Story Archives 2000

The Mayors Back Door

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Lennar's toxic condo plans



by Bruce Allison/PNN

After getting the fifth degree from a security guard who wanted to know
more about me then my own parents, I got approved to go into 1095
market street. A seven story building with only six or seven companies
in it. (also the site of POOR's previous office where we were unceremoniously gentrified out of!

I walked into environmental action non-profit, Green Actions’ headquarters for an interview with POOR Magazine family friend and long-time Bayview activist and power-house Marie Harrison. I sat down
while she had lunch, we had a half hour interview about Lennar, the
nuclear dumpsite, and biohazards all of which are located in Hunter’s
Point. The area where Lennar Corporation are planning to build low income housing
has been capped five times due to toxic and nuclear leakage.

As my interviewee explains “Newsom and his Auntie gave Lennar a 3 million dollar
loan” and magically Newsom’s brother in law got a job in Lennar’s
executive ranks. This area is so toxic that the Navy has lost all
records of how much has been dumped there. It goes back to WW2 when
Fat man and little boy were assembled there, and parts which weren’t
used were dumped into the water. Letterman Hospital in the Presidio
has records of animal parts being dumped there after experiments.
According to my host she mentions that pockets of retardation in the
hunter’s point area has been high for that community. A fire started
at a former hunting lodge that the SFFD was told not to put out, for
unknown reasons. My host also informed me “Us poor people have no
place to live because of Lennar”.

This area historically was a mixed use area through WW2, you had a
Japanese fishing colony and a hunting lodge in Hunter’s Point. During
WW2 a building was there for working people, which is presently the
ghetto, this building was for shipyard workers and their families
originally and was to be torn down at the end of the war. Now it’s the
Evan’s Street/Candlestick projects, this building was only meant to
last until the end of the war.

Also, the politicians that are involved in this fiasco goes as far as
Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, and Nancy Pelosi on the Federal
level. On the state level there is a friend of mine called Mark Leno
who I didn’t think would be so mean and Fiona Ma who is not a friend
of any poor person. On the city level those who are responsible are
Willie Brown former mayor and Gavin Newsom. Sophie Maxwell will get touchy if you mention the name

The housing set aside for the people who paid money for it will be 3 ten story towers that will be put in hunter’s point
where presently low income people are living. For the working people fifty percent of the area medium
income is $100,000 for family of three. The majority of these people
have already been moved across the bay to Oakland or other places
outside of San Francisco. This makes San Francisco have the lowest
population of families that live in a major metropolitan area.

From a sixth generation native of this city and an elder, my city has
been robbed and raped by many corporations and agencies, Lennar and the San Francisco redevelopment commission as their partner in
crime. The redevelopment commission is the back door the mayor uses to
do this dirty work without leaving his fingerprints on it.




09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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POOR Magazine columnist Ka Ponda investigates the implications of Barbara Harris' C.R.A.C.K.campaign on poor mothers.

by KaPonda

I am the mysterious product of a love supreme, nestled snugly within the creative bowels of femininity. My progressive footprints rest in the womb of humanity, as rhythmical contractions, driven by pants of excitement, prepare me for an uncertain future. A future, in an ideal life, that would open its gates as I am thrust forth from within. But I am wary also, because the grim reaper of prenatal existence, Barbara Harris, has waged a vicious war against impoverished mothers, denying them of their vested privilege of motherhood, and declaring me persona non grata.

Barbara Harris of Anaheim, conceived her campaign against poor, pregnant women in 1977, after having experienced problems with adoption. Traces of crack cocaine were discovered in the systems of her adopted children. She subsequently formed an organization, Children Requiring A Caring Kommunity (C.R.A.C.K.), based on the theory that the sterilization of poor women who use drugs would prevent birth defects in newborn babies. Ms. Harris launched an aggressive ideology, dubbed Project Prevention, which she proposed to offer poor women who use drugs approximately $200.00 to undergo any of a number of birth control procedures.

