Words,Women,And Men. What can I say, words can cut or salve us.

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Men,Women,lets talk.

Do we want to continue
sex wars where we all lose?

I'll sit this war out...

we refugee's refuse to fight this one.

by Joe B.

Words,Women,And Men

Last time I explained what metrosexual meant and how to me its like an elaborate economic scam.

Before KPFA's radio show in Berkeley I had cleaned,bathed myself in a comfortable shower get properly spruced up for the outside.

The first order of business is withdrawing money from the bank for travel to Berkeley.

While the radio script I hear a young females voice say "I hope they don’t shoot him."

My reaction was to ignoring it because most times except for a few women in my life I’m not praised much then it occurs to me maybe they were talking and loudly about me!

For what? Being clean, intent on something other than leering a young girls and older women? I know the woman speaking is a young black woman.

Women in general don’t praise men it takes time and getting to know them before they say anything positive or negative.

I’ve been on sixth street for a long time going about by business, minding my own business and many people congregate so I like they are like fixtures here.

They must have seen me so many times say a polite though respectful no to those selling weed,crack, or other drugs on the street no use making enemies its like a game they ask I say no and its alright.

Do women know how powerful their voices of praise and derision are?

Some time ago I was with a woman in Berkeley before I had become homeless I tried keeping it from her but eventually told her even before that she offered me the key to her house but I didn’t take it I wasn’t raised that way my mother warned me to always have your own space.

I didn’t know the slang words for what we were doing except "shacking up and booty call" and later from a "Girlfriend’s", a t.v. sit-comedy another not so nice term ending in "friends or buddies"

Men are called lumbering slow witted ox’s,dogs,dumb sticks, generic,and excess fleshly with mostly small weapons attached.

If our ego’s were all that fragile men would’ve stayed hermits or turned mostly gay.

We may laugh publicly and things said to us, water,wine,hot soup,meat, and fish dishes in our faces,heads,on our shirts, and pants but it’s a public display hiding inner turmoil just as you do.

Women have taken a lot of stuff off men and visa versa but women have support system of friends men are diametrically opposite having no such support few men see others as shoulder’s to cry on, sounding boards,but as potential rivals for girlfriends or spouses affections.

What you say to us do impacts us greatly we try not letting it show bottling it up inside us.

We cry differently where as women shed tears, throw objects,scream and really let their emotions range out in healthy bursts – men rage with fists,go in bars, pick fights,or leave for days on end until anger subsides to a hoarse roar.

Personally for me if I’m praised I keep it close inside because there so many more negatives aspects are pointed out that good aspects are kept like brilliant diamond drops of gold.

Now for a friend who suffered much,given more to help others let those who can help you in their capacities.

Its Payback time from them to you,you are beloved by many,never forget that!

I cannot say love but extremely well liked but they you are a very likeable person I hope you are flooded with love –love bombed by those near and dear to you.

Rest,be calm,regroup, relax,deep dreamy sleep, and eat healthy troubles may still lay ahead but for now take time out and reassess where you are and pause before getting up and running; you don’t want fall scrape knees, hands,or head.

Take time for grief, cry,bawl,wail,don’t be dammed up whatever is there no matter how small or insignificant
identify it,see it,face it,and then let it go.

In the past year lots of obstacles have been placed in my way many of them from being stubborn, not listening,talking when mouth shut should’ve been tacit and understood.

Men’s saving grace is we keep striving to understand but sometimes act like dumb hulks when we’re really not.

Women deep down know why men are slow to change its not cowardice or limited one-track brains its when we finally do some of us go to far in either being sensitive, hard core with nothing in-between.

We’ve changed many times over the decades but the basic nature of males is to love the opposite sex at least that’s how I see it.

But after hearing so many negative portrayals no matter what we do many of us who are not homosexual,BI,trans- gendered or having sex changes and are biologically,if not socially conditioned to like,love,and marry women from other countries or emigrate to other countries for that express purpose.

Some if not most women say good riddance however I believe they are a loud minority hurting their sister’s who are as biologically,if not socially conditioned to like and love,and marry men.

It’s the same sin of men crippling their girlfriend’s,wives lives to feel empowered themselves.

Women,like men must close ranks,fight their sister if their sister’s mild or deep seated hatred not only blinds them to female/male relationships but goes to the radical step of fatherless daughter’s,son’s because its technically feasible.

Worlds without Women or Men are possible and people do adopt but would really be living or a long,slow,dreary half life limbo.

If most men wanted to live without women it would be a living hell I’d rather not live to survive in and I am sure most women giving true answers would agree and for those who wish it so let them build their woman-less/ anti male only starship separating themselves from we who like and love women and men don’t want to join their crusade.

What do you think reader’s think?

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1448 Pine Street #205

San Francisco, CA 94103

Email: askjoe@poormagazine.org

Trying to find a way readers can write(talk back)with comments (please no nude photo's,video or DVD clips here. When I get a postbox then load it up.

kidding ladies (yes,women only-not that I'll find any in said box only wishful thinkin on my part. But readers please continue to write I need all your input.

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