Story Archives 2015

Under the bus

09/24/2021 - 07:46 by Anonymous (not verified)
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The transparent Liar Ed Lee has done it again first by throwing elderly and disabled people of color under the bus with an unreasonable policy of enforcing fare evasion and then by pretending to be a hero by agreeing with the SFMTA’s decision to extend free Muni to elderly and disabled patrons as it has previously done for the city’s youth.

Prior to Lee becoming mayor Muni was essentially free to anybody who boarded the bus from the rear, and were rarely questioned or stopped.

Part of Lee’s efforts to “clean up the city” was cracking down on fare evasion thus making it even more difficult and expensive for poor people to live in one of the most expensive cities not only in California but the entire country. Now that it’s getting closer to his second possible elected term as mayor and many of the people impacted by his policy of cracking down on fare evasion are of Asian descent like himself [no political candidate in history in this country has ever won an election by not carrying the vote of his own people] also one dead alleged fare evader and at least one severely beaten alleged fare evader later, the policy has not only turned out to be fruitless but a waste of city funds that could be used on much worthier causes.

In front of city hall at noon on the steps of city hall many elders and disabled spokes persons sat some holding signs and many spoke asking for what was anticipated to happen. This number included a number of community leaders as well as local politicians.

It was made up of mostly elder Asian descended females but it did also represent the many communities of San Francisco as well.

At about 12:45 most of them went inside to hear how the board members would cast their votes.

I and my friend Mira Ingram were interviewed by a local news station right before this took place and we were asked how the new change would impact us.

By 5pm that evening I got the news via Facebook that the board approved the new measure to go in effect March 1 2015.

Under the bus then over it even yoyo’s ain’t got no tricks like that!

It is also important to note that Lt. Ali of the San Francisco police department has claimed that fare evasion is akin to terrorism or so is his reasoning for San Francisco using funds from the federal government intended for counter terrorism. Ali has gone on record as stating justification in using these funds to enlist unarmed public transportation personnel who are not peace officers and have no right to detain or arrest people other than through voluntary compliance is a counter terrorism measure because terrorist board buses illegally and checking proof of payment is the best way to stop terrorist in their tracks!

PNN reporter Bruce Allison has also noted that 90% of Muni’s budget comes from the federal government.  


Balmy Alley

09/24/2021 - 07:46 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Fresh flowers


From the ground

On Balmy Alley



Homegrown flowers

Of the Frisco 



Flora Homeboy/homegirl



Fresh flowers

The color of

Abuelita skin on

A spring day


Flowers with mouths

That spit rhymes

And kiss wounds

Both seen and unseen


Flowers whose

Petals tremble

To the bass heart

Of La Mission


Fresh flowers

Cut by the machete

Tongue of poets whose

Sweet sweat mango

Fragrance lives in their skin


Who climb the

Rooftops and declare the

Neighborhood theirs


Fresh flowers

Whose roots twist and turn

Under the concrete, so deep

And so intricate that it can’t

Be pulled out or killed by the

Pesticide real estate cloud


Fresh flowers

Have sprouted and they

Have been here for generations

And are reborn on this concrete

Alley, on this floating island

Known as San Francisco


Fresh flowers that

Have floated down black

Rivers and spread its fragrance

Over fences and barriers meant

To keep us out


The flowers got

Names too:











Flowers whose

Faces, stems fragrance

Cannot be evicted


And the flowers

Become faces and the

Faces become murals

And the murals are

Us and they are ours


Despite what the

Tourists (Short term and long term)



© 2015 Tony Robles



09/24/2021 - 07:46 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Sometimes you got
to catch yourself

you got
to bite your
tongue because your
tongue can get out of line
at times

like when you
get into an elevator

and 5 people who
don't speak english
get on

and they don't know
where they're

and proceed to
hit all the buttons
on the elevator

and you get upset
about that, as well as
as the fact that you
only speak english through
no fault of your own

sometimes you got
to catch yourself
as the elevator goes up,
then down

Don't be like that,
you tell yourself as the
folks get off, leaving traces
of their given tongues in
the air

my Grandma was
an immigrant

My Grandpa

voices immigrate through
the door and through my

their voices
ring through time
and space

Don't be like that,
they say in their
mother tongue

their words
push my

and the rest
of the buttons on
the elevator




(c) Tony Robles 2015




Poverty Crimes from Housing

09/24/2021 - 07:46 by Anonymous (not verified)
Original Author
Phillip Standing Bear
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I read Lisa Gray Garcia's book, "Criminal of Poverty", and I never realized how much of a crime housing authority can do along with paying bills and struggling to stay alive with almost nothing. Poor magazine was birthed by Momma Dee and Tiny because of the horrific trauma from being homeless and evicted for unfair reasons. Now I actually can identify my friends battle with disability and living in a low income place. Another woman in Salinas got kicked out of her house on the basis of an accommodation for disabled child. Now it is going to be a state wide case, because no matter what poor magazine is going to fight for justice. 