According to Ms. Harris, Project Prevent would eliminate excessive amounts of annual pregnancies among women who use drugs. She states, also, that her organization would prevent the numerous abortions and abandoned children. Furthermore, Ms. Harris states that Project Prevent would ease the burden of the foster care system. And, of course, her plan would create a decrease in drug-saturated births.

Barbara Harris has mobilized nationwide support for her campaign by making use of popular prejudices. Her destructive propaganda has incited hatred toward poor women in America at an economically critical period for women, as Congress has mandated states to transition them from welfare to employment.

The perfect child has neither been conceived nor born. Therefore, it is mean-spirited and insensitive of Ms. Harris to declare war on infants of a certain group of women because she discovered traces of cocaine in her children's systems. Researchers at the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry have stated in the book Your Child, "The unborn child has the capacity to sense the harm in utero, and that the workings of any baby's mind are, and will remain, inscrutable." It follows that the development of a child is much the same from one child to the next. But the way the child makes his way in life varies according to his education, environment and support structure.

According to a recent survey, nine out of 10 women are loyal and remain closely attached to their partners, as opposed to one out of 10 men who demonstrate that same faithful commitment. This statistic suggest a strong probability that many of the women who forfeit their reproductive virtues for Ms. Harris' quick cash will not only regret it themselves, but its impact will affect their partners to whom they choose to remain loyal.

There have been solutions already provided to address the concerns that Ms. Harris have raised. As Hillary Rodham Clinton noted during her visit to Kampala, Uganda on March 28, 1977, "Women constitute 70 percent of the world's poor. Based on research and first-hand personal observation by many people involved in government and politicsäaround the world, the single most important investment any nation can the education of girls and women."

Organizations such as the Women's Economic Agenda Project (WEAP), Planned Parenthood, and even the Catholic Church have recommended investing dollars into programs that offer healthcare and drug prevention education to economically disadvantaged women. A recent finding by researchers has shown that every dollar spent on the front end of education and drug programs saves seven dollars on the other end. According to the chartbook, Health, United States, 1998, "A healthy pregnancy is directly associated with a women's healthcare education level."

To deny this is absurd. Ms. Harris should consider redirecting her economic focus by offering those same women a $200.00 cash incentive to attend some type of rigorous, intensive workshop over a two-week period. The overwhelming evidence proves that this approach would cause a drastic reduction in annual pregnancies and child abandonment. This is, undoubtedly, a humane and moral solution which would not only eliminate any hint of divisiveness, but also afford a greater number of chronically poor women an opportunity for a structured healthcare and drug treatment education. Thus, future research would show a decrease in infant mortality, an increase in contraceptive use (if needed), and healthier babies being born to healthier women.

Ms. Harris asserts that offering cash to women who use crack cocaine would cause a decrease in drug-saturated births. There is no evidence which suggest that defective births are the exclusive result of cocaine use, alone. According to Doctor Dean Edell, we should not use tests based on drugs a determinant for any social, political, economical, ethical or spiritual decisions because it is not a perfected science. Research has discovered that drug testing varies according to an individual's race. Drugs enter the pigment of ethnic groups, differently. As the cells grow, the drugs are deposited into the pigment. Traces of cocaine may appear in a black person using cocaine, but not in a white person. So, traces of cocaine may appear, let's say, in four black infants adopted at birth by a women from Anaheim, but may not be found in white children who may have been exposed to the same amount.

Birth defects have many causes, some of which have as yet been discovered. If both parents carry the defective sickle-cell gene, the baby would probably inherit the Sickle-Cell Anemia disease. Structural heart defects is the most common type of birth defect, which costs an average of $250,000 to treat. Chromosome abnormalities (including Down Syndrome) occurs with regular frequency, which requires an average of $451,000 to treat. Neural Tube Defects, including Spinal Bifida and Anencephaly, is also a birth defect which needs close scrutiny, which costs $294,000 to treat. In addition, there are many others that need careful scrutiny. Neither Ms. Harris, nor anyone else should arbitrarily single out any one group of women for what amounts to a breach human rights.

