Race To The Stars. Behemoth Goverments, Mulit National Corps, or Fast, Compact Co ops?

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The government has competion.

Soon the competition will have it too.

The more players,the better,quicker spaceborn
human's will be a reality.

by Joe B.

Race To The Stars

Folks,you know my views by now.

Primarily my non-profit work with POOR Magazine is to help find solutions to this one way drain-money- from-poor folk, which I am, still a part.

PM with other organizations and individuals believe bottom-up from families and persons struggling through these situation are the ultimate experts because they’ve lived or are living through still.

You know going from student to,full time worker,being laid off, fired,houseless,in shelters,G.A.(General Assistance),from odd jobs, case management,to work fare – and have I forgotten being ill with little or no medicines?

Seeing how one becomes a cipher in the eyes fellow citizen’s think "stop drinking,drugs,being lazy, begging,unprotected sex.

(yeah, like young women really look to pick up penniless guys to screw cause they have nothing better to do than to raise fallen men turning them in prospective husbands.)

But Monday, July, 22, 2004 Pilot,Mr. Mike Melvill 63 and his topflight team helped him get his private funded rocket plane.

62.2 miles straight up eating atmosphere until Melvill saw the blue blackness of airless space.

He safely lands with a few glitches to be worked out that he and the team must solve before repeating the feat twice more with 3 more people.

I’d like to train, go up and experience seeing earth, see the moon if visible.

But I’m so far below the economic scale.

The only way I could pay back Mike Melvill and his team is if I became a celebrity hero.

I could be a spoke’s person for products, guess spots on public radio or Steve Harvey’s Big Time.

I something goes wrong and I survive it Maxx Extreme would be the show to be on.

I’m so far down on the economic latter that it would be a stunt for me a non profit low wage worker to be one of three to ride a rocket up through the stratosphere for a few minutes returning as a bona fide astronaut.

That’s fine even if I never go up again I’d be forever in history books as a footnote.

My one great contribution would be not as a POOR M staff writing reporter but as regular average guy using my skill as columnist with a personal viewpoint.

Even If I was picked for this by Poor Magazine for this once in a lifetime unique story.

I’d have to write a separate version(1)what PM wanted as its theme.

Version(2)My private, real deep down soul feeling that could not ever be part of PM being too private an experience that would be for public consumption other than PM’s political view.

I’ll say this now if by some miracle I am picked to go for free.

I would be honored, gleeful,simultaneously terrified and awestruck at being chosen.

All I have is the balance presence that the holy trinity gave humankind free will,evolved us to imagine,explore possibilities undreamed of.

We are not the paragon of animals,we are feeling, thinking,beings, with a belief in a divine spark.(soul)

Maybe this can help fuel becoming a success beyond mere money so I can be one of the few to break the bonds of earth and sky if only for a moment.

(of course my personal bias is immortality first along with space travel.)

This is but a small step but will lead others and as they are built on with hard won knowledge,sacrifice, science,and technology we as a species will be in space, turning asteroids into homes, landing sites for personal space ships.

Artificial homes floating in space, moon bases, seed-ships on generation long journeys, resorts, robot factories, make ships-to-order for those able to afford them.

Finally,more people will be among the stars terra forming worlds, or as restless (spacers), asteroid miners looking for room to grow.

We might find other beings or that we are truly alone which ever is true our first best destiny is the immensity of space and stars.

In a few decades,if life extension into immortality becomes reality and I’m still alive,in better health than I thought possible…

Then I too will be either a spacer (flying, landing of worlds,flitting across galactic maybe intergalactic space) or a ground-ling settled on a world to live but not necessarily die on.

(That’s what immortality is for more time and choices).

Hey! Reader’s what do you think about our Government and Private Sector unofficial space race?

More importantly do you really "Wanna Take A Ride?"

Please send donations to Poor Magazine

1095 7th & Market Street,

S.F. Ca.94103

Snail or Email Joe at:

PO Box 1230 #204
