What A time! or I may learn late but I do learn.

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Some wounds are self inflicted.

No fatal errors made by not listening.

I do dumb things sometimes.

Just don't repeat same error twice.

This year was amber slow...

Let stuff past ebb and flow.

by Joseph Bolden

What A Time! I may learn late but I do learn.

I have not written much traveled a bit and through my not hearing or really listening managed to wound myself, frighten, hurt, cause distrust of someone dear.

Its been a month in a half since the self infliction.

Still don’t know if bonds can be retied to made stronger so as to never be strained to near breakage ever again.

One makes an error in judgment and pays consequence or instant karma.

That’s one good aspect of instant karma; you need not wait for another life time for retribution I’ve received mine thought a true end of the outcome has yet to be determined.

I can be really dense as a stainless steel/cobalt -diamond metal block sometimes however lessons learned this summer past will stand me in good stead all matter of strictly personal relationships.

Many people will benefit from lessons that should have been learned long ago – better lessons are learned late than never at all is my humble opinion.

With that said another less valuable lesson has taught me not to ever -volunteer monies to any organization, fraternity, or clubs sent by mail.

The National Police & Trooper Association for instance.

Yes, brave men, women, of the highway patrol keep our freeways safe and sadly loss of life does happen and donations to families of fallen officers suffer horribly in these tragic circumstances.

Most officers are fair, decent, law abiding workers protecting us every day.

I decided to send what little money I could between $35 & $45 because I was able to at the time but being one of ‘Po folk living on 6th Street dead in the middle of the Tenderloin District of San Francisco I cannot pony up that little bit of cash each month.

It begins with a phone call by an officer quickly detailing the urgent need of dollars sent.

I did heed the call saying money will be sent.

So when I sent it first to one association or organization it made me feel proud that what little sent helps a family or individual who’ve suffered a devastating, psychological, and heart wrenching loss.

Then, a month later another urgent call and I may send cash if I have it.

But then its California State Firefighters Association.

By this time there isn’t money for then between rent, food, (free and bought), dating, and travel in-around-or out of the city there’s little money left to send but the phone calls keep coming and are insistent on getting what I said I can give but circumstances no allow me able to do.

The letters come, pile up, phone messages also pile up.

I’m glad I don’t have a car because I feel a patrol car would stop me for that purpose which may or may not have happened to a few people.

My solution besides ignoring the pleads is writing this column because being as poor I should not have sent that first money order.

I wonder if wealthier city folks have tax lawyer's, accountants, or by other means have an automatic give-so-much-to policy so they’re not bothered by near harassing phone calls?

However this has taught me that whatever desire I have as a very poor though tax paying citizen only when I’m in a position to really do an annual give-to-policy only then will I then give what I can when I can.

As for other organizations I’d like to join but cannot due to my economic status they are few but when I do finally join I hope to my money’s worth because those orgs, clubs, associations, fraternities, societies, and such will loom ever more prominent as time goes on.

Which? Well, if you’ve read my past columns you’d know or have an inkling.

For now, I can only check the web, read articles, or books on the subjects that have my interests at heart.

Any comments or questions please email poormagazine.org or jsph_bldn@yahoo.com or deeandtiny@gmail