The breach had occurred. The cascade of water alerted me that the hour had arrived that would bequeath upon me the mantle of life, and usher me through the portal of reality. It is an event in which everyone involved will remember. Its success will determine who I am and what I can become.....



09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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The Journey to the De-prioritization of Code 647 (j) (the homeless harassment laws)

by Fiona Gow

Last April, after several hundred very low and no income folks and organizers
stormed Berkeley City Council demanding that
homelessness not be criminalized, the City voted to
deprioritize enforcing penal code 647 (j). Code 647
(j) states that it is illegal to "lodge" on property
without the owner's consent. Because there is only 1
shelter bed for every 10-12 homeless people and
Berkeley has a homeless population of approximately
1200 people, this law was unfairly targeting homeless

Last Wednesday, Berkeley's Commission on Homelessness'
met to hear reports on how the city was deprioritizing
enforcing 647(j). Though shelter space has not
increased, homeless people are not being cited or
arrested for "lodging" without permission. According
to Captain William Pittman of the Berkeley Police
Department, only four citations have been issued to
homeless people for illegal lodging since April, as
opposed to 20 citations between January and April.

What is the City doing instead of arresting and citing
people? According to David Wee, of the Health and
Human Services Department, the focus is on providing
outreach and asking people to "move along." "We are
not going out looking for people to arrest. Everything
is complaint driven. If a citizen has complained, then
we are put in the position of having to do something,"
said Capt. Pittman. According to Wee, police are only
brought in when there are repeated complaints made
against an individual.

As an example of the complaints, Wee said that the
colder months bring more cases of bronchitis among
homeless people and the police get calls about people
coughing, "They have a perfect right to complain if
someone's coughing outside their window," he added,
without batting an eyelid. Other complaints he
receives are about people defecating in public. When
asked if public bathrooms could be put in, he
responded that there was no guarantee that the
homeless people would actually use them.

Ken Moshesh, staff writer with POOR Magazine, videographer and artist was recently appointed to the Commission on Homelessness,incidentally
the only homeless person on the Commission at this time. Moshesh
has been the main proponent of changing how 647(j) is
enforced-he recently won a court case in which he
challenged the constitutionality of the code. The
judge in his case stated that she, "did not find the
code facially invalid, but that it was sufficiently
ambiguous and as it applied to Ken's conduct, the
statute was not constitutional." The hopes were that
his case would be appealed at the appellate level,
whereby it would become a binding precedent. At
present, reported Deputy City Attorney Matthew Orebic,
there is no written decision on the case and therefor,
the code is still enforceable. Moshesh would like to
see it ruled unconstitutional in all cases, but at the
moment "deprioritization" of the code is as far as the
City will go.

In regards to the "deprioritization" reports, Moshesh
stated optimistically that this is the beginning of
the challenge, that this process will bring together
groups who historically have been pitted as
adversaries. According to Moshesh, advocacy on the
part of the entire situation is still what is needed,
"What is being done so far is not a solution, it is
merely a rotation." The real problem here is the lack
of safe and affordable housing. "Berkeley may be the
best place to be if you're homeless, but it doesn't
make the nights any warmer or the streets any safer,"
Moshesh said.


I went, I witnessed, I ate...

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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PNN food critic reviews the holiday shelter meals

by Lyn Daniels

I wonder where the poor and the homeless plan to dine today. Seeing as I am currently in that situation myself - I’ll take you on a tour of some of the more popular eating establishments for this Thanksgiving; Chez St. Anthony's, A la Glide Memorial, and finally, Martin ( de Lah') Pouresse. These three selections, are well known on the less than fortunate circuit. I know that the whole idea behind this story is feeding the underprivileged on Thanksgiving so as I said before: I went,witnessed,and ate.

I chose to visit the more upscale Martin (de Lah') Pouresse to start things off. I made thi choice not because of the food, but because I thought it would be more convenient, knowing that the lines at the other eateries would be off the hook.
Or around the corner. So by following my instincts, I hoped time would play on my side.

As things turned out, it did.

