, " Willie Brown put us down there talkin' all this about how it is "women's world" now they just gonna put us out."

"This is only a sample of what is coming to the City’s shelter system, as the
implementation of Prop N is being pushed at City Hall and Department of Human Services," Juan Prada of Hogares Sin Barreras. commented, "Without any regard for how it will affect not-on-welfare homeless people. As the July 1st implementation date nears, the people of San Francisco should expect a lot more homeless people being dumped on the streets."


USA Blessed/Cursed

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Workrage Hits Sacramento’s Capital!
Trucker dies in suicidal crash

by Joseph Bolden

Is our country blessed, cursed, or have cranky times. A trucker kills himself to make what could have been for legislator’s sudden death.
What is it with us? There are terrorists in foreign lands in particular a millionaire scheming attacks on our land but he’s probably reading a paper, radio, or watching CNN he’s either laughing or scratching his head in wonder that America: The Infidel’s Unholy land is blowing it self up without his agents causing any problems.
From the first American Indian Chief, Africans, Chicano, China, Philippine, Japan, and all other people’s and we native born citizens who’ve been on the receiving end of American history have at one time or another cursed this land and alternately blessed it at the same time.

Most of us in America do not believe in the evil eye, amulets for love or protection; no we’re too sophisticated for that right? I don’t carry dead rabbit’s feet on a chain or nail horseshoes upright so the luck won’t fall out. But do believe there is something to the energy of a dying wish, curse, blessing can create psychic ripples echoing through time.
The question: is America truly cursed or have enough people blessed us an as a nation we live on a balanced edge where departed and living souls cancel out each other?

Mr. Timothy McVeigh comes to mind with help bombed the Alfred P. Murrah on April 19, 1995. 168 innocent people died. He wants to die.
At 1 am. on ch. 9 a show called “Cold Lazarus” starring Albert Finney, about twin boys one, insane the other a writer of novels, television, ect. In time he(the novelist) dies. His head is frozen, over 700 years pass he’s a scientific and television experiment to see life as he lived it. Trouble is he slowly becomes aware of what has happened and is being done to him by researcher’s experimentation. If that’s not hell what is? What if Timothy McVeigh is given his death only to be returned to life just as Mr. Finney’s fictional character was, would this be an appropriate hell for McVeigh? The public would know why, how, and who his helpers were.

Back to Curse and Blessing there was an older City State of civilization, technology, and science and it too was cursed by slaves and
free alike for its callous spectacle in the spilling of human life it was Rome.
Rome rotted from interior opposing forces barbarians helped tip the balance to Rome’s long fall. Is America headed there in its short creation?
I think we’ve always been both blessed and cursed equally.

We forget how really young, lucky, our country has been and though this New World is still young it citizens are mostly oldworld with hybrid American’s [anyone that’s 1st. or 2nd. or more generation]
So far our balance continues California Capital bombed but no one dies.
High fuel, food, rent, a business slipping away? We may never know why he did this but I hate say it; It could happen again anywhere, anytime, and most likely it won’t be foreign citizens but our own that’s our curse and blessing. As for that rich so-called terrorist he can save his money to his mind American infidel’s are their own worst enemy as with vipers among their kind they will eat eggs of their own kind when times get tough.
Killing our own does one thing makes an enemy pause. That is what we all must do Sacramento’s Capitol truck crash is a wake up call...
Too many American’s are left behind, fired, laid off, rent hiked, and falling down. If not recognized... we have 49 more capitols.

Back to Curse and Blessing there was an older City State of civilization, technology, and science and it too was cursed by slaves and
free alike for its callous spectacle in the spilling of human life it was Rome.
Rome rotted from interior opposing forces barbarians helped tip the balance to Rome’s long fall. Is America headed there in its short creation?
I think we’ve always been both blessed and cursed equally.

We forget how really young, lucky, our country has been and though this New World is still young it citizens are mostly oldworld with hybrid American’s [anyone that’s 1st. or 2nd. or more generation]
So far our balance continues California Capital bombed but no one dies.
High fuel, food, rent, a business slipping away? We may never know why he did this but I hate say it; It could happen again anywhere, anytime, and most likely it won’t be foreign citizens but our own that’s our curse and blessing. As for that rich so-called terrorist he can save his money to his mind American infidel’s are their own worst enemy as with vipers among their kind they will eat eggs of their own kind when times get tough.
Killing our own does one thing makes an enemy pause. That is what we all must do Sacramento’s Capitol truck crash is a wake up call...
Too many American’s are left behind, fired, laid off, rent hiked, and falling down. If not recognized... we have 49 more capitols.


