We're still here! Us Rainbow Folk. Guess Who'll ripoff Immortality 'Nothin But Life E-Next. Chile
by Joe B. King’s Living Legacy Martin Luther King’s birthday is Monday its also a Federal Holiday. King’s dream of character over color still isn’t realized but we the spiritual son’s and daughter’s the King Legacy won’t give up or into this fall into the past by Selected President B Jr. King’s own son’s and daughter’s thrive with children of their own so both legacies continue strong into the early 21st century. Christ like honorable, courageous,bold,and insightful his assassination only creates more people who will not let go the struggle, teaching siblings,and their progeny to remember why our leaders died in the first place. There’s not much more to say only remember why Mr. M.L. King and others died and continue to die for the free will and freedom of all. Speaking of death, supreme sacrifice,isn’t it time we try to live our lives as best we can studying how to further the human life span. President Bush’s return and moon base speech is less Kennedy than "thousand light thing" of his former President Bush Sr. It sounded like a desperate grasping at straws for a legitimate re-election bid. Instead of the Turkey surprise troop visit to Baghdad photo op why take many or all of those hard working, GI’s home to families and friends. He could’ve used his presidential cache to go out on the limb saying "There’s been too much destruction,death, of soldier’s,and innocent women,men,and children; Let’s challenge our best thinkers not only in America but around the globe to go after the worst super predator stalking Mankind – Death." Starting now in late 2003 and 2004 and beyond a non stop effort to eliminate sickness, disease,and conquer death once and for all and in its place life extension, cryonics and eventual immortality to everyone." Ok,its probably a political ploy for re-election and in his heart he's not 'feelin it but you know what happens in spite of his doubts? Scientists young,old, their students from college,high and middle school from all over the world will be galvanized to the near impossible to set the goal earlier than humanity would believe! It would make discovery of the double helix, Moon shot,Russian-America handshake in space,and even manned voyage to Mars pale in comparison. The announcement does not have to be made by a sitting President but from Senator,to Congress men/ women can do the same, others can begin speaking out until the idea becomes popular and widespread. Hey,it’s a thought. Myself silently fuming as one of the older less cash folk and closet cryonics and immoralist I cannot wait for the have folks to "get it" then not leave ‘po folks out of the equation. Guess my way will be to scramble,make money different all legal (mostly)and being an organization that’s non political dedicated to the proposition "Immortality belongs to all,those not wanting it can live their lives but don’t prevent, or otherwise interfere with life extension/ immoralist efforts of friends,families or strangers." Yes,it would be an open secret organization crossing all political, religious,racial, cultural,and sexual orientation lines. From liquid gels,drugs, pills, cocktails,to genetic manipulation of DNA and deeper into the molecular strands and germ lines. Until life extended individuals, Aging) people and immortals-by-genetic birthright are more of the population than Norm-A (Normal Aging) humans. Because like mutants humans and normal there could be a literal killing war of ideas about what natural life and death is and the deathward-ly mobile will fight to keep their beliefs though antiquated alive trying to reconvert confused on-the-fence x-tension folks from taking that pill,drug,or gene therapy that will add centuries or render them immortal and a member in the fraternity of eternal or E-Women and Men. I might have to fake a death and move on as others take charge of immortal making world wide and only return when 99% of humanity true birthright is automatic immortality at certain age-stops from 24 to 90 of course because of age slowing,retarding, and regenerative regiments a 90 year old could look 25, have disease resistance of 12,and sexual energies of 14,18,20 year olds and their health will remain fit and high. The new vampires are us,immortals walking in day light sucking on life itself not on others life’s blood. Who knows I or others with more money,time,and imagination might succeed but someone has to get life extension to eventual immortality going. It’s the only way go off world living on other planetary bodies,space habitats,or time travel forward or back. Now that’s something I’d like to do if immortality is earned by me. I’d have to be circumspect,be invisible, and observe without changing history which involves falling in live with famous or soon to be famous or infamous women, avoiding certain men, groups,wars,or other situations. Not being on the ‘Mary Celeste'-1884, Titanic- 1912, Lusitania-1915,or Andrea Doria-1956,also on planes,trains,cars, busses,for example I wouldn’t want to accidentally trade places with Mr. Wally Post or Will Rogers fateful plane trip of 1935 but not being able to keep all those tragedies in my head means one or more of those fatal accidents will get me. What I’m saying is I’d rather wait for life eternal than be a time traveling mortal. First immortality then time travel because barring accident, homicide,or being in an non survivable event or war immortality comes handy if I avoided all the pitfalls including a jilted wife or former girl friend who’d want to kill me for simply living, staying,young,dating, marrying,and raising children while she aged. Its just a few of my ramblings,what would you do man or woman given the gift of perfect health mentally,physically and never age,get sick. A grade A true immortal! What would you folks do with it? Donations C/0 Poor Magazine Email: askjoe@poormagazine.org |