There was a woman at the front door handing out tickets with a number that I assumed corresponded with your place in line. This wasn’t the case, because there was no line. I mean there were a lot of people there, but everyone was already seated and enjoying their meal. I stepped a little further in. This other woman came up to me and asked if I would like to be seated. I said yes and she asked for my ticket. I willingly gave her the ticket and she escorted me to the next available seat where I sat down.

All of a sudden, a nice looking young lady came up to me and asked if I wanted a glass of water or cider. I chose the cider. At this point I was feeling very welcomed by the atmosphere and the service being provided.

The they brought on the food. The same young lady brought my meal to me. It was the traditional bird, dressing and gravy with a roll and sweet potatoes along with a serving of cranberry sauce. The part of the meal that stood out for me was the dessert: pumpkin pie. This pie was so good I forgot about all the other pie that was to come later.

Now, I will give a rating to the food and the experience of this first meal. I would have to rate it as very good. Two thighs up. And that bird wasn’t the only one that was stuffed.

By now the line at Chez St. Anthony’s should be somewhat shorter. You have to give consideration to the fact that it is Thanksgiving. Remember that the first meal took a lot out of me or ,should I say, put a lot in to me. Which now makes it a task to take on another meal.

I go back out to wait on the 9 bus which takes all of two to three minutes to arrive, even on a holiday! As I got on the bus, the driver proceeded to drive like his foot was on fire, so he had to step on the gas to put it out. Which helped me to reach my next destination in about 3 to 4 minutes flat.

I proceeded with courage to Chez St Anthony‘s. Now this is what an experienced diner caught between the two eateries is known to do. First, you get in line at St Anthony's and get your ticket to eat. Then you go up to Glide Church, weave and bob your way up to the front, or as near to the front of the line as you can get. It’s not recommended that someone without experience try this maneuver. This is also a way of letting time pass by so that you are right on time to get back to St Anthony’s to enjoy your meal.

The meal at A la Glide was good, especially the apple cider that it seems everyone was serving. Sometimes that’s the common bond that exists with all free meal establishments; there will always be something similar on the menu. The only thing that I hate to say which is so consistant at Glide, is the attitude of the regulars. They are there to monitor the activity of the client’s who eat there. It doesn't matter what the meal is, the time of year, the fesivity, whatever. Their attitudes are always the same: very pushy, very inconsiderate. Really, there is no need to be this way with the poor folk who are just in need of a meal .

Just because the poor are there to service the poor, it should still be done with respect for one another as human beings. It doesn't matter how good the meal is; people should be treated with respect. I give Glide a rating of two drumsticks up with one broken wing.

At this point I needed to be wheeled around in a shopping cart like you see a lot of the homeless here in the city do after a little too much to drink. I finally reach St. Anthonys. My number was going through the door. I easily slip right in line, like us veterans of the game do. I approached the ticket taker. There is a woman; their patron of the cause of goodwill on Thanksgiving. She hands me a "glad to see you" card as a token of welcome. Then I was told to be seated and my meal would be brought to me. So I sat.

And it was. How pleasant. But like Christmas, this only happens once a year. Then comes tommorrow and things are back to normal. Now to get down to the meal. Not Surprisingly, it was the same as all the rest. Turkey with all the trimmings. I wonder if today is a one-menu day? Of course; it's Thankgiving. The meal was very good. The parts of it I could put down. My rating is: "Oh St. Heavens". But by this time all the meals tasted the same.

Overall, I give my Golden Turkey Award or as the poor would have it, The Silver Turkey Award, to Martin Pouresse. It wins on the merits of service, attitude, atmosphere and that outta sight pumpkin pie.

I hope you all enjoyed your holiday; rich or poor. What is more important is even though you may be considered poor, you can be rich in heart. With that I say, good day, but never goodbye .


