Story Archives 2016

Building Homefulness....

09/24/2021 - 07:17 by Anonymous (not verified)
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pspan style="color: rgb(29, 33, 41); font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 17.94px; white-space: pre-wrap;"Like thousands of people, I have worked, cultivated and planted seeds, never to see or enjoy the fruits of our labor. We have made and cleaned the most beautiful gardens that I have seen in my life in the mountains of Berkeley for people with money. Earning $10 an hour, we have built and managed houses with immense beauty, only to never see them again. /span/p pspan style="color: rgb(29, 33, 41); font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 17.94px; white-space: pre-wrap;"We have silently obeyed the orders of the stewards, managers, and company owners (the owners of the house, the owners of our checks, the owners of our lives). We have been forced into obeying always in silent, but it does not always have to be this way./span/p

Ed Lie Exploits Elders - The Counter Recall Rally for SF Mayor Ed Lie

09/24/2021 - 07:17 by Anonymous (not verified)
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div No No No - No Recall - a Chinese elder with a small blue jacket yelled above the heads of two Ed Lee recall organizers. His voice was quiet, almost embarassed and unsure of what the words he was saying even meant. The Recall Ed Lie rally had just ended with powerful voices like Yayne Abebe and Oscar Salinas clearly naming the crimes against poor, Black, Brown and Asian San Franciscans and then the dont#39; recall Ed Lee rally which was across the street, proceeded to cross the street en masse, yelling Don#39;t recall Ed Lee, congregating on the same steps where the Recall Ed Lee rally had just been. It was a sad, odd science fiction movie, underwritten by a shadowy group of realtors who work together with Ed Lee attempting to sell off this entire City to the highest bidder./div pHe has pushed all San Franciscans out of San Francisco, he doesnt work for any of us, including the folks across the street, but he does work for the tech companies and the realtors, said Yayne to the small crowd gathered for the Recall Ed Lee rally./p p Since Lee#39;s administration which began under a cloud of lies, including him being a reluctant candidate, the murders of Black, Brown and unhoused people like Jessica Nelson Williams and Luis Gongora has risen, the percentage of Black people has dropped to 3% and unhoused people have been criminalized for the sole act of being unhoused with an alarming rate. Scores of elders 75- 100 years old have faced the a data-saferedirecturl="" href="" target="_blank"crime of elder finaincial and physical abuse/a from eviction and it has been clearer everyday that Lee#39;s goal has been to enable the final selling off of every last piece of land and resources to large corporate interests like Air BnB, Google, Uber, and Ron Conway./p p He allowed a murderous po#39;Lice administration to continue administrating, shuttled in the selling of a data-saferedirecturl="" href="" target="_blank"public housing on the private stock market,/a and looked the other way, ignored or straight up locked the door when people POOR Magazine.Idriss Stelley Foundation, Black Lives Matter, The Last 3% and so many more went to his office challenge him./p p But today for me was the final straw. I already lost respect for this man who supposedly grew up in working class roots, even being involved in the I-Hotel fight for liberation in his younger years, but today he took it to a new level by practicing a blatantnbsp; form of elder / nbsp;/p div Under Ed Lie we have literally seen the death of elders due to profit based evictions, from Elaine Turner to Ron Likkers and now we face the possible eviction of 100 year old a data-saferedirecturl="" href="" target="_blank"Iris Canada,/a similiariy, the most recent population to face more houselessness are people of Chinese descent and yet these hundreds of elders were given a message and sent out here to a data-saferedirecturl="" href="" target="_blank"protest a recall they didnt even understand. /abr / nbsp;/div div This recall protest is disrespecting the Chinese community, Scott Weiner, SF Board Supervisor and Ruliing Class yes-man was also conveniently on hand to try to pit the community against the community./div pAs someone who has spent my life listening, respecting,loving andnbsp; caring for elders as my job (I don#39;t get paid for any of my POOR Magazine or community work) This took the exploitation, disrespect and elder abuse to a new level. Lee#39;s actions are downright violent and abusive. He should not only be recalled, he should be charged with crimes against the people of San Francisco./p p nbsp;/p

Prince, Hollywood and the walk of fame

09/24/2021 - 07:17 by Anonymous (not verified)
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pspan style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; font-size: 14.6667px;"In April I came into a little money so I decided I would treat myself to a much needed vacation./span/p pspan style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; font-size: 14.6667px;"I booked a flight for the 19th to LA thinking I would try my hand at street performance and it just happened to be the day before the big marijuana celebration of 4/20./span/p pspan style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; font-size: 14.6667px;"I booked a hotel for the first night in Inglewood, planning on going to stay in Hollywood after getting a good night#39;s rest. Suddenly the focus of my trip changed because I, like so many others, got the news that Prince, one of the greatest entertainers in history, had passed./span/p pspan style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; font-size: 14.6667px;"At first I thought it was a cruel joke but confirmed it after checking several news sources./span/p pspan style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; font-size: 14.6667px;"I also found out that he didn#39;t have a star on the walk of fame so I decided to investigate further and and see if there was anyway of getting him one./span/p pspan style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; font-size: 14.6667px;"I contacted Ana Martinez of the Hollywood chamber of commerce, the person who oversees the ceremonies of placing stars on the walk of fame, to see what could be done./span/p pspan style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; font-size: 14.6667px;"She told me there were many petitions that had been gathered but unfortunately they would not help because one person is nominated a year posthumously and it still takes 5 years for the star to be placed, and it was up to the family to nominate him./span/p pspan style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; font-size: 14.6667px;"Prince was special because he donated millions of dollars to causes and people less fortunate than him./span/p pspan style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; font-size: 14.6667px;"That interview was recorded and will be featured in a live radio broadcast sometime in the near future./span/p pspan style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; font-size: 14.6667px;"I continued my visit innbsp; in Hollywoodnbsp; with a heavier heart than I had when I started./span/p pspan style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; font-size: 14.6667px;"I was able to stay a lot cheaper by going to a thrift store, purchasing a crocpot/spanbr style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; font-size: 14.6667px;" /br / span style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; font-size: 14.6667px;"And cooking omelets by mixing eggs in a plastic bag with cheese and vegetables/spanbr style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; font-size: 14.6667px;" /br / span style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; font-size: 14.6667px;"And cooking them in a microwave for 3 minutes.nbsp;/span/p pspan style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; font-size: 14.6667px;"I also ate salads that I put together. Most of my cooking utensils I got from dollar stores, as well as seasonings and other ingredients./span/p pspan style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; font-size: 14.6667px;"If I had dined in restaurants every day I would have been broke in less than a week. I was able to stay 2 weeks and still had a few bucks when I got back home./span/p

