Story Archives 2016

Top 20 List of Krip-Hop Nation’s (Musicians Only) Best Interviews with Links on Poor Magazine From the Beginning to Now

09/24/2021 - 07:17 by Anonymous (not verified)
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pnbsp;/p pnbsp;/p pnbsp;/p pWell it#39;s that time again, ringing in a New Year, 2017. nbsp;This year, 2016, Krip-Hop Nation gears up for our tenth anniversary, in 2017, and we go back to the benning of this column make up our top twenty best interviews on Krip-Hop Nation column at POOR Magazine. nbsp;It was very hard but here it is with links./p pnbsp;/p pspan1) Elder Jazz Great Tells It Like It Is: Jimmy Scottnbsp; - pspan2) Bullets and wheelchairs in Hip-Hop MF Grimm ndash; spana href="" pspan3) Rob DA Noize and the SugarHill Gang a href=""span pspan4) Disabled Hip-Hop Artist Runs for Senate Seat in Massachusetts Keith Jones nbsp;a href=""span pspan5) Krip-Hop Nation Interview with Deejay Kabila of South Africa pspan6) Real Talk About Underground Hip-Hop Mental Health N Germanynbsp; Christian Bruckner Germany pspan7) Michael Buckholtz ndash; Autism, Music A Lot Moore pspan8) PETEY PETE Will Unleash The Cripple Threat (Listen to his brand new Krip-Hop Anthem here) pspan9) Painting The Dance Floor: Interview with DJ Short-e McGuirenbsp; pspan10) Kounterclockwise Birthed KRIPPLED BOY pspan11) R.E. Spect (Song)nbsp; Painting Voicesnbsp; Africa, Zimbabwe pspan12)nbsp; Krip-Hop Nationrsquo;s Fatherrsquo;s Day Special: 5 Black Disabled Fathers\Musicians (Featuring Keith Jones on audio, Rob Darsquo; Noize Temple, Lee Williams, King Kaution and CoolV) spana href="" pspan13) King Snyder/Bradford Baker Kicking Metal Into Krip-Hop Nationnbsp; spana href="" pspan14) Krip-Hop Nation Expands with Juako of Bogota, Colombianbsp; spana href="" pspan15) JAKE Krip-Hopping From Madrid Spain spana href="" pspan16) Krip Hop Nation Listens to Deaf DJ#39;s Deaf Jamsnbsp; spana href="" pspan17) The Struggle to Become a Superstar Ronnie Ronnie a href="" title="", spana href="" pspan18)nbsp; Quadriplegic Latino Hip-Hop Artist Racially Profiled by Roswell policenbsp; spana href="" pspan19)nbsp; Godfathers of Street Kids Staff Benda Bilili (3)nbsp; Africa, Congo a href=""span,/span/p pspan20) The Blues Guide Boy Story From His Son, Josh White Jr.

The Cracker Colonizer Won but so does Interdependence, Change, Self-determination and ALL of US