Bleeding from The wounds of Budget Cuts

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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What does the state government have in common with city government in San Francisco?

by An illin and Chillin editorial By Leroy Moore/PNN

Both are robbing Paul to pay Peter? From San Francisco to Sacramento people with disabilities will and are bleeding from proposed budget cuts and local propositions. In San Francisco Proposition N, Care not Cash is racing to the implementation deadline of July. First it was the Dot Com Boom that kicked us out of our own community now under Gavin Newson’s Pro N San Francisco’s homeless shelters will be evicting people who are not on CAAP including people with disabilities to make room for recipients of CAAP. That means people like me who are disabled and on SSI will need to be transfer to state funded nursing homes but these nursing homes are full and goes against full inclusions that is the theme of federal, state and local disability laws. On April 17th the Coalition on Homelessness had a rally at Next Door, a San Francisco Homeless Shelter, and many elders and people with disabilities are trying to answer the question that Gavin Newson and some voters didn’t think of! With a lack of low-income accessible housing and proposed budget cuts in the Bay Area and at the capital, where will housing and independent living services come from?

On a state level Governor Gray Davis is proposing the most sweeping cuts to the developmental disability system ever, calling for suspension of the 1977, Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act. On April 7th The Community Advocacy Network headed by Trry Boisot and Marty Omoto who is the legislative director of United Cerebral Palsy Association called over 2,500 advocates, family members and service providers to the State Capital. We attend two budget hearings, in the Assembly and Senate pertaining to services, laws, and other programs that people with developmental disabilities rely on. While Prop N talks about services, Governor Davis is proposing to scale back services for people with developmental disabilities. For example, eliminating18 optional Media-Cal Benefits i.e. physical therapy, medical equipment dental services etc., making parents pay for Regional Center’s service under the Parental Co-Payment proposal and tighten the state’s definition of disability which is used to determine weather individuals are eligible for services. Another common factor of San Francisco’s Prop N and Governor’s proposed cuts in developmental disability system is the hijack of the funds in both systems to the general fund to balance the budget.

For more information on the advocacy activities of the Community Advocacy Network around the state budget and people with developmental disabilities call:
Marty Omoto (916) 446-3202 and for info on updates on Proposition N and to get involved to stop the implementation of it call the Jennifer Freidenbach at the Coalition on Homeless at (415) 346-3740.


The War on the Poor from San Francisco to South Africa has a new foe!

09/24/2021 - 11:45 by Anonymous (not verified)
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The poor people of South Africa rise up and resist the Amerikkkan Style Slums Act



by Tiny aka Lisa Gray-Garcia/PNN

“I conclude that section 16 of the Slums Act is inconsistent with the Constitution and invalid.”..Statement from the Constutional Court of South Africa

When I heard about the revolutionary resistance of our South African brothers and sisters in Abahlai base Mjondolo (The Shack Dwellers Union) in South Africa, a revolutionary group of landless folks in Capetown and Durban, South Africa who successfully overturned the deadly Amerikkkan style criminalizing legislation called “The Slums Act” which would have given South African Po’Lice the ability to legally demolish, destroy and evict poor peoples from their shacks without notice. I cried.

As a person whose life has been rife with the terror of eviction, displacement, landlessness and criminalization, I was devastated by the stories of destruction of poor peoples in South Africa and equally inspired by the resistance of the young people who organized, hit the streets, chanted, danced and sung for freedom for post-aparthied Amandla in 2009 and eventually overcome that terror and Won!

I remembered the power of the poverty scholars I had met from the Shack-Dwellers Union. Scholars who protested, organized and led resistance from the grass-roots. Scholars like Maswi, a young revolutionary care-giving brother and visionary.

In his soft voice he related the struggle of his family and community to deal with the deadly war on the poor that was raging in the post-apartheid south Africa.

The new struggle in South Africa according to Maswi and his fellow freedom fighters is over the rights of poor people to be housed, to be listened to, to not be incarcerated “its not racism anymore, its poverty,” he had told me in an interview in august of this year. From The Bayview to Bayou, poor folks of color across the globe struggle with Amerikkkan style gentrification and criminalization. For the last few years Shack-Dwellers in South Africa come home from work and school only to find their homes have been demolished and then if they fight back the government turns guns on them.

This current push of deadly destruction by the South African government has been fueled by the transnational corporate interests in South Africa trying to build the world cup stadium for the 2010 world cup.