THC and the city

09/24/2021 - 07:17 by Anonymous (not verified)
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pspan style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; font-size: 14.6667px;"Sometime last year THC (Tenderloin Housing Clinic) started housing homeless people in privately owned hotels by subletting rooms in them through the navigation center./span/p pspan style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; font-size: 14.6667px;"Obviously most of these clients had some situation that landed on the street. Anything from lack of finances to mental illness and/or substance abuse./span/p pspan style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; font-size: 14.6667px;"One such client became my neighbor in the SRO I reside in and had an obvious mental health issue as he would have loud repetitive conversations with folks that nobody else would see./span/p pspan style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; font-size: 14.6667px;"He would do this throughout the course of the day and through all hours of the night, something he apparently couldn#39;t help./span/p pspan style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; font-size: 14.6667px;"Often I could even hear him a block away on the on his way home./span/p pspan style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; font-size: 14.6667px;"This occurred for about a month and apparently some of my other neighbors complained because not one but 2 case managers showed up one day to tell him that he would have to give up his housing if he couldn#39;t control his behavior./span/p pspan style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; font-size: 14.6667px;"They had to know this about him when they took him on as a client. This is a blatant disregard for his right under provisions of the ADA (Americans with disabilities Act), a federal law that prevents discrimination on the basis of disabilities./span/p pspan style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; font-size: 14.6667px;"Another neighborhood who has been here longer and has assualted several people in the building and is just as loud but is not apart of THC program apparently hasn#39;t been spoken to by anybody this is of course tremendously unfair./span/p pspan style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; font-size: 14.6667px;"This is extreme hypocrisy on the part of THC who claim to be able to help their clients through their Master Lease program which is nothing more than a demerit system run by their staff and is applied much like Napoleonic law in Louisiana. In that they can write people up pretty much for anything that suits their fancy and if the client doesn#39;t complain it sticks./span/p pspan style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; font-size: 14.6667px;"Apparently in this new program a write-up isn#39;t even necessary, just a complaint./span/p pspan style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; font-size: 14.6667px;"Sadly one morning a gentleman who resembled my neighbor and claimed to be his dad came calling on him./span/p pspan style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; font-size: 14.6667px;"The door was never answered and I haven#39;t seen him since./span/p

Sweeping us like we were Trash in Hypocrisy City (Berkeley)

09/24/2021 - 07:17 by Anonymous (not verified)
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pFor the past few months, every other Thursday, CalTrans alongside the Berkeley Police Department and the California Highway Patrol have been pushing out houseless communities out of their encampment space from under the overpass at Gilman Street in Berkeley.nbsp; Most of these communities are the casualty of being pushed out of the Albany Bulb and having been forced out of Downtown Berkeley (Shattuck Avenue corridor) because of the newly adopted local city ordinances that discriminate and marginalize houseless and poor communities./p p Having been houseless myself in one of the wealthiest communities (Bay Area) in the entire nation, I truly understand how it is to feel pushed out without any option nor solution to having the access to housing. One community member told me that he had been living in the encampment for about nearly a month, however he said that every other Thursday, the Berkeley PD, CA State Highway Patrol and CalTrans were showing up at 7:00am with a bullhorn loudspeaker telling everyone that they had five minutes to gather up their belongings and evacuate the area.nbsp;/p p He also told me that they have done nothing to offer a real solution to helping people get into housing and that all they do is give them a yellow piece of paper containing a bunch of so-called lsquo;local resourcersquo; phone numbers.nbsp; He also said that the listed resources are unable to help them and that they have no other option but to be pushed onto the public sidewalk without anywhere they can safely go./p p Another houseless community member told me that they pushed them all onto a public parking space which is the property of the East Bay Parks and Recreation Department, where their police approached them, asking for each of their names and giving them the lsquo;samersquo; yellow resource information paper.nbsp;/p p Many of the houseless community folks who were staying under the overpass at Gilman Street suspect that the police asked them their names so that if they donrsquo;t vacate by the nightly deadline of 10:00pm, that they would be cited for trespassing, which means that they would be given a ticket, fined and if they couldnrsquo;t afford to pay the fine nor get to court, then an arrest warrant would be issued and they would eventually arrested for simply being poor and having nowhere to go.nbsp; Another houseless community member told me that they have literally lsquo;pushed us out into the waterrsquo; right at the edge of the rocks on the bay, as the police forced everyone to corral up into the parking lot like a makeshift FEMA camp./p p ldquo;The police had no mercy on us, our lives and our personal possessionsrdquo;, stated lsquo;Vickyrsquo;, as she sat on a small wooden chair with her little dog in the parking lot in the full sun.nbsp; ldquo;We are peaceful people, all we wish for is to live free without being constantly harassed.nbsp; If we had a dumpster, a decent porta pottie and porta shower like the rich people do in the Berkeley Marina (as she points across the parking lot to the Marina in the distance), we would be able to steward all of this open unused space in peace and respect for the first peoples of this land.rdquo;nbsp; She also mentioned how they were being isolated and that everyone was hungry and tired.nbsp;/p p As the East Bay Regional Parks Police were asking peoplersquo;s names, I asked them what were they going to do for this displaced community and their answer was that they gave them all that yellow paper of resource phone numbers and that everyone had to vacate the parking lot by 10:00pm.nbsp; I asked them if they understood how these resources work and they said lsquo;norsquo;, that they didnrsquo;t understand how they work and that they did their job by handing everyone that yellow piece of paper./p p This is a state of emergency as more poor people are pushed out onto the streets.nbsp; Most who I spoke to in the parking lot had lsquo;livedrsquo; inside of apartments as long-time residents in the Bay Area (Oakland and Berkeley) and had been forced out by extreme rent hikes as a direct result of gentrification in the Bay Area.nbsp; In a time when multiple lsquo;new devilopmentsrsquo; are being constructed in the City of Berkeley, it is lsquo;timersquo; that Berkeley take accountability to stop passing the baton onto other law enforcement agencies like the East Bay Regional Parks Police and stop pushing their poor/disabiled/houseless communities into the San Francisco Bay and house these communities now./p pspan class="_4n-j fsl"span class="text_exposed_show"When we are unhoused our belongings are no longer considered belongings - our bodies and our possessions are criminalized and we are considered trash, said Lisa Tiny Gray-Garcia co-founder of POOR Magazine./span/span/p pstrongEmergency Press Conference Demanding Liberated Ohlone Land/strongbr / POOR Magazine poverty and indigenous skolaz held an emergency press conference at the site of the sweeps where we tried to get media attention for this violence against unhoused people, demanding thespan class="_4n-j fsl"span class="text_exposed_show" release of liberated Ohlone Land for unhoused people to peacefully dwell on and build our own housing like we have done with the a href=""Homefulness project/a in Deep East Huchuin Ohlone land (Oakland) with Ohlone elders and land liberators from the Sogorea Te Land Trust, the 1st Native Women owned land trust in the nation./span/span/p p This is the next wave of militarization on Ohlone land, said Chochenyo and Karkin Ohlone leader Corrina Gould, co-founder of the Sogorea Te Land Trust about the Berkeley sweeps. This is the continuation of disposing of and dehuanizing people that dont#39; fit into the settler colonialist mindset of what #39;home#39; means. My ancestors, the first people of this land - the Ohlone, were displaced and told our homes were not good enough - entire villages burned down and ancestors removed by gun point. What has changed in the last 500 years? There is another way possible. Creating the Sogorea Te Land Trust would offer the dreams to manifest into reality, for poor, displaced IIndigenous and POC to have a safe village to live and surive as human beings./p p Give unhoused people in Berkeley liberated Ohlone land or stop forcing us to move when we have nowhere to go, concluded Lisa tiny / br / strongPNN-TV a href=""WeSearch /ainterviews from the press conference:/strong/p pa href=""PNN-TV: Berkeley Destroys and Dismantles UnHoused Peoples/a/p pa href=""PNN-TV: Berkeley Destroys and Dismantles UnHoused Peoples #2/a/p