Ricardo Rivera (Ute Mountain Ute)

09/24/2021 - 11:45 by Anonymous (not verified)
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by Boys and Girls Club of the Southern Ute Indian Tribe

Ricardo Rivera

Slam Bio

My colors red representing deplicting burn & desire like I gotta have it

My taste can only be described as a tall 40

Keep it so real I can smell the reality

My touch is ice cold just don’t know and wont tell

I would be a rabbit in a turtle race to riches

I Ute mountain Ute from Towac

I live with my moms



Decepticons: To Punish and Enslave

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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A Race and Class analysis and Pop Culture review of Transformers- the Movie

by By Brother Y /Poverty and Race Scholar/PNN ReVIewsFOr The REvoLution

I, Brother Y, poverty scholar, casualty of the war on drugs, and career criminal of the crime of being a black male in Amerikkka, recently saw Transformers, the movie, and give it two black power fists up!

Right on! Right on! Finally the truth about the Ameriklan criminals dispensing the unJustice system, the military industrial complex and the mass media onto its citizens. Although this movie is science fiction, there is much truth told in it about big business, the war on drugs and the war on the poor in Amerikkka.

Usually the way things go in marketing movies made for children is the movie comes first and if it is successful then come a plethora of paraphernalia related to the movie including action figures, comic books, games and any other children’s items one might imagine; not so with Transformers.

Transformers is a movie based on a comic book that is based on a cartoon that is based on a popular children’s action figure. The Transformer’s movie gives the basic history of where the Transformers came from what divided them into separate camps and what item of importance they are both trying to gain control of. I do not like giving away movie plots but as my friend Josh Zeide the big successful entertainment lawyer in Atlanta would say there are only three universal stories. Even I must admit this is one of them. Suffice it to say this war is of power like all wars in human history regardless of the lies or excuses given.

Just as the Autobots and their archenemies, the Decepticons, rapidly change shape to go into battle as robots, they also rapidly change from robots to non-threatening vehicles to blend into their surroundings. Actually the Decepticons rapidly change into robots and threatening vehicles, such as police cars, tanks and other vehicles of state condoned violence to blend in.

One of the first instances of a dramatic transformation is shortly after the Autobot Bumble Bee is purchased by the father of the main human character as a graduation present from a used car lot. Bumble Bee appears to be just another beat up old hoopty, but after a chase scene and subsequent battle the boy is told who and what Bumble Bee really is. The response of course is one of disbelief and questioning, if he truly is as claimed, why does he masquerade as a beat up old piece of crap? Bumble Bee’s feelings are hurt so he pimps himself out. (No, not like a hooker, like a car!).

In the ironic way that children often make innocent yet profound statements that appear to be wise beyond their years, The Transformers movie does the same.

For anyone willing to look at life, as it truly is not just the way they want it to be, such an example is the ironic way that art can imitate life. “Transformers” metaphorically exemplifies the fact that big business and big government is the established enemy of the poor and working class masquerading as a friend or helper.

The writing on the wall can be no clearer than the motto inscribed on the side of the
Decepticons “police car” - “To punish and enslave.”

This brings the harsh reality of life as those of us victimized by big business and big government know the” war on drugs,” ”the war on terror” and” the war on the poor”
(so called “quality of life violations”) are all one and the same. Big business and big government fit together like hand and glove.

The mainstream media, of course, are their willing co-conspirators and propaganda machine. Revolutionary media, guerrilla vendors and anti-establishment activist
are of course on the other side of the line drawn in the sand. To completely
clarify things, mainstream America is the proverbial war-like Decepticons,
whereas the counter culture is the peace loving proverbial Autobots.

Down with the establishment! Join the revolution; transform your life and the world around you!

‘nuff said.