When I spoke with Maswi he explained how the south African constitution stated that no-one can be evicted once they have lived in a place for over 24 hours without due process, but that in the push to be the new corporate Amerikkkan-style “clean” city, there is no room for poor people, for the slums and so no-one follows the constitution. The Slums Act was the going to be the final tool to push poor folks into the streets, the jails or death.

Currently if poor children are found living on the streets are put in jail for weeks at a time if tourists are expected to come to Durban. Mazwi's stories of removal and criminalization reminded me of the ways that encampments of landless folks in the Bay Area are arrested and washed away with high pressure power washers when they are found in settlements under the freeways, under the bridges, in doorways, and other outside residences. The ways that poor folks in New Orleans face constant and ongoing gentrification and displacement, the ways that we in the Bayview, the Mission , Oakland and Richmond are constantly at risk of losing what ever little crumb we are able to attain, the hands of large corporate interests like Lennar Corporation and Chevron.

But mostly what I learned from Maswi and his fellow revolutionaries is that we, the poor, the disabled, the indigenous, the migrant, the silenced, the incarcerated, the profiled, the displaced, must Not give up! That we do have power, and that we will, if we are truly working in coalition with each other, triumph!



Size Matters Stuff

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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This Size Thing.

Just supposedly wymyn/men

make a lot of it...
Don't mean its an issue to you.

There,is the answer.

by Joseph Bolden

The Size Matters Stuff

I’m going to nip this crap now. Size matters to women and men yes.

However though most women fantasize,dream of like looking at huge penis’s.

After having a few they begin to see,feel the problems of a too forefilling trusim.

That there is a limit to what a woman can take,it hurts and can rupture in or around their vaginal site.

Some will say the pain is worth the experience.

Like most women say after the experience as with having too large natural or enhanced mammary glands.

Shoulder and extreme upper and lower back pain is the price paid for enormously amply endowed women.

Yes,they are beautiful and look spectacular but carrying around those boulder holders
,getting specially made reinforced bras who's straps
may dig in the shoulders stressing the chest,back,and making standing straight difficult make having massive mammaries a unique challenge to big boned, heavy breasted women.

As for guys with penis envy of other guys with longer,larger,thicker,more massive,veiny,circumcized or uncircumsized equipment.

Their is only one thing we can do about the competition…

Let it go,we are born with what we have.

For women wanting more let them search for it.

If these wymyn are into more than visual thrill then its up to them not you to find their more than average guy.

If she want or needs the impossible from you let her go somewhere else.

Most women are looking for decent,gentle,self confident though no doormat/needy guys.

Though women can reduce naturally over abundant breast tissue or have implants,we men must face facts that
until applied science is able to clone from our cells longer shafts,reconnect nerve endings of cloned penis thereby having
a natural lengthened not merely surgically
fattened penis we’ll have to deal with what we’ve got.

That means besides diet, exercise, regular sex with either sex.

It also means listening carefully to women to
they're needs,wants, fears,ambitions,and dreams what we can provide sometimes aside from money, strength,attentiveness, assertiveness,self confidence.

Women will play the size game as a tease and to a few size will matter but the vast majority just want a guy to be a guy and give her great lovin’ on a regular basis.

If you have a woman, or women (sometimes good to have more than one) because we’re both a fickle sex,women have more than one guy and it does not
mean they think any less of you all it means is other men have qualities you may
have different qualities just as men find in women.
It may not be about cock sized different men.

though if it is well,one woman goes others can take her place.

If she’s with you and talking about your size joking,belittling,suck it up she’s in your bed with you so it cannnot be all the that bad if she's still with you.

Huge Clue Guys [She’s With You Not Anyone Else] which says something about you – like your worth her time.

The needling may be to psychologically keep you guessing plus she may worry that you can be with someone else as be with her but won’t say that to you.

So guys small,large,or mega membered all you can do is improve,vary,sex/ love making styles,read up on Karma Sutra,do yoga,Tai Chi,swim,bike ride,or job (though not 10-20 kilometers daily it’ll cut down on loving and upset your fem or fem friends a bit).