The Gentrification of Cannabis

09/24/2021 - 07:17 by Anonymous (not verified)
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pIts tough these days.nbsp; The economy has been rough for years.nbsp; Especially for low income residents of the city, mentally and physically disabled folk, and an under educated youth.nbsp; These are the people who have made up the back bone of the Cannabis industry for the last 10-15 years.nbsp; Many landowners, growers, and field workers in the Cannabis industry in Northern California are on government disability and use the cash economy to lsquo;cheatrsquo; the government so they can live a decent living.nbsp; Its hard to even get a space in a trailer park when your only income is from a disability check, and you#39;re legally not allowed to receive that check and have an additional income./p pThere is a huge cash economy that is happening in Northern California.nbsp; Landowners lease their fenced gardens to growers on a decent percentage of all the properties in the weed-friendly counties that make up much of Northern California.nbsp; There are thousands of growers who make their living growing outdoor crops, or sleep in their living rooms because the bedrooms are full of grow lights.nbsp; Thousands of college students and many urban young people get some extra cash from using up a closet or a bedroom and living a cramped lifestyle in order to keep up in a increasingly expensive city.nbsp; There are thousands who flock to Northern California for work, as trimmers, leaf pickers, soil mixers, security guards, cultivation experts, musicians, masseuses, electricians or as uneducated labor.nbsp; There is no reading requirement, no education requirement, no resume, cover letter, prior references or experience necessary.nbsp; The pay often is pretty damn good when compared to the other unskilled work that may or may not be available.nbsp; The young, disabled, economically advantaged and disadvantaged all have the ability to start entrepreneurial businesses with little or no start up./p p15 years ago myself I started with a borrowed grow light and a few bucks.nbsp; I moved up slowly, from a closet to a bedroom to my own apartment (where I lived in the living room), eventually finding full time employment and running large outdoor grows where I was responsible to nobody but myself. It put me through college, let me travel where I normally wouldnrsquo;t have been able to, and even helped me be able to serve and volunteer in my community when it was required because I worked for myself. I could take off the odd summer, travel around the Indian community, go to far-away ceremonies, travel internationally and take half a year off to volunteer in my community full-time.nbsp; I have watched as the price dropped from $3400, to $2800, to $2200, to $1500, to $1200 and now even to sub-$1000 prices for an outdoor pound.nbsp; It still costs the same to grow. But originally because it was a black market, it was highly illegal to grow, and people were generally scared of being caught, the price was inflated and high./p pAs the laws eased year by year, as the criminal penalties slowly got easier, as the public perception changed, and now as we have a good deal of the western states with full on legalization, the price is at an all-time low.nbsp; I knew it had come because my own Mom, who once used to be so embarrassed by my smoking weed, now had discussions over lunch with her friends about their childrens involvement in the various sectors of the Cannabis Industry.nbsp; The market is flooded with growers.nbsp; It used to be hard to find a property in Northern California that would let you grow, now its nearly impossible to find one that isnrsquo;t growing already.nbsp;nbsp; You can order herb on your iPhone and have it delivered in 20 minutes while paying on your credit card.nbsp; No more waiting for your local dealer to hopefully answer his phone.nbsp; The guy across the street can get a delivery before your dealer even sees the missed call./p pI recently attended the Green Rush Job Fair in San Francisco, a gathering of the growing and explosive Cannabis businesses and prospective employees.nbsp; There were all sorts of new budding businesses in the room.nbsp; Uber-like delivery services, Bud and Breakfasts like Air B-n-B, Edible companies, Sacramento Lobbying groups, and even Technology companies.nbsp; There were also all sorts of attendees, eager people from all sorts of backgrounds looking for a job in this growing market.nbsp; There were stoners wearing business suits, nerdy tech guys, closet growers looking to get themselves a job to get to their next harvest and fresh outtarsquo; high school kids with their favorite 420 T-Shirt tucked into their Khaki pants.nbsp; Itrsquo;s obvious that the city I can hardly afford to live in is growing and moving me out, and now my own business has grown so big that Irsquo;m no longer qualified for the positions they are looking for.nbsp; If you#39;re not willing to accept entry-level wages (even with a decade of experience), then they arenrsquo;t looking for you. They want the low payed security guard or the guy from the coffee shop to change jobs and serve you bud instead of coffee.nbsp; They are looking for Tech guys, Data Analysts, Sales and Marketing, College degrees and experience required. But not experience in the Cannabis industry.nbsp; Several employers said that that was actually frowned upon.nbsp; While our housing crisis may be kicking out families that have lived there for generations, the legalization and large scale ramp up of Marijuana is kicking out the employees and experts that the business has been based on for the last decade.nbsp; With the new legal situations come new employment situations./p pNo longer is it a business for societyrsquo;s castaways, the disabled, the unemployed, the under educated, those with little to no capital, or the poor.nbsp; Now its a business for the guys who are already employed.nbsp; Instead of working for SalesForce, Uber or the new big tech firm, now they can work in the exploding Cannabis industry.nbsp; Now you need corporate experience and a college education to be in the weed business.nbsp; But whatrsquo;s going to happen to the rest of the people who helped build this industry?nbsp; What is going to happen to those who are on government disability and have been taking part in California#39;s hidden green economy to get by? What about all the traveling under educated folk who come in and work for the summer or the fall? What about the public school teachers who work the summers because teachers donrsquo;t earn enough to survive in the bay area?nbsp; What about the youth who donrsquo;t have other economic opportunities due to failing school systems, lack of education, lack of career prospects, and lack of opportunities?nbsp; What does the guy who only has a few hundred bucks and some borrowed equipment do when he wants to start a business?nbsp; What about all the physically and mentally disabled folk who our society has thrown out, won#39;t employ, or who canrsquo;t find employment because of a failing mental health system?/p pA lot of folk in California have been finding extra work, or literally the only work that they can do, and they are finding that their job is disappearing.nbsp; Marlboro wants to do it now.nbsp; Uber-style delivery wants in.nbsp; Air BnB clones want a piece.nbsp; Corporate strategy is now taking over the good-vibe marketing that made California#39;s Green economy such a relaxed place and made us famous.nbsp; I feel like the San Francisco Cab driver who now is having to find other work now that Uber came to town.nbsp; Itrsquo;s back to the back of the line in the labor force and starting all over.nbsp; We had no stake or equity in the economy that grew around us. Counties have been changing their laws slowly over the past few years, making it tighter and tighter and more and more regulated.nbsp; Grows are shrinking or being outlawed all together.nbsp; They are becoming more regulated.nbsp; Itrsquo;s all paving the way to legalization.nbsp; To turn the 1000 acre almond orchards into grow sites.nbsp;/p pWhat all this entails is that the low-capitol entrepreneur is no longer going to be able to participate the same way that they used to.nbsp; Do you know anyone whorsquo;s leasing 100+ acres with Irrigation and tractors just to get from one side to the other?nbsp; Or do you have an uncle or an aunty who used to rent the corner of their backyard?nbsp; For most people its the latter.nbsp; Now you will need serious investment to take part.nbsp; You need financiers, several employees and a permit.nbsp; Whorsquo;s gonna get the permits?nbsp; I bet it wonrsquo;t be the hundreds of thousands of growers in Northern California who have been banking on this for decades and who are now being displaced.nbsp; The people who might have upgraded their truck, paid off their mortgage, or put their kids through college.nbsp; Sure, some might have bags of money buried or came up majorly on real estate, but for the majority of people it was a little extra income or the only income they could get.nbsp;nbsp;/p pOne of the problems of an underground cash economy is that yoursquo;re never really sure how many people are involved in it.nbsp; They donrsquo;t show up on the census, they donrsquo;t get counted by the IRS.nbsp; Trust me, Northern California depends on it.nbsp; Its the reason that half the houses have renters, the reason why rural areas where there is no real work have decent employment.nbsp; There are people who rely on it to pay their bills or their mortgages because it is the only employment in the most rural areas of California.nbsp; There are hundreds of thousands of people who are about to lose their part time or full time job.nbsp; But because its cash, because its black market, they canrsquo;t speak out.nbsp; Although you can buy almost anything with cash, you canrsquo;t buy a house these days with $100 bills yoursquo;ve been hiding in a shoebox, even if you have a big shoebox.nbsp; You also canrsquo;t go down to the bank and deposit the $500,000 that yoursquo;d need to start a legitimate business in the cannabis industry.nbsp; So our cash economy has left us out of the future of this ldquo;green rushrdquo; that we started.nbsp;/p pNorthern California property has had an added value the last decade because people were able to grow on it.nbsp; You could have a half dozen full time employees working on a single property that were only able to be there because of the grow.nbsp; There are billions of dollars that, because they are cash, havenrsquo;t made it into the banks. Instead they have been supporting the local Ace Hardware, the local cafe, better tips for restaurant workers, hiring people to do work for you because yoursquo;ve got a wad of cash in your pocket, more cash being spent because therersquo;s nowhere else to put it.nbsp; The economic impacts of taking so many jobs away from Northern California are going to be devastating.nbsp; Devastating to rural real estate, to small and rural towns, and devastating to all the would-be and soon-to-be unemployed who formerly had work.nbsp;/p pDe-criminilization of Cannabis needs to happen.nbsp; The drug war has gone on far too long and far too many people have suffered and had their futures irrevocably changed for the worse.nbsp; I myself was facing a handful of felonies for some weed.nbsp; 6-12 years of my life potentially gone.nbsp; Luckily I had the privilege of a lawyer, and bail.nbsp; That wasnrsquo;t something that many can afford, and unfortunately both of those things are rights that you can buy, and you get treated completely different in the system if you have them.nbsp; Decent legal representation and the right to have equal access to living in your own house while you await trial should be guaranteed rights, but unfortunately they are something you must buy, and they are not cheap.nbsp; Thinking back its hard to believe that I could have lost so much of my life.nbsp; My future would never have been the same.nbsp; My dreams would have been snuffed.nbsp; Legalization needs to happen, even if just to keep people out of prison, but what worries me most about the impending changes that are happening is what is going to happen to those who are already employed in the industry./p pEven those who built quite the resume out of the whole thing are finding out that their experience isnrsquo;t wanted or respected.nbsp; Selling weed and being a middle man isnrsquo;t the same as having Sales experience from a major corporation.nbsp; Agricultural companies wonrsquo;t hire you for all your lsquo;irrigationrsquo; experience but instead will offer you a low paid labor position.nbsp; ldquo;Amateur botanistrdquo; and a Botany degree from UC Santa Cruz arenrsquo;t the same thing.nbsp; Managing employees on the farm isnrsquo;t the same as management experience in corporate America. The school of hard knocks sure ain#39;t looked at the same as a college education. A resume full of experience that you canrsquo;t actually put a telephone number next to is turning out to be quite the road block.nbsp; This new Green economy is full of low-paid work for most of us, and new job opportunities for those who are now living in the house that we grew up in.nbsp;nbsp;/p pDonrsquo;t even get me started on the Green Rush/Gold Rush thing. nbsp;nbsp;/p

