To Legalize or De-criminalize - Brother Y investigates what will hurt poor people and micro-business people the most
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by Brother Y/PNN I am fond of saying and will continue to state that government is like a theif at night who steals your wallet at night but by day break say’s “ c’mon buddy let’s go find the sum’bitch who stole your wallet no one treats my friends like that!” Such is the case with the current initiative by California lawmakers to legalize, Tax and regulate the use of marijuana for all state residents 21 or older. The criminalization / legalization of marijuana has always’s been a civil rights issue. The first law on record making marijuana illegal started as a city ordinance in El Paso, Texas was used to target Mexican immigrants. Due to the fact that there were no law’s against immigrating to the United States During that time period white racist looked for the only way to discriminate against Them and apparently this is the only thing that stood out. In 1913 the state of California was the first state to make marijuana illegal, Due to pressure from the pharmiceutical industry because of the competition! In 1914 Utah followed suit due to a Mormon religious prohibition. By 1930 30 stattes made it illegal, the greatest fear being they felt herion addiction Would lead to marijuana, that’s not a typo you read that right! During congessional hearings only 2 medical doctors were present the first one was the representative of the American Medical Association he was told to shut up and leave because he stated that there was no proof that marijuana was a dangerous drug. The second was James Munch who injected 300 dogs with extract of marijuana 2 of which died. When asked his conclusion he said he did not know. Later he testified in court under oath that marijuana would make your fangs grow 6 inches and drip blood, and when he tried it turned him into a bat! He served as the U.S. official “expert” on marijuana from 1938 until 1962. AS far as common sense goes the greater issue’s at hand are 1. Many people who are voting age would not or could not benefit from the legalization of marijuana. At the tender age of 17 with the permission of their parents or guardians young people could “die for their country” without ever being able to legally try marijuana regardless as to whether they inhale or not as a certain cowardly draft dodger claimed not to have done! 2.Many young people could spend the rest of their lives behind bars after being tried and convicted as adults again without ever being able to legally try weed, which could in some cases prevent them being placed in the cicumstance’s that could lead to their conviction to begin with. 3. The legalization of industrial hemp is far more imperative to the economy of the California, The United States and a competive world market. The arrogance and selfishness of man has lead to the eradication of many animal and plant species, and caused an imbalance to the eco system. For all we know “legalizing” hemp could help bring back the honey bee! It is a much better option to decriminalize 6 oz. or less marijuana for those 18 and above Using monies confiscated from harsher drugs to provide funding for addiction education During primary education and treatment on demand, instead of adding more and more taxes to treat the ills of society. In reality the only ones who would benefit from the legalization of marijuana would be government fat cats, big business and a bunch of rich white guy’s who own the majority of the cannabis clubs. |
‘nuff said
Brother Y!