It’s a balance we men sometimes forget to listen, keep learning,and if your not thinking of E.D. or Erectile Dis-function it won’t.

The thought is father/ mother to the deed.

And ladies if you already have a good enough bed mate talk to him when quiet time permits and inform,praise,and make sure he’s not taken for granted and that you aren’t either.

That way those intimate times will build from good to great memories which can be shared at reconnected times.

Even when ex BF’s/GF’s,/BB’s/WW.’s [Same sex couples] meet up it won’t be in past anger but remembered joy.

I know its rare that ex’s remain friends but there are exceptions to every rule.

You prove it by being the exceptions.

Any comments go to

ask or or


Garden In The Ghetto

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Editors Note: As a poor people led/indigenous people led organization practicing thrival & survival strategies By Any Means Necessary! while advocating and activating for our brothers and sisters in struggle locally and globally - we honor Matt Robeson's direct action to Take Back The Land stolen from us long ago and now thrown back at us temporarily in the forms of crumbs called Project Housing/Food Stamps and welfare....He is a resistance warrior and an example to us all! -

Scroll down to watch and listen to PNN-Radio and PNN-TV interview with Farmer Matt




Theres a garden in the ghetto on the Sunnydale track

Theres a garden in the ghetto that was grown by Matt

To feed his wife and four kids in fact

You couldn't believe unless you seen it yourself in fact

That is revolutionary, living off the grid

He learned from his grandma as an eight year old kid

Peas, beans and a real pumpkin patch

He has the main one in the front and another in the back

Sunflower seeds in San Francisco

About twenty more things I havent put yet on the list though

Cherries, strawberry and watermelon

Potatoes, lettuce, cabbage, carrots all up in the zone

Did it on his own with Sunnydale dirt

Been growing for five years putting in the work

My honor to have met this proud black man

Yes its time for change and yes we can




A Death In Cin City

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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It is reported by CNN on Saturday, April 7, 2001.
Another youth dead from a policeman’s gun, Mr. Timothy Thomas, 19, a Cincinnati resident.

Officer Steve, Roach has been placed on administrative leave. Is it [Man Shot, Cop on leave, excuse me Administrative leave.]

by Staff Writer

The year:2001, young black males continue dying a few of suicides, gang related turf wars but death-by-cop-homicide seems to be going up its almost a repeat of the 1890’s.

When blacks were ‘Strange Fruit" hanging from trees and bridges – bullets replace ropes as law enforcement become"Blue Mobs" a legal killer gang.

What happened? For 14 misdemeanor warrants three for driving with an expired license, four for seat belt violations, five for driving without a driver's license and two for obstruction of official business.

That’s what the official police report says – What was he Mr. Thomas obstructing, was it really obstruction of official police affairs?

This situation must have been simmering, bubbling, boiling, until Mr. Timothy, Thomas’s shooting.

Now a curfew, calling in the National Guards is bad enough making citizens feel trapped, jailed in their own city with more guns aimed at everyone! Target practice anyone?

Chuch leaders pray fine and good except bullets shred flesh faster, how about emergency town meeting on all media from radio, TV, and Internet?

This may be the only way to offset smoldering resentment of law enforcement or at least get out in the open.

A sense of quiet! is a quiet the before the storm" is like saying "The
"natives" are calm let’s leave ‘em be for a bit."

People, Citizen’s of Cincinnati please form citizen cop watches, use video and Document everything police do from minor to major incidents, accidents, or other happenings in your city.

This is not the 1890’s, some police don’t serve and protect but prowl ready to attack anyone out of uniform ‘brother, sister cops especially know the deal – once out of their uniforms are likely to receive the same treatment.Ware double bullet proof vests, neck, shin, extra groin protection.

In PETERSBURG, Ky., 2:20 a.m. another death this time an unknown white female body in the Ohio River near a campground, Wednesday by
Boone County residents. Coroner Says Not To Draw Conclusions.

He or she is correct, get proper evidence then draw sane deductions and logical conclusions.

It probably is unrelated but too many young people are dying by cop or by means unknown.