Autistic Teenagers Young Adults In Hotter Than July: Police Brutality

09/24/2021 - 07:17 by Anonymous (not verified)
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pspanStevie Wonderrsquo;s title of his September 28th, 1980 album, Hotter Than July can describe what teenagers young adults with autism are feeling this year. Although we celebrated the 26th birthday of the Americans with Disabilities Act; itrsquo;s been very hot for teens young adults with autism in cities all over the US not because of the Summer sun but because of police shootings/brutality from Miami, FL to Chicago, ILL to San Francisco Burbank, CA against them. From taser to robots to bomb squad to bean bag bullets to real bullets were all used against autistic young teens and adults by police this Summer especially July/2016./span/p pnbsp;/p pspanJuly 15th A local Latino family was outraged cause the officer pulled Tawnya Nevarez over because her son, whom the family does not want to name, wasn#39;t wearing a seat belt. Police said he became agitated during the stop, and his mother told the officer he was autistic. It ended with the teen being tasered and sent to the hospital./span/p pnbsp;/p pspanJuly 18th The police union of North Miami police department said that the officer was aiming for 26 year old Arnaldo Rio autistic Black/Native young man who was sitting on the ground next to his caregiver/therapist, Charles Kinsey, a Black man who was ldquo;accidentially was shot in the leg. It started by somone calling the police because they though Rio was carrying a gun. The gun was a toy truck and after Kinsey shouted to the cops that the yong man has autism and he had aa toy truck in his had the police still tried to shoot Rio but got Kinsey in the leg. The handcuffed both men and had Rio in the police car for four hours./span/p pnbsp;/p pspanJuly 26th San Francisco Police officers ended a 16 hours standoff with a 13 year old autistic boy who was in a familyrsquo;s garage with a knife. The police called in the bomb squad, sent in robots and shot beanbag rounds into the 13 year-old boy. The boy was taken to the hospital to treatment for the beanbag shots he endoured by police./span/p pnbsp;/p pspanThese are only the well populize incidents that you can easily googgle that happened all in July 2016. All of these horrible cases have started up the same machine controlled by mainstream institutions like police unions to corporate media that spits out to the media, legal field, families, victims, activists and the general public the story of police and the cycle that victims, lawyers activists should follow shape what justice would look like./span/p pnbsp;/p pspannbsp;First, message is to try to blame the autistic person and their families, secondly, in these cases above is to convince the general public that police reforms are working because all three autistic young teens and adults are still alive and thirdly to lay out the same path to ldquo;justicerdquo; through the courts with state attorneys who many times are stacked against the victims and families and was well reported in many cities that the close relationships between state attorneys and police is seen as a blockage to real justice to police brutality victims and their families. nbsp;lastly if families are awarrded a settlement then the focus is one hundred shifted to more police training even though the cities above already have training before the shootings/abuse.nbsp; To make it seems that US Federal Government cares the Department of Justice, D.O.J will have community hearings like they did this Summer in San Francisco anad Chicago to do what?nbsp; To do a report and give it to our president while locally police abuse/shootings continues./span/p pnbsp;/p pspanAs we end July of 2016, can we pour some cold water on police departments to cool off what Stevie Wonder callsi Hotter Than July/i and at the same time come up with community solutions so parents, neighbors and others don#39;t need to call police. nbsp;Here are some Bay area alternative of not calling the police./span/p pnbsp;/p pspan- Homefullness/Poor Magazine No Police Calls ever/National Call for a State Of Emergency/Moratorium on all PoLice Use of Force link nbsp;a href=""span pnbsp;/p pspan- Critical Resis- tance of Oakland new project the Oakland Power Projects (OPP). From their website it says, ldquo;The Oakland Power Projects build the capacity for Oakland residents to reject police and policing as the default response to harm and to highlight or create alternatives that actually work by identifying current harms, amplifying existing resources, and developing new practices that do not rely on policing solutions. It goes on to say organized into short, medium and long-term steps, the Oakland Power Projects work to make our families and neighborhoods stable and healthy without relying on the cops. CR members spent the last year talking with allies, friends, neighbors, and community members.rdquo; More info at their website/span/p pnbsp;/p pspan pnbsp;/p pPhotonbsp;/p pArnaldo Rios‬ in a blue shirt with a toy truck in his hands./p