09/24/2021 - 07:17 by Anonymous (not verified)
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pThis country was stolen by hate-filled, manipulative wealth-hoarding colonizers like Trump who raped, abused, and murdered 1st peoples of this land and bought, sold, raped and killed other humans for free labor. Trump is already here. He has been here for 525 years./p div div The amerikkklan Sci Fi movie is real, this Trump monster is the logical progression of US white supremacy and colonization p But lest you think, armaegeddon has just arrived, please realize that the pseudo-conscious, neo-liberal, land -stealer, gentrfyers of the stolen Ohlone village of Yelamunbsp; (San Francisco) created and approved a 21st century re-mix of 19th century ugly Laws aka, anti-poor anti-disabled peoples, deeply racist and classist Propositions Q R, ensuring that us, the unhoused, disabled, trauma-filled, poorest of the poor will be more criminalized, poLice harassed, attacked and incarcerated than we already were. Trump was already here. He has been here for a long / nbsp;br / Colonization has taught people from all over Mama Earth that the Trumps of the world are the ultimate example of success. People cross colonizer created borders, forced to leave everything that they are, all that they love to become Trump. People risk their lives and even die to become Trump./p/div /div pOur future lies in our decolonized minds, our youth who we refuse to tell lies to. Our elders that we care for without institutions, corporations or poverty pimps. This time is about truth, its about healing, its about love and most of all its about what decolonizers, revolutionaries and truth-tellers are already doing and have been doing for a very long time./p p And as we enter a time of collective trauma due to this monster-rule, please don#39;t get lost in it, remember that interdependence and love and liberation is real too and self-determiNATION is really real- holding each other- caring for each other- not institutions, not corporations-but each other - the way we walk ALREADY./p p The most liberatory work of the Black Panthers, MOVE, Shackdwellers Union in South Africa, Aunti-Frances Self-Help Love Mission, a data-saferedirecturl="" href="" target="_blank"POOR Magazine/a,Idriss Stelley Foundation, Krip Hop Nation, a data-saferedirecturl="" href="" target="_blank"Deecolonize Academy/a andnbsp; a class="m_-208800964403811422m_1325076035275730564m_449198898221571524gmail-m_-2009610896270227749gmail-profileLink" data-saferedirecturl="" href="" target="_blank"Homefulnessnbsp;/a were not built with help from the State. they were built with self-determined people refusing to give up in the face of so much existent hate./p p This time is a deep message from ancestors, and like POOR Magazine elephant council elder, prayer bringer and co-founder of Sogorea Te Land Trust Corrina Gould just blogged, We come from baaadass ancestors. So realizenbsp; the work we are all doing is that much more serious now and we all need to stay strong, continue the badass organizing work we are already doing, dont lose yourself in the circus and recognize politricks for what it is- poli-TRICKS/p

Poor Peoples Don't Have Presidents - RAD Other Pre-Trump Anti-black, Anti-Poor Laws Demand for Reparations

09/24/2021 - 07:17 by Anonymous (not verified)
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div div div div Poor , unhoused/barely housed,indigenous, disabled, Black, Brown, and Red peoples don#39;t have presidents - we have prison wardens, police, sheriffs, anti-social workers, landlords, judges, bailiffs, poverty pimps, case manglers,ICE agents, CPS workers, and debt / nbsp;/div p Under kkklinton we lost welfare, institutionalized the criminalizaiton and incarceration of young peoples, under Reagan we got called welfareQUEENs and accused of stealing and were permanently kkkriminalized and racialized as poor single parents, lost all mental hellth care and under Bush working class and poor folks lost the right to file foreclosure suits, began fake wars against all Muslim peoples locally and globally, lost Dental care and were told we had to get married and under Obama more of our families were deported than ever, poLice terror against Black and Brown people and unhoused people has continued and increased and all of our public ( poor people housing has been stolen) .nbsp;/p p Since the beginning of this kkkolonial theft our lives have been and are consistently consumed by an endless stream of people that feed off of us, profit off us and manage us obstacles that we have