Brother Y


driving needles

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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by Noemi Martinez

driving needles

and still now

i wonder what has become of you

where you are

mom saved your last text

on her phone,

june of 08,

I left it there

see you on the

shadow of men on the street

is that you,

and can I spare some change


can i

wait to see your name

on the newspaper,

on the late night news

of some body found

identifying tattoos

I search them out

i am afraid of you

like i’m afraid

of being alone

at night, in the streets

i’m afraid for you

leaving before your time

that time, ten years ago

they held you in Elsa,

strapped to a chair

another deal gone wrong,

you told mom

they pissed on you-

are those the demons

that chase you

guns in your nightmares

we are lost, hermano


Evil Scale - Does It Balance?

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Balancing Scales Of Evil

I read an ABC News piece by Mr. Oliver Libaw
about a "Measuring Evil And Depravity Scale".
It sounded like an "Outer Limits" TV show,
except in this case it was true!

by Joseph Bolden

According to Michael Welmer, a forensic psychiatrist and the creator of the "Depravity Scale", his invention is a scientific way for judges, juries, and others to measure evil acts.

Mr. Welmer’s Depravity Scale has 26 categories, divided into three subcategories: intent, actions, and behavior. Unfortunately I can’t go through these categories or I’d be plagiarizing Mr. Libaw’s work. Lets just say crimes committed based on race, sexual orientation or religion all have their place on the scale. Torture, murder, or harm with intent not to kill though seriously hurt and/or maim are all on the depravity scale, which someday all victims and jurors may use in court.

Mr. Welmer has worked most of the glitches ‘n gremlins out of his prototype, so when testing begins, he should be able to pass all the tests he’ll be given by various law enforcement officials.

To Know the Evil Deeds we are all capable of is a burden I don’t want, but if it forces us to examine and improve ourselves, then bring on this evil and depravity contraption. So far we’ve only been guessing at what constitutes pure evil or a bad seeds, leaving Old Nick to tell us if our souls are weak.

I hope there are also ways to measure goodness too, someday only then will Mankind have both weighed equally.

Please donate what can to Poor Magazine or C/0 Ask Joe at 255 9th St.Street, San Francisco, CA 94103 USA.

For Joe only my snail mail:
PO Box 1230 #645 Market St.
San Francisco, CA 94102


I Can't Tell You, They'll Kill Me

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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PNN community Journalist witnesses the profiling and indifference in the aftermath of a crime against a houseless citizen of San Francisco

by Valerie Schwartz/PoorNewNetwork

Sunday September 8, 2002 was a warm gorgeous day in the Haight district of San Francisco, or so I had been thinking. I felt good as the warmth of the sun hit my face. Cotton wisps sparsely placed as they mingled with the never-ending blue sky. I closed my eyes and drifted of into a daydream...Then all of a sudden I was slapped back into reality when I heard, "I can't tell you...they'll kill me!, "They piped me in the head and stabbed me." Then I heard a discordant wave, an aftershock, of frantic and frightened voices: "Somebody call 911!, he looks pretty bad, he's losing a lot of blood...what happened?"

I walked up to the sidewalk and laying in between two-parked cars was a tall, thin, young man clad only in his briefs. He was covered in blood. He looked familiar, he looked like a homeless guy I used to see on the streets downtown and in the Tenderloin. I wasn't positive, although I rarely forget a face, but at that point I still was not sure who he was. His face and body were smeared with different shades of reds and rust-brown, his life leaking out of him.

Roxanne, a resident of the neighborhood, was sitting in the street next to him. Roxanne told me that he had come out of the park across the street, Buena Vista Park, and had made it as far as the curb. She had propped him up against the rear bumper of a car and was applying pressure to the stab wound in his chest. She pushed a shirt and two-fingers directly into the wound, which had been, spurting blood and plugged it. I listened to her talking to him to try to keep him from going further into shock than he already was. I heard her ask him in a very soft and calm voice, "What Happened?" He again replied, "I can't tell you... they'll kill me." He was more than frightened but she kept him talking and I truly believe that she saved his life.

What was even more incredible was when the first officer on the scene got out of his car. He cleared the street of traffic, approached the victim and sarcastically said, "What happened buddy, drug deal gone bad?" He then told Roxanne that she really shouldn't be touching him because of all the blood. A man standing on the sidewalk also parroted this message. Listening to these statements dumbfounded me. I was amazed at the phobia and attitudes of indifference and the general disregard of this young man as a person, a human being. At this moment, I was reminded of the indifference of the proposed legislation Proposition N, aka "Care" not Cash, which talks about homelessness as though it had nothing to do with human beings.