State Sanctioned Child Rape and Child Abuse = The PoLice

09/24/2021 - 07:17 by Anonymous (not verified)
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pThe PoLice culture of rape and abuse that continues behind the badge-nbsp;/p pldquo;The nails in the wall dug into my spine. Deep. The pain seared my back. It was a pain i forced myself to become used to. I lived with it. It was from my step-father. These horrific moments of child sexual abuse flooded back into my head as the media bombarded us with Oakland and San Francisco PoLice stories of rape of a minor child. Images of a young girlrsquo;s breasts and Facebook posts were splattered across multiple corporate media channels always hungry for ldquo;bleeds it leadsrdquo; media./p p The sexually exploited teenager at the center of a Bay Area police scandal said she told investigators that four officers had sex with her when she was 16 and 17 years old, including an Oakland police officer she considered her ldquo;boyfriendrdquo; and a Contra Costa County sheriffrsquo;s deputy who would pick her up and drive her to a rural road near the Caldecott Tunnel./p p My heart, soul and mind imploded. The babylonian media ate it all up with a subliminal narrative constantly implied, The only image of this girl-child that appeared almost every hour when the story broke was this baby wearing a shirt with breasts exposed. 535 years of rape and colonization of indigenous bodies floated in and out of my nightmares. Accusations of the fetishized native, objectified female who ldquo;wanted itrdquo; instead of a minor girl-child of color who was exploited by child rapist kkkops/p p From slave-catchers-rapists to missionary colonizer rapists to 21st century misogynist poLice rape culture these occupying armies, land-stealer protectors are and have been predating and perpetrating on poor bodies and bodies of color for centuries, . Any of us who have already had contact with poLice know that the culture of racism, violence and abuse is already rampant behind their state sanctioned badges, the frightening turn for me is the way that the ldquo;accusationsrdquo; seemed to only come from this child. Had it not been for the revolutionaries like Anti-Police Terror Project and so many more folks who fight poLice terror everyday, who followed up with a whistle blower hotline and mass protests, nothing would have happened./p p The rape and child abuse which spanned two counties and who knows how many paid poLice officers was so egregious, i wondered why it didnrsquo;t seep into the mainstream child abuse advocates world. Why was there no CPS charge or felony rape charges placed on the perpetrators? oh thats right, cause they are all working for the same team./p p PoLice shoot 13 year old child with Beannbsp; Bagsbr / This week we saw another child, a 13 year disabled child, be abused, seriously abused by San Francisco PoLice because he was supposedly wielding a ldquo;kniferdquo;. After the use of a killer robot this baby was hit with bags filled with hard small rocks ( beanbags). And then to add bizarre insult to our collective intelligence, this entire incident was framed by the kkkorporate media and poLice as though it was a success. If any parent, care-giver or teacher had shot a disabled child who was obviously in a mental health crisis with ldquo;bean bagsrdquo; or any bags for that matter or laid hands on them, we would be charged with felony child abuse./p p From Jessica Nelson-Williams to Luis Demetrio Gongora Pat, the addition of sexual abuse and child abuse are just another in a long line of murderous abuses of power from the land-stealer protectors, already with the blood on their hands of countless disabled, unhoused, Black, Brown and indigenous unarmed peoples.nbsp;/p p As a survivor of child sexual abuse this latest development was almost too much for me to handle, re-triggering me in ways i canrsquo;t even explain. I am only now able to write this./p p font size="4"bNational Call for a State Of Emergency/Moratorium on all PoLice Use of Force /b/font/p p As the most impacted, the poor, unhoused, Black, Brown, indigenous and disabled mothers, uncles and fathers who are becoming increasingly terrified for our children life in this climate of post-colonial power abuse, we are releasing a national state of emergency/moratorium on the use of all force, weaponry, robots by these tax-payer paid for pedophiles, murderers and child abusers.nbsp;/p p Due to the extreme danger, murder, and ongoing targeting of young peoples of color, Trans peoples, disabled and unhoused peoples by police forces in the US, We the targeted, criminalized, disabled, unhoused Black, Brown and Indigenous peoples hereby call for a State of Emergency - Moratorium on the use of any firearms or weaponry by all police forces in the US. Specifically weaponry, tasers, guns, AR15 rifles, UZI#39;s, etc while on duty as police officers in any line of duty for the 90 day period following the call for the Moratorium./p p We as community advocates and members of most impacted peoples understand that many police agencies across the US have implemented CIT training programs, with little or no change in the ongoing murder and severe abuse of poor, Black, Brown and disabled people./p p We need to change nbsp;the focus from what the police needs to what the community needs.nbsp; We need to look at other models where the community refocus on what the community need from Denver, CO where the community set up a neighborhood awareness program around autism so parents can call on neighbors not police..nbsp; Basically there needs a transition from putting funds to police to neighborhoods solutions.../p p In this 90 day period, it is our goal to explore the option of completely disarmament of police forces as well as the multitude of community based solutions that have been discussed, explored and conceived by movements of impacted peoples across the US and in other countries whose police forces do not use weaponry at all./p p This call is being made in honor of so many of our Black, Brown, Indigenous, Disabled, Trans Children who have been abused, murdered and/or shot as of July 2016/p p Co-signers, endorsers so far include Idriss Stelly Foundation, Krip Hop Nation, Justice for Josiah Campaign, Peoples Commission for Justicenbsp; and the Anti-Police Terror Project/p div bPress conference releasing official call- Monday, August 15th @ 1pm/b/div div bLocations TBA- (call a href="tel:510-435-7500" target="_blank" value="+15104357500"510-435-7500/a for details and if you would like to endorse or support and if you are in another state or city to hold your own call./b/div p/p pIin addition to this call POOR Magazine, a poor and indigenous people-led movement of media, education and art we have implemented and practiced a No Police Calls ever policy, for the last 20 years, facing and dealing with problems, violence, internal and external in a circle with our ancestors, elders and community members. On September 24th in collaboraton with the Idriss Stelly Foundation and the Peoples Commission For Justice we will be holding a community workshop on how to do this for other grassroots organizations, highlighting the examples of other organizations across the nation that practice the same model/i/p div class="yj6qo ajU" div class="ajR" data-tooltip="Show trimmed content" id=":x0" role="button" tabindex="0" img class="ajT" src="" //div /div

Yes, It Goes Deeper Than Training, Police Shooting Arnaldo Rios Soto Interview with Matthew Dietz, Attorney for the Family of Arnaldo Rios Soto