The housing situation of my friend in San Francisco's Fillmore neighborhood is that he got denied housing because of a DUI charge. He is mentally disabled and has been in the Napa State hospital for ten years. The Housing Authority gave us a list of impossible things he had to do. When I made some intervention the social worker was really rude, and while advocating for him, I couldn't believe what these people were doing.  

I sincerely believe they attacked him with these charges because he was a community man that protected women and he would hang out in every hood in San Francisco without getting into a fight. His personality is beautiful and protective over me especially because my neighborhood is rough and he also grew up where I live. How can someone criminalize you and hold you from housing or like the family in Salinas get penalized while having an autistic child? 

After filing the appeal to the housing authority's decision they told us to get a certificate of graduation from a drug program which is totally different from saying he is un-eligible for housing with a DUI charge. We complied and then she wanted recommendation letters. I wrote one and his friend wrote one, and still she would do everything to make it impossible. After calling her and dropping off papers for months she said his application is on hold and they do not have the same open spot when they contacted him, which was an apartment in Potrero Hill projects.  

Overall it was hard for me, because I never knew what it was like to have a record on file and then get judged by that record. Another thing I did not like was his social workers put random lies about him and it is following him everywhere. 

After reading Lisa Gray Garcias' book, I analyzed the situation and she is correct when she said you can get arrested from being black or brown in the community. The follow up happened last week and the social worker claimed there is no more housing for disabled people, yet he does not get disability nor does he see a psychiatrist so why are they calling him disabled? I had to write a little synopsis because injustice to an innocent man happens everyday and I am sick of seeing people get mistreated because of race gender and class issues. It is weird because my first time in Poor Magazine's People School I wrote about disability and all the stigma we have to deal with. How will it stop? Or will it ever stop? These questions are a long process of analyzing how the system goes for us poor folks. 


The Other Conquest

09/24/2021 - 07:46 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Image: Welcome to Mission Dolores, by David Yu
That was the message
Sent to the indigenous
Again & again
By pioneers of the cross.
Wherever soldiers went,
Priests followed.
One used to intrude upon villages,
One used to intrude upon cultures.
One used to clear away villages,
One used to clear away customs.
One used to destroy ties to nature,
One used to destroy sacred sites.
One used to displace native clans,
One used to replace native gods.
One used guns, germs & steel,
One used the Bible & divine authority.
One used the words: "If you want to live,
                  come with us",
One used the words: "If you want to live
        with us, you must be like us".
One used the natives to build forts
                  & armouries,
One used the natives to build Catholic
      missions & Protestant praying towns.
One used to shout work orders,
One used to recite holy prayers.
One used to force people to bow before
                      the sword,
One used to force people to bow before
                      the cross.
One used to make slaves,
One used to make converts.
One used to conquer native lands,
One used to colonise native minds.
That was the message
Sent to the indigenous
Again & again
By pioneers of the cross.
How they'd shown thanksgiving
To their lord, for this good
Christian land.
W: 8.13.13
[ Inspired by the essay A History Of The Spanish Missions: Early Colonization Of The Bay Area and the documentary After The Mayflower. ]

Tsalagi Rose

09/24/2021 - 07:46 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Ever heard of the Tsalagi* Rose?
Well, the U.S. government
Had gotten greedy
Again in 1828.
They'd found out
There was gold
Underneath the Southern
Land called Georgia.
Ten years later,
The U.S. Army
Was sent down
There to evict
The Tsalagi Indians
From mountain homes they'd
Held on to for
Thousands of years.
At gunpoint,
The only
Notice ever given.
The original
The Tsalagi Indians
Were made to take
A long cross-country
Walk west, all 1200 miles,
From Army stockades to some
Barren land, later called Oklahoma.
Whole families marched through
Mississippi winter snow
Without moccasins on their feet.
Four thousand died from
Starving, freezing, disease.
Mothers cried for their young
As numbers of their tribe
Fell on the way westward.
Tribal elders saw that and
Asked the Great Spirit
High in Galunti** for a sign,
Anything to lift up the saddened
Spirits of their women.
Each time a mother
Would shed her tears,
They'd feed the ground along
Nunna daul tsuny.***
Another trail would form:
A trail of snow-white roses grew,
Starting from one, white as tears,
An answer to the tribal elders' prayers.
A sweet-smelling gift
From Pachamama.
Something to show, across
Several states, that 10,000
Tsalagi Indians had survived
Now you know about the Tsalagi Rose.
Old Indian legend. Real talk.
W: 2.26.15
[ For the students at Decolonize Academy. ]
*What the Cherokee Indians called themselves.
**TSALAGI: "Heaven".
***TSALAGI: "Trail Of Tears". Literal translation: "The trail where they cried".