to navigate just to get through a day, acquire a crumb of help, stay housed, sheltered, not beaten, not terrorized, not deported, not have our children, belongings and lives seized, searched, harassed or / nbsp;/p/div p So where does this leave us in the face of this adult Chucky monster claiming some control over us. First of all, it is important for those of us holding on barely to the margins of this stolen land to understand and innerstand that our dribble down experience of the monsterule is really just an intensified hate, oppression and terror of what we are already experiencing. To preserve our human and mental bodies we need to stay sane and realize this is NOTHING new,br / nbsp;/p/div p Next we need to take action and yes thats protest, but its also offensive. This is the time to launch those reparations cases. Reparations for stolen lives, stolen profits, stolen land, stolen rights./p/div pThree years ago when the horror of the privatization of all public housing as we know it was launched by a illegal, backroom deal between poverty pimps, non-profit and for-profiteering housing devil-opers and HUD/Housing Authority, POOR Magazine and the Bayview launched a series of actions and a call out to a revolutioanry law firm who would represent Black, Brown and Poor peoples living in public housing for generations who were now facing eviction from their neighborhoods, barrios, towns because the stolen Ohlone land that their housing was built on was considered toonbsp; valuable for mere poor Black and Brown families to live on. This program is called RAD and began under Demicans Obama, Ed Lie and was written by another demican Julian Castro./p div nbsp;/div div As reported in a href=""multiple stories by POOR Magazine and the Bay View Newspaper /asince 2013, the RAD program will mean the mass displacement and houselessness of literally thousands of very poor families across these United Snakkkes. p Last week,our Demican mayor Ed Lie, who has consistently navigated stolen Ohlone (San Francisco) land, resources housing and dollars to the very rich, causing the mass eviciton and displacement of elders like 100 year old Iris Canada and the PoLice death of Luis Demetrio Gongora Pat, Amilcar Perez Lopez, Mario Woods and Alex Nieto, proudly announced again that he successfully transferred all the public housing to private devil-opers/p div class="gmail_signature" br / ispanldquo;Bank of America Merrill Lynch is pleased to continue its work with the City of San Francisco and the San Francisco Housing Authority on the second phase of SF-RAD,rdquo; said Maria Barry, Bank of America Merrill Lynch community development executive/span/i p This announcement is yet another example of the blatant theft of resources from the people and specifically from very poor people who will have nowhere to live once we lose our housing. This is when we have the backdrop of ballot measures in cities across amerikkklan that make it more illegal than it already was to be unhoused. And all of this is under a so-called democratnbsp; Neo-liberalism is killing us. Who needs ChuckyTrump?/p/div div class="gmail_signature" nbsp;/div /div div class="gmail_signature" So once again, i hope people move offensively. If we can#39;t stop this evil from being inaugurated and even if we can, revolutionary lawyers help us launch those a href=""reparations and equity cases/a, disengage from the lie of capitalist success, institutional skool debt, private ownership, nuclear families, age-grade separated lives, education and PoLice and the belief that if we just get the right poltrickster we will be / nbsp;/div div class="gmail_signature" This is also why POOR Magazine, Krip Hop Nation, and the Sogorea Te Land Trust launched the a href=""Stolen Land/Hoarded Resources Tour /athis year in Ohlone and Tongva Lands and will be touring and offerring the medicine of redistribution to land-stealers and wealth-hoarders in New York, Phlily and beyond in 2017 with the solutions of poor, indigenous and Black led self-determination projects like a href=""Sogorea Te Land Trust/a, a href=""Homefulness /aand the Aunti Frances Self-Help Program/div div class="gmail_signature" nbsp;/div div class="gmail_signature" Poor People Don#39;t have presidents or Governors or Mayors. We have ourselves./div div class="gmail_signature" br / iChange Wont Come from a Savior, a Pimp or an Institution- Change Will Conly Come from a Poor People-led Revolution.... Po Poets Project/i/div pemTo contact us to get involved in the stolen land tour or help us launch this lawsuit for equity -email us at