09/24/2021 - 07:17 by Anonymous (not verified)
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pspanbI watched the police shoot another black man, while aiming at an autistic man of color. Yoursquo;ve probably seen it on Google. I watched it as a Black disabled activist that has reported on police brutality cases since the late 80rsquo;s. I watched them shoot Charles Kinsey as he tried to calm down Arnaldo Eliud Rios Soto as he held a small toy truck in his hands. The neighbors assumed the toy truck was a gun and called the police. The police came. Shoot the black social worker on the scene, and said they meant to hit the autistic man with the toy./b/span/p pnbsp;/p pspanbFrom my experiences as an activist, I knew that the cycle would begin. The media, the police unions, and the legal representative would all operate as a well-oiled machine functioning to keep the police protected. They would first blame it on the victim. Soto was a potential threat to the community, they would say. He had a disability and the toy truck could have been a gun. nbsp;Next, the lawyers and often the community and loved ones would come out in the media asking for more police training to prevent future incidences like this. Next, the district attorney, who in this case as well as in many others has a questionable relationship with law enforcement, would likely dismiss the charges against the officers./b/span/p pnbsp;/p pspanbWe havenrsquo;t traveled all the way from A-Z yet, but it is likely that the district attorney will side with the officers that shot Kinsey. I looked more deeply into this particular case of Jeremy Hutton who has downs syndrome. He took his motherrsquo;s car, Deputies chased him where he ran a red light then deputies shot him three times thank god he survived. Deputies said Jeremy was coming towards them and they thought they were in danger. However street cameras showed that Jeremy was driving away from the deputies and state attorney at that time dropped the charges against the deputies until the traffic camera revealed a different story. Investigating journalism found out that since 2010 the State Attorney has not charge not one police officer in an officerrsquo;s shootings in Florida ./b/span/p pnbsp;/p ol li spanbAccording to the Florida Partners in Crisis, the North Miami police department (where the accused officers are employed) had recieved the Crisis Intervention Training already. And following the shooting the Miami Herald on July 21st 2016 in an article titled Shooting sparks call from autism advocates for more police training says the following:/b/span/li /ol pspanbiIn Miami-Dade, interactions between police officers and mentally ill and developmentally span class="Apple-tab-span" /spandisabled people are frequent. The issue has not gone ignored mdash; training for cops in dealing span class="Apple-tab-span" /spanwith both populations has been lauded thanks to the ldquo;Crisis Intervention Teamrdquo; program span class="Apple-tab-span" /spanpushed by Miami-Dade County Judge Steve Leifman./i/b/span/p pspanbiThe program became a greater priority for police departments in the mid-2000s after a string span class="Apple-tab-span" /spanof high-profile shooting deaths involving mentally ill people. nbsp;/i/b/spanbiIn the past decade, more than 4,700 officers have undergone the crisis intervention training, span class="Apple-tab-span" /spanwhich includes a class designed to help cops understand the challenges of dealing with autistic span class="Apple-tab-span" /spanpeople./i/b/p pspanbildquo;Wersquo;ve made great progress,rdquo; Leifman said./i/b/span/p pnbsp;/p pspanbnbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;b.nbsp; In 2010 there was a Deputy shooting in Palm Beach County FL. of a disabled man that lead to/b/spanbnbsp;questioning the relationship between State Attorney and police in police shootings./b/p pnbsp;/p pspanbWith all of this in mind I got intouch with Matthew Dietz, Attorney for the Arnaldo Rios Soto for an interview (Below).nbsp; Irsquo;m also looking to get in touch with a Black menrsquo;s activist group in North Miami called The Circle of Brotherhood.nbsp; Kinsey is an active member of this group./b/span/p pnbsp;/p pspan1) bLeroy Moore: /bnbsp;How is Mr. Roto now and how did this incident changed him and his services his family?/span/p pnbsp;/p pspanbMatthew Dietz, Attorney for the Arnaldo Rios Soto,:nbsp;/b Mr. Arnaldo Rios.nbsp; Mr. Rios is currently in a psychiatric unit at Aventura Hospital in Miami.nbsp; We are trying to find him a placement at a group home that will provide him the intensive behavioral treatment that he needs, especially after this incident.nbsp; His family may have to move to a location by the facility, since there are no facilities in Miami that have services that meet Mr. Rios#39; needs. nbsp;/span/p pnbsp;/p pnbsp;/p pspannbsp;2) nbsp;bLeroy Moore: /bFor more than 15 years I#39;ve been following cases of police brutality involving people with disabilities and it is the same one answer avenue and that is the call for more police training.nbsp; Is the issue of training central to this case and if so, how? What are other avenues cause it seems in this case it is bigger than just training./span/p pnbsp;/p pspanbMatthew Dietz, Attorney for the Arnaldo Rios Soto,: /bThis case is more than about training.nbsp; Even though it was obvious that Mr. Rios was a person with a disability and that they were told that he was a person with a disability, this fact was ignored because of a lack of training.nbsp; However, after it was known that Mr. Arnaldo was a person with a disability, the police representative had the audacity to say that they did not intend to shoot the health care worker, but instead intended to shoot the autistic man.nbsp; To me, this demonstrates deliberate animus against persons with disabilities. nbsp;/span/p pnbsp;/p pnbsp;/p pspan3) nbsp;bLeroy Moore: /bHow do you think this case relates to other cases of brutality in general and in terms of police misconduct policy?