By DeVaughn Glaze, San Leandro High School Youth Skolah!
by Staff Writer I once heard of someone writing about a blank piece of paper, now that I look at my blank piece I could start to imagine what that person probably thought, no better yet what I think , I look at this paper sort of as my people unappreciated and taken for granted, unnoticed or rather yet ignored, when I say my people I don�t just mean BLACK but as a wise teacher once said the �P.W.C� do they view us as sand paper , that we will just lay there unused and get sick and die HELL NO we stand as construction paper hard and hard to break no matter how much weight but you ask what happens when you get to the point when there is not much more you can take�. Recycle and come back stronger next time�� no let me stop feeding you that bullshit line don�t go no where stand , stand stronger then those �fixed levi�s� and taller than the eiffel tower then well see in the end who really has the fuckin POWER� DeVaughn Glaze |