THE FIRST DEAF RAPPER IN AFRICA, Lal Daggy Explains His Story Is Looking Forward to Krip-Hop Nation's South Africa Tour

09/24/2021 - 07:17 by Anonymous (not verified)
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p style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Arial Rounded MT Bold';"span style="letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: 'Arial Narrow';"My names are Douglas Munyendo aka Lal Daggy, I am 25 year old. I am a performing deaf rapper and musician. Who is located in a country called Kenya at the capital city (Nairobi)./span/p p style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Arial Narrow';"span style="letter-spacing: 0.0px"Before I get into my background I just want to nbsp;say that I#39;m so excite to be apart of the upcoming Krip-Hop Nation#39;s South Africa Tour from December 4th-26th!!/span/p p style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Arial Narrow';"I mostly refer to myself as a ldquo;Musician who happens to be Deaf not a Deaf Musician.rdquo;/p p style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Arial Narrow';"span style="letter-spacing: 0.0px"My family background has been full of hardships, loss and gain. At a tender age of 2years my parents separated, and then what followed next was a sickness that robbed me of my hearing at age 5. That traumatized me to the extent of emotional withdrawal and low self esteem. This situation was made worse when my Dad remarried, and my stepmother was not supportive of me because I was ldquo;not hersrdquo; and that I was deaf. But my father had my back and gave me hope in life, when he enrolled me to a special needs school called. Ouderaa School for the deaf located at Bondo Kenya. During my school life I made steps towards my dream of being a musician like my Idols Lil Wayne, 50 Cent, and Akon. During this time in couldnrsquo;t get musical materials and had to sneak out of school to watch music videos and attend concerts./span/p p style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Arial Narrow';"span style="letter-spacing: 0.0px"However, I never knew how I would develop my musical interest because of my condition. My teachers and the people around me discouraged me about pursuing music, and begged me to follow a different career path. But I could hear none of it./span/p p style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Arial Narrow';"span style="letter-spacing: 0.0px"I could not hear some of the words but I could read lips, feel the beats while was on stage and of it. But most people around me discouraged me on following music as a career. Most of my support came from our sister school when they performed music and won most competitions. This motivated me to pursue music./span/p p style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Arial Narrow';"span style="letter-spacing: 0.0px"After secondary education, I decided to travel to Nairobi city, and enrolled at a local college for IT Lessons (certification).This program would take me one year, and then I would take on employment. During that same year (2012) I got a job at a water bottling company (Keringet) in Kenya.nbsp;/span/p p style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Arial Narrow';"span style="letter-spacing: 0.0px"I did this job so as to save money to one day record my music. I soon left this job for a car wash business with a few friends in a slum called Dandora Nairobi, where I formed a group called rude boys filled with former drug addicts. At this time I had saved up a small amount of money, and started looking for a studio to record with my group. I got an opportunity at our slum to teach the youth to dance. Through this opportunity, I reunited with some of my former school mates who introduced me to Sarakasi dome dance in Ngara Nairobi, where I was able to learn about music, performance and dance in my Deaf capacity./span/p p style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Arial Narrow';"span style="letter-spacing: 0.0px"At sarakasi dome dance, we were not only taught Yoga but got opportunity to learn many things. I met two prominent people named Kizito and Jared of project Signs media Kenya Ltd. They had a vision of nurturing Deaf musicians and create an entertainment company for the Deaf. They took me in and shared their music and starred to introduce me and a couple of my friends to various musicians and events happening in Nairobi.rdquo;/span/p p style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Arial Narrow';"span style="letter-spacing: 0.0px"Lal Daggy proves that music is truly a word within itself a language we all understand. Being deaf does not lock him out of this world, nor stop him from speaking the language. He easily connects with his audience with his face, hands, arms and body as he did with the performance many events county his single Story for Champion and Crime./span/p p style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Arial Narrow';"span style="letter-spacing: 0.0px"It was very challenging to launch a music career. Many of the studios we went to turned us down, their questions reflecting their attitudes- how can you rap and you are Deaf? How will we sell your music and who will buy it? I realized that they had a negative attitude toward my disability and never at any moment looked at my possibilities,rdquo; he humbly says./span/p p style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Arial Narrow';"span style="letter-spacing: 0.0px"Nevertheless, his breakthrough came when Signs Media Kenya in collaboration with the Finish Embassy organized an event to mark the UN Day for Persons with Disabilities. They invited a Finish Deaf rapper, Signmark, who I performed with./span/p p style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Arial Narrow';"span style="letter-spacing: 0.0px"INS has been an inspiration to him to relentlessly follow his dream./span/p p style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Arial Narrow';"span style="letter-spacing: 0.0px"ldquo;I saw him performance, shared a stage with him and there and then I began to see how I could make it as a rap artist in Africa. He shared a lot of tips with me and I have never felt more confident that things would work out for me. I took my little savings of money and went to slum Dandora to look for a studio to record my music. I had by this time written 5 singles namely - proudly Kenya, My Life, born life, Never give up and miss mum however, the audio version were of very poor quality but I still performed them at various events around town. But this song is yet to receive massive air play because of the misconception media house seem to portray about persons with disabilities,rdquo; says Lal/span/p p style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Arial Narrow';"span style="letter-spacing: 0.0px"Because of his strong desire, he has seen himself through several radios and TV interviews two newspaper articles since the release of his song. I met big celeb artist his nickname Nonini did help me with voice for my music song called of Story Ya Machampion on YouTube. ldquo;I am thankful to Nonini for accepting to work with me. His gesture goes a long way in changing the perceptions of many of the producers and musician out there to give a little more attention to musician with disabilities. I look forward to working with celebs like AKA South African, AY Tanzanian, Diamond Tanzanian, Kaka King Rabbit Kenyan in my upcoming album. I also hope to work with Akon and Wiz Khalifa in future. I would like people to be aware about persons with disabilities, I am look for a sponsor and with my support we support the disabled in order to make it.nbsp;/span/p p style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Arial Narrow';"span style="letter-spacing: 0.0px"I have 12 songs but I only recorded 8 songs with 5 video on YouTube ndash;nbsp;/span/p ol li style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Arial Narrow';" span style="letter-spacing: 0.0px"Proudly Kenya/span/li li style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Arial Narrow';" span style="letter-spacing: 0.0px"Hustlenbsp;/span/li li style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Arial Narrow';" span style="letter-spacing: 0.0px"Crime/span/li li style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Arial Narrow';" span style="letter-spacing: 0.0px"Make It.nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;/span/li /ol p style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Arial Narrow';"span style="letter-spacing: 0.0px"With those few words I would like to thank those people in my life that supported me and encouraged me. I would also like to encourage artists like me facing different hardships that there is always light at the end of the tunnel./span/p p style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Arial Narrow';"span style="letter-spacing: 0.0px"nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; bHIS BLUEPRINTS/b/span/p p style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Arial Narrow';"span style="letter-spacing: 0.0px"bldquo;Together with Signs Media Kenya wersquo;ll be scouting for talents in Music, Dance and Comedy in deaf schools and institutes around the country. This is in a bid to start hosting a National Deaf artist in South Africa this year tourrdquo;/b/span/p p style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Arial Narrow'; min-height: 12px;"nbsp;/p p style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Arial Narrow';"span style="letter-spacing: 0.0px"bnbsp; nbsp; PARTING SHOT/b/span/p p style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Arial Narrow';"span style="letter-spacing: 0.0px"bParent with Deaf children ought not hide them or deny them the opportunity to be what they want to be. With support one can change the destiny of their child. Believe in us, support us excel in our chosen fields. I urge the public to support our local talent. We are proud of who we are,rdquo; he concludes. To support the Deaf imitative, like there facebook page Lal Daggy-Deaf Musician, tweet handle @KingDeafRapper and instagram @LalDaggy/b/span/p