/span/p pnbsp;/p pspanbMatthew Dietz, Attorney for the Arnaldo Rios Soto,: /bThis case is different to most of my police misconduct cases.nbsp; In this matter, the psychological distress to Mr. Rios is profound.nbsp; Even though he was not shot personally, he is fearful whenever he sees anyone in a uniform, and is afraid that they will shoot whoever he is with.nbsp; Also, he was deemed by the police to be worthless, someone who could be shot or targeted.nbsp; There was no concern at all that what they were doing in targeting Mr. Rios was wrong.nbsp; There is no doubt that they knew that shooting Mr. Kinsey was wrong, but because of the irrelevance of Mr. Rios, they believed that it was acceptable to shoot him. nbsp;/span/p pnbsp;/p pnbsp;/p pspan4) bLeroy Moore:/b nbsp;Does Florida have an anti profiling law like CA justn passed and has include disability to the legislation?nbsp;/span/p pnbsp;/p pspanbMatthew Dietz, Attorney for the Arnaldo Rios Soto,: /bNo.nbsp; California is much more progressive than Florida.nbsp; In Florida, the only persons with disabilities are protected by the hate crimes law are those who are incompetent and have a developmental or intellectual disability.nbsp; Further Florida also has a new law where folks can pay a dollar to get a D on their drivers license or identification card, and that an Autistic victim or perpetrator of a crime can have the assistance of their own psychologist, counselor or special ed teacher at their own expense. nbsp;/span/p pnbsp;/p pspan5) nbsp;bLeroy Moore: /bAs a lawyer what can be done legally in FL?/span/p pnbsp;/p pspanbMatthew Dietz, Attorney for the Arnaldo Rios Soto,: /bThe same thing that can be done anywhere else in the country, a lawsuit based on violations of Mr. Rios#39; civil rights under the equal protection clause and under the ADA./span/p pnbsp;/p pspan6) bLeroy Moore:/bnbsp;If you know what are the community demands?/span/p pnbsp;/p pspanbMatthew Dietz, Attorney for the Arnaldo Rios Soto,: /bThe community demands adequate training for the police and safe and secure community based housing for Autistic persons and persons with intellectual or developmental disabilities.nbsp;/span/p pnbsp;/p pspan7) bLeroy Moore:/bnbsp;From the website of Florida CIT Coalition nbsp;it says it was Organized in 2004, the Florida CIT (Crisis Intervention Team) Coalition is comprised of representatives of communities across Florida that are currently providing CIT training based on the Memphis Model. The group supports statewide implementation of CIT training for law enforcement officers. nbsp; So that in mind I know Soto#39;s parents are pushing for more training what are the differences?/span/p pnbsp;/p pspanbMatthew Dietz, Attorney for the Arnaldo Rios Soto,: /bThe CIT program in Florida is great.nbsp; However, it is not a requirement of all officers to be CIT certified.nbsp; Upon the conception that this was a potential suicide (which it was not) a CIT certified officer should have been called on the scene, but I am not sure whether any officers in the City or North Miami are CIT certified.nbsp; However, at the least, there should have been regular training on the needs and issues of persons with disabilities, and the officers should be required to do community policing and visit group homes, schools and meet persons with disabilities who live in the commodity. nbsp;/span/p pnbsp;/p pspan8) nbsp;bLeroy Moore: /bAs you know FL. has a history of discriminating against youth adults with disabilities from having disabled youth in nursing homes to now this. How does this history connects with what happened to Soto?/span/p pnbsp;/p pspanbMatthew Dietz, Attorney for the Arnaldo Rios Soto,: /bIts all about the money!nbsp; Its always about the money.nbsp; Medically fragile children were forced into nursing homes because Florida would not provide adequate services for these children to remain in the community.nbsp; There are no facilities in Miami-Dade County for Mr. Rios to obtain intensive behavioral services.nbsp; Thank God that the institutions were closed, but now they need to travel elsewhere in the state to try to get adequate services.nbsp; The only other option is to use chemical restraints to ensure that some people will be able to remain in facilities without the required behavioral services. No matter how you try to cut it, it is still failure to ensure full community integrationnbsp;/span/p pnbsp;/p pspan9) nbsp;bLeroy Moore: /bWe understand that the Sheehan case is coming to trial in San Francisco in the upcoming months, and the question is still unresolved as to whether the officers were required under the federal Americans with Disabilities Act to accommodate Sheehan#39;s mental disability. Does that play into this case?/span/p pnbsp;/p pspanbMatthew Dietz, Attorney for the Arnaldo Rios Soto,: /bNo.nbsp; This is more of a denial of basic equal protection and basic fourth amendment rights to be secure in ones own person. nbsp;/span/p pnbsp;/p pspan10) bLeroy Moore:/bnbsp;nbsp;if there is any way that we can provide support from the community to the family and case from California./span/p pnbsp;/p pspanbMatthew Dietz, Attorney for the Arnaldo Rios Soto,: /bTeach North Miami the difference between a toy truck and a gun. nbsp;/span/p pnbsp;/p pspan11) bLeroy Moore:/bnbsp;As a lawyer what do you think needs to be done on a federal and local level in this heighten moment of police brutality knowing that over 50% plus are people with disabilities?/span/p pnbsp;/p pspanbMatthew Dietz, Attorney for the Arnaldo Rios Soto,: /b50 million plus!nbsp; At a local level, there needs to be more interaction between the police and the community.nbsp; At Disability Independence Group, we developed a Wallet Card program in conjunction with the UM/NSU CARD and the Coral Gables Police.nbsp; The program teaches persons with autism, a developmental disability or an intellectual disability how to disclose their disability to law enforcement.nbsp; In addition, we have an aspect of the program that teaches police how to identify and interact with a person with autism, intellectual or developmental disability.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;/span/p pnbsp;/p pspan10) nbsp;bLeroy Moore: /bHow can the public support the family and this case?/span/p pnbsp;/p pspanbMatthew Dietz, Attorney for the Arnaldo Rios Soto,: /bDemand that your community#39;s police have adequate training.nbsp; Demand that Olmstead is fully implemented to ensure community based placement and treatment./span/p pnbsp;/p pspan11) bLeroy Moore:/bnbsp;Any last words?/span/p pnbsp;/p pspanbMatthew Dietz, Attorney for the Arnaldo Rios Soto,: /bNever any last words, and always available for more questions!/span/p pnbsp;/p pPhoto: Young Latino man,nbsp;Arnaldo Rios Soto in a gray t-shirt sitting on a beed holdidng in his two hands a brown-tan stuf Animal close to his chest . nbsp;He is smiling. nbsp;Photo permisssion by Matthew Dietznbsp;/p