Eventually the Fire Department arrived and quickly attended to the young man. As the paramedics made their way over to where he lay, Roxanne got up. She didn't leave his side until they were next to him. Roxanne told me later, "If I had stopped putting pressure on his wounds he might have died, because the cop sure wasn't going to do it." Roxanne then told me, "I walked away and the cop called me back and asked me, "Will you get some 411 (information) for me? He won't talk to me." She continued, "I went over to him and asked him again, what happened?" "I told him that he didn't look too good and maybe he needed to tell me what happened." Roxanne told me that he then reluctantly gave her his name and birth date.

Still strong in my belief that he was the homeless person I once knew, I asked Roxanne some more questions. "Do you think that this man was homeless?" I asked. She hesitated as she thought and replied, "At first I didn't know what to think because he wasn't dressed... But as I kept him talking he told me they took his sleeping bag, he was upset about his sleeping-bag." She then went on to tell me that, "He never once mentioned any money and although they took his wallet it did not seen to bother him at all." "He said they took his wedding ring, but he never asked for his family, wife, or spouse to be notified of his condition." I asked Roxanne, "Did he say if they took his clothes?" She said, "He didn't say they took my clothes, he said nothing about them."

I am still bothered by the statements made to the victim by the first officer on the scene, in reference to a drug deal gone bad and his phobia of blood. Does this mean that because the victim was stripped to his briefs that he was: A. A crazed dope-fiend? B. A sex-industry worker? C. A pervert, a trick, or a gay man? D. Homeless? E. All of the above? I feel that the officer automatically stereotyped him into one, if not all of these categories upon his arrival. Therefore by the statements of this officer, did this mean that the young man/victim more than likely got what he deserved because, a judgement had been formulated that, the man was a walking "Petri-dish" of diseases and viruses? The reality is that first and foremost this young man is a person and should have been treated as such.

I called the SAGE-Project(Standing Against Global Exploitation) and spoke to Sammy Formo who is a peer counselor for the men's services at SAGE. The SAGE Project deals with women and men who have been sex-industry workers, that have experienced domestic violence, substance abuse, self esteem and parenting issues, homelessness and more. I asked him if he had any reports of violence or attacks of his clients in Buena Vista Park. He replied, " I don't have a lot of clients who will admit to working in that park. It does happen though. I feel that people get robbed more than attacked up there. People are afraid to come forth, It's an issue of shame. If they came forward--look how the police treated this young man--they are afraid of what would happen. They're afraid of how they will be treated."

I then asked Sammy, "Are many of your clients homeless?"

"A couple of them and some of the clients I have who will be released from jail don't have a place to go."

I then asked Sammy about Proposition N "Care-Not-Cash" and how he felt about it. " Don't get me started", his words rushed through the phone line. He added, "It's ludicrous, It's unbelievable... it will create more poor people."

I then called Jennifer Friedenbach at the Coalition On Homelessness to ask her about violence against poor homeless people of our fair city. I asked Jennifer if she thought the citizen's of San Francisco were aware of the violence and hate that is happening on a daily basis, and that many of these people who are the recipients of this are poor and or homeless. Jennifer gave a quick reply with a sigh, a simple, "No."

I then asked Ms. Friedenbach if she thought the corporate media's editorial policies are biased and if she felt that they portrayed poor and houseless folks in a negative light?" Jennifer said, "Yes definitely. I think the corporate media has created a feeling of safety among people who are creating hate crimes against the poor homeless people and this is done by constantly demonizing and constantly portraying the poor and homeless in a negative light."

Jennifer and I briefly discussed "Care-Not-Cash". "How do you feel about the mainstream media's coverage of Proposition N, or lack of coverage?" I asked.

Sounding firm and concerned she replied, "It has been horrendous. It has not been properly characterized, it just repeats the rhetoric and lies without ever explaining what the legislation says." Ms. Friedenbach then added, "It will increase poverty and homelessness."