Behold-Jane the GentriFUker Conscious the Crakkker- Post Trump Infiltration Tactics

09/24/2021 - 07:17 by Anonymous (not verified)
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div All my life my mama would use/utilize my light-skinned-ness to survive. Land-stealers, harassing kkkops, evicting sheriffs, kkkort judges and poverty pimps working on scarcity models,nbsp; I was there./div pPut on a suit, tell them you are a 25 year old wite gurl and they will believe you cause racism is alive and well in amerikkka, my mama used to say. And she was always right. Apartment after apartment, i would don the suit (purchased at Kmart for 10.99) and I , a 12 year old girl, would tell a story about making $65,000 a year and being 25 years old and they would believe me without a blink of any eye. This was because i looked like my colonizer father. No other reason. My mama was always turned down for the same apartment or subjected to endless hoops she could not jump through./p div nbsp;/div div Use your strength, your skin privilege and the energy and health i have given to you and help us out or we won#39;t make / nbsp;/div div From as early as i could remember my light skin was used as a survival tool in this stolen land. Many people who have not missed a meal as my mama used to say, woudl think many of the survival strategies i had to do were abuse. I thought of them then as i do now as the way to make it, as the way to help my mama and me survive in a world hell bent on the destruction of an unhoused, disabled single woman, single mother of color and child. This is how I learned infiltration / nbsp;/div div In a Post-Trump Amerikkklan I am officially announcing my plan to go undercover- or above cover - or what my cover art/person will be. Due to my lack of melanin ( I refuse to call it privilege) I can act as a protector, front-man, watcher, infiltrator. Like i have been doing all my life, I am just publicly announcing it and putting out the open call to fellow light-skinned, wite-skinned poverty skolaz to do the same./div div nbsp;/div div If there is an apartment to be rented, a credit report to be attained,a kkkop to watch, an ICE agent to be spoken to , I#39;ll be there. Like I already do. Just going public with a challenge to do the same. If there is a kkklan member to be talked to, I#39;m here. A Devil-oper, sheriff or real estate snakkke to be navigated, I will be there, Like i already / nbsp;/div div Behold strongJane the GentriFUKer and Conscious the Crakkker./strong p For folks with race and class privilege the call is different and deeper like we teach at POOR Magazine#39;s PeopleSkoolnbsp; and POOR Magazine#39;s solidarity family who graduated form Peopleskool manifest, i am asking you to understand, overstand and innerstand that this is the time to activate what I call Community Reparations- To activate emergency redistribution of your resources.nbsp;/p p This begins by realizing that just because you were born into inherited and stolen wealth it doesnt mean that you have a betternbsp; understanding than someone who was not, what to do with those resources. Once you have realized this, please begin immediately redistributing those resources to help purchase stolen indigenous territory for unhoused, migrant/immigrant, indigenous, and formerly incarcerated peoples to help build more examples of what we poor, unhoused, migrant, indigenous youth and elders are manifesting at Homefulness and our sistren at Sogorea Te Land Trust. Both of these are poor and indigenous peoples-led land liberation movements focused on freeing up stolen indigenous land from the lie of property ownership and creating self-determiNATIONs, which in the case of Homefulness will eventually become safe havens for any and all indigenous peoples in danger of removal by (Not Your)Homeland Sekkkuritybr / nbsp;/p/div div If you need help to innerstand this concept even further, i encourage you to enroll in PeopleSkool and/or am offering my consultation skills to anyone who is on the fence about redistributing their hoarded and stolen wealth or join us in the 2017 Stolen Land/Hoarded Resources Tour through Amerikkklan,/div pFor those of you light skinned poor peoples of color and/or poor wite peoples, don#39;t keep worrying about melanin and your lack of it, just activate those inherent privileges, activate clear and present protection, navigation and conversations with the amerikkklan population of perpetrators and bring on the infiltration./p pThe next session of PeopleSkool is on Jan 28-29 - email a href="" to register./p