National Call for a State Of Emergency/Moratorium on all Use of Force by PoLice

09/24/2021 - 07:17 by Anonymous (not verified)
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pbNational Call for a State Of Emergency/Moratorium on all PoLice Use of Forcenbsp;/b/p pAs the most impacted, the poor, unhoused, Black, Brown, indigenous and disabled mothers, uncles and fathers who are becoming increasingly terrified for our children#39;s life in this climate of post-colonial power abuse, we are releasing a national state of emergency/moratorium on the use of all force, weaponry, robots by these tax-payer paid for pedophiles, murderers and child abusers.nbsp;/p pDue to the extreme danger, murder, and ongoing targeting of young peoples of color, Trans peoples, disabled and unhoused peoples by police forces in the US, We the targeted, criminalized, injured, unhoused Black, Brown and Indigenous peoples hereby call for a State of Emergency - Moratorium on the use of any firearms or weaponry by all police forces in the US. Specifically weaponry, tasers, guns, AR15 rifles, UZI#39;s, etc while on duty as police officers in any line of duty for the 90 day period following the call for the Moratorium./p pWe as community advocates and members of most impacted peoples understand that many police agencies across the US have implemented CIT training programs, with little or no change in the ongoing murder and severe abuse of poor, Black, Brown and disabled people./p pWe need to change nbsp;the focus from what the police needs to what the community needs.nbsp; We need to look at other models where the community refocus on what the community need from Denver, CO where the community set up a neighborhood awareness program around autism so parents can call on neighbors not police..nbsp; Basically there needs a transition from putting funds to police to neighborhoods solutions.../p pIn this 90 day period, it is our goal to explore the option of completely disarmament of police forces as well as the multitude of community based solutions that have been discussed, explored and conceived by movements of impacted peoples across the US and in other countries whose police forces do not use weaponry at all./p pThe money that will be saved from the continued purchase of high grade, murderous war weaponry which costs millions of dollars in tax -payer dollars can be redistributed to impacted, injured, unhoused,targeted, and po#39;Lice terrorized Black, Brown, injured, colonized, incarcerated and criminalized famlilies, elders, youth and community./p pThis call is being made in honor of so many of our Black, Brown, Indigenous, Disabled, Trans Children who have been abused, murdered and/or shot as of July 2016/p pemCo-signers, endorsers so far include Idriss Stelly Foundation, POOR Magazine/Prensa POBRE, Krip Hop Nation, Justice for Josiah Campaign, Peoples Commission for Justice, Justice4Josiah,nbsp; and the Anti-Police Terror Project, California Coalition For Women Prisoners, Answer Coalition, span class="_5yl5"spanThe Center for Convivial Research and Autonomy (CCRA)/span/span/em/p pstrongTwo articles related to the National Call:/strong/p div a href=""State sanctioned Child Rape and Child Abuse : Police Brutality/a/div div nbsp;/div div a href=""Autstic Teenagers and Young Adults in Hotter than July : Plice Brutality/a/div div nbsp;/div div bPress conference releasing official call- Monday, August 15th @ 1pm/b/div div bLocations: Mission Police Station 17th and Valencia- (callnbsp;a href="tel:510-435-7500" target="_blank" value="+15104357500"510-435-7500/anbsp;for details and if you would like to endorse or support and if you are in another state or city to hold your own call./b/div