Being that I have lived on the street and have been assaulted, been homeless and have myself slept in Buena Vista Park. I can understand and make sense of the statements made by this young man: He was worried about his sleeping bag and his wedding ring, and that he did not seem to be worried about his wallet. When you are houseless, a sleeping bag is far more beneficial than an empty wallet. I have never seen an empty wallet cover a person and fend off the chills of the night. I can also see why a ring is of importance, sentimental importance. I know very few houseless people who would worry about their clothes being taken for they can always get more. As far as material possessions go: they are not often as valued as the basics. I understand the omission of his family because of shame. I can tell you first hand, that the poor and homeless of San Francisco worry about Proposition N. I can tell you that safety is on homeless peoples mind often, they do worry about violence and the pecking orders that living in poverty can create. Poor and homeless people do worry about how their treatment will be hindered by bias and stereotyping and the fear it produces. "I can't tell you... They'll kill me."


Crap No Care's Answer

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
Original Author
Original Body

Are on Prop.N people
neo Troglodytes?

Beating up a respected
Black C.O.H. Homeless Advocate
for differing political views.

by Joe B.

An Open Letter On Perception For Anyone With Brains And Hearts To Listen.

Weeks ago while walking from work to home I waved to Willie Warren, a Coalition On Homelessness Advocate.

Besides being a poet and being politically aware he’s a large, strong, even tempered guy who wouldn’t bully anyone about anything.

Except to print embarrass using facts on what’s wrong with political and economic systems.

When he tells his horrendous story of being set up for attacks behind by two white guys who first had a problem with his "tan."

Then after finding out he’s a Homeless Advocate they go nuts and beat or stomp the 'livin bloody mud hole out of him.

I think these two clowns white or black have psychological problems to begin with but to follow, talk, then explode in violence means they wanted "beat down" on someone anyone not their shade or political persuasion.

What’s telling is these are "Gavin Newsom" CNC supporters to me that’s scary.

If they see black guys with backpacks and assume homelessness then go after him-her for his job as homeless advocate as an excuse.

It’s a two-for one beat down.

These two cowards have the gall calling out the "N" word thinking Warren would just flip out then have to follow him as he wisely decides to leave.

I’ve had my own run in but it wasn’t as severe or potentially deadly.

As I read the letter the first sign of trouble to me is two white guys fuming; for me it means go a different route.

Are my senses more acute?

I usually steer by angry people let alone a couple it could be I’d rather avoid confrontation than face it especially when the odds favor two or more against one.

These guys may be the tip of a racist – homophobic iceberg.

What kind of people or persons attack people wearing backpacks assuming those who have them are homeless.

What about tourists, school children without a dress uniform or bucking the code, college, or university students and graduates also undergraduates.

Do you think these kind of people quietly fuming mad about the so called homeless problem will differentiate between different people walking in and around the city wearing backpacks?

I carry a backpack, my mother who’s taking up creative writing in a community college totes a backpack!

How many of these people are walking around itching to attack anyone because they either appear, not neat or cleanly dressed, or are perceived as homeless.

Even being a homeless advocate thus on the left of the political spectrum.

Is this the ultimate answer of conservatives action?

Someone or thing is giving out a message or its being twisted to convey:

Houseless People, Working Poor Folk and families and now Homeless Advocates are seen as targets of opportunities.

Guess I’ll brush up on the empty hand and Ninja techniques to make whatever I can find as weapons of opportunity if I am also to others a beat down one.

When I was young I was forced to carry a sharp kitchen knife in a paper bag to protect myself against being ganged up on because I was small runt of kid.

The knife was never used but felt good having it just in case.

Now I might have be a weapon even when carrying none using my brain to learn and relearn self protection.

I an average peaceful, husky, (slightly overweight black guy.

I’ve been beaten up by girls that couldn’t say they liked me guys know how that is when they hit girls they really liked.

Women, girls are bad enough but I won’t get stomped on for someone else’s perception of me who doesn’t know me at all.

People, I may be wrong but whatever happens with Proposition N. Please for men, women, girls, boys learn self defense and if you know enough teach folks who want to learn.

As for gun will there are Teflon bullet proof vest but buy extra to cover head, neck, under shoulder.

Yes, I’m afraid being mortal brings that out.

I end my open letter saying be aware folks, be very aware.

There's in an undercurrent of anger by persons so fed up with the homeless they’re willing to beat up people or worse.

I hope this is not leading for "A Final Solution" the world has gone that route before lets not revisit the worst humanity has to offer itself. Bye.

Wary and Worried

Joseph Bolden

Cc: The Street Sheet

Cc: Board Of Supervisors

Cc: The Chronicle’s Editor

Cc: The Examiner’s Editor
