A mysterious elixr. Myterious Women/Men looking Are There Good and Bad Alchemist's
for it many die but a few find success.
particpating causing good or harm?
by Joe B. KO, oops, meant to say OK. Our hypothetical alchemist has just completed the great work his mind, body in flux, voices living, dead, in his/her head until God commands her/him to rest which is done. Most likely lost knowledge is regained, psychic powers ordinarily never discovered would’ve stayed dormant unrealized but now they emerge simultaneously full force hence the Lord’s rest command protecting the alchemist from accidental self harm. A minor power is possibly invisibility whether physically or clouding human minds. She or he may unconsciously use their new powers to reshape their appearance improving themselves down to the molecular level. Mind travel through time would give our new alchemist access to lingering trapped thoughts in air. Slowly she/he is able to control these vast powers and realizing they must be away from humanity to truly help them secretly. Predicting outcomes of horse races, spinning wheels in casino’s, or knowing the winning lottery numbers makes it simple to win money or using the same knowledge for options, known and unknown stocks is beyond insider trading. This is all hypothetical all I know about alchemist’s is what I’ve read and imagine. Our alchemist has rested, learns about vast powers may by accident in a fit of pique will a human to stop living utter "Drop Dead" not realizing tragic results after that he/she will be most careful of power wielded because they will always know when a soul leaves its flesh vessel. Other of her/his kind will contact, visit, befriend, or instruct in use of new found powers. Now what if an Alchemist loves the dark side and is able to have any woman/man being an irresistible force? An amoral illuminated one can wreck havoc on human psyche’s under their control. from hypnotic trances, pheromone derived potions, to as in an Arthurian legend Merlin arranged after the Duke died while in battle against Uther's armies Merlin helps Uther who took Igraine (the Duke’s Wife) seduced Igraine by making Uther magically take on the appearance of her husband, Gorlois. Uther made Igraine Queen by becoming his wife. An evil alchemist would eventually figure out how to switch or take over bodies borrowing them to be with which ever boy, girl, woman, or man that takes their fancy. No human will be safe. I don’t have this info in my head like mythical or real alchemist’s would. An evil alchemist would eventually figure out how to switch or take over bodies borrowing them to be with which ever boy, girl, woman, or man that takes their fancy. No human will be safe from his or hers amorous. What kind of high would that be to see a man or woman you want to physically try out or be with temporarily you could and no one but God, another alchemist, or and unusually aware human. They’ed get bored after a time the main theme is what would any of us do with these untapped power if they we had them at a moments notice? That’s all there could be more but you have the main points. So, Women, Men, boys, girls, young adults what would you do as a newly minted alchemist with a few hundred or thousand years with these power? Bye. Please send donations to For Joe only my snail mail: Email: askjoe@poormagazine.org |