In Cincinnati, 11:01 a.m. EDT April 13, 2001 Funeral Services for Timothy Thomas funeral has been scheduled for Saturday. A visitation will be held at 11:30 a.m. at the New Prospect Baptist Church, located at 1829 Elm Street in Cincinnati. The public is Invited.

The Funeral Service, which is open to the public, will begin at 1:30 p.m.

I hope and pray Mr. Timothy Thomas’s family, friends, and relatives find Mr. Thomas the Justice he and they deserve.

To CNN Correspondent Mr. Brian Palmer.
Original Contributor of this report and Channel Cincinnati


Is This The New Face Of Politics? If He is, Man we're all in for some deep S--t*

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
Original Author
Original Body

A Kennedyesque Knock off does
a reverse Robin Hood.

Steals from 'po folk gives to

by Joe B.

First I though of call it
Gavin Don't Give But Loves taking Away-but 'naaah.

"No Care" Newsom"

is the short-sweet title.

I’m not saying it takes a lot be a Kennedy it does the problem is it takes more than a member of a family dynasty, running for office, or making memorable speeches.

It takes going against public opinion, friends, and family to do what one knows is right, decent, and lawful.

The unjust laws are fought until they are corrected takes sacrifice and inner fortitude weathering ideological storms.

Shining new-penny-Newsom looks every bit the part of hero-knight for a brand new 21st century minus a war, jail time which can be an asset if it was in protest against unjust situations that required civil disobedience.

Sup. Gavin’s Newsom’s "Cash-less Society for houseless and working poor would work if...

"There Were Enough Shelter’s That Were Safely Run That Homeless, Working Poor People Single or Families Could Trust and Case Management.

This "No-cash because they’ll spend it on drugs and alcohol" is a bunch of cowchips and stinks to high heaven.

First of all the population has changed drastically, and though many see poor folks on the streets, in alleys, doorways the vast majority are working at low wage jobs or on work-fare which means they work 20 or less hours a week for a check.

Did you know all work-fare workers sign a contract and if not should be equal to salaried workers?

There was a time not to long ago workfare folk were not considered but the POWER workers People Organized to Win Employment Rights tried to fix some of that.

Now Newsom in an agenda driven, cynical political power politics is using New York’s supposedly model to "help poor folks" get to work.

"If the Cost Of Living kept up with the economic the people working years ago would still be working not out on the street out of a job, and working two-three minimum wage jobs aint cutting it anywhere in America.

Its not completely useless this plan Newsom has all it needs is a little high tech tweaking, but for right now it’ll create more homeless persons and families.

Meanwhile Newsom’s Kennedy - mask is askew.

I’ve not met a Kennedy yet, maybe I never will but what Mr. (I mean)Supervisor Gavin Newsom’s pet project to propel him into the Mayor’s throne is as anti-Kennedy as one can get, while the K’s fight to spread freedom internationally.

Newsom’s looks to take from the very people with less curtailing and criminalizing and blamed for the economic slump, low tourism turnout.

When all of us know larger things have happened than sleeping and peeing in public though if most of the empty houses, warehouses, and newly constructed office buildings were turned to shelters with kitchens, medical/psychological help and Job/Skills also career centers instead of take-shake down-poor folk-rip off of funds and not guaranteed to go to Non Profits services that help the poor.

All this for stealth runs for Mayor.

Why not use his own money or is it easier to take from people already with little money as it is for a grab-all-you can campaign.

I wonder, if I was a rich guy or woman and either made my millions by hard eared work or had a trust fund to live on.

If I do nothing but lay around pools, ski in Switzerland, or do nothing am I a bum?

Because one has no money problems am I a bum?

On the other hand if I have no dough, live on the street, live free in a shelter am I a bum?

If I’m on work-fare earning my e two checks on the 1st and the 15th of the month or the once a month $279 check am I still a bum?

Rich folks I believe know the answer to having money, enjoying it and doing nothing especially if their parents or other relatives gave it to them.

I’d like to know the difference of being a poor bum and being a rich one. Bye…