Suicide Amongst Native Americans

09/24/2021 - 07:17 by Anonymous (not verified)
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pEvery year there are hundreds to thousands of suicides that happen across the United States. Some happen on Indian lands that people know as ldquo;reservations.rdquo; They often go left unreported for traditional reasons. Native Americans struggle daily just for being Native in a white America./p pemImage Caption: The writer#39;s cousin/em/p pNative people are often racially profiled, and sometimes the profile that we Native people as labeled as, ldquo;drunken Indians,rdquo; are true, especially among those that reside on Indian reservations. I personally think that the Native Americans that struggle with the thoughts of suicide and that actually commit the act often come from backgrounds or family that live in poverty like most Native people today, and come from a background and history of alcoholism and domestic violence./p pWe as Native people need to reach out to our fellow relatives and let them know that there is hope, they are loved, they are unique, and they are the real heroes. If we all come together as one people, one nation, then I truly think that we can put a stop to suicide amongst our people and become the striving people we once were. It#39;s time we Native American People take a stand and change our ways and lives for the better so we can set forth a more promising future for our children and grandchildren. Suicide is a silent killer, we need to put our foot down and say enough is enough and act on it. So we can save not just Native lives but other lives as well./p pI myself struggle with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and have struggled with my own battles contemplating suicide. I now know that I have much more to live for. Just in these past recent weeks, I lost my best cousin/friend/family member to suicide. It#39;s been one of the hardest things I#39;ve ever had to deal with and help other family members overcome. It#39;s been hard on anyone who knew him. He grew up not having much family support, grew up around alcohol, witnessed drug abuse, witnessed domestic violence. He grew up in poverty./p pFinally one day he snapped and messaged me on facebook and said ldquo;sis I love you and I#39;ll see you later.rdquo; My heart sank, because I knew already what he was going to do. But I was in denial because I didn#39;t want to believe it./p pI#39;m sharing my story hoping that it will somehow help personally, or help save someone#39;s life./p pPlease don#39;t think there is no way out. Please reach out for help if you#39;re feeling suicidal, because you may think that#39;s it, but have no idea how it may affect those around you. Also, if you know a family member or friend struggling, reach out to them. Let them know you are there and they can depend on you no matter what. Let#39;s stop the silence to break the suicide violence./p pThank you for reading, I hope my thoughts and feelings helped somehow. If any of you readers need someone to talk to I#39;m here with an open mind, heart and arms. You can contact me on facebook as Joninbsp;span class="il"Walema/spannbsp;or email me atnbsp;a href="" id="m_3021830815223049939yui_3_16_0_1_1479859715881_6410" style="color: rgb(17, 85, 204);" target="_blank"span class="il" Thank you again and stay strong./p pnbsp;/p pemI am a Cherokee and Creek Native from Tahlequah, Oklahoma. I have 4 children, 2 girls and 2 boys ages 7, 4, 2 and 1. I have a passion for helping others through my own experiences and I love to write. I wanted to take some time to raise awareness on suicide amongst native people. Wado (thank you in Cherokee language)/em/p