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The Po' Poet Laureate on Easter and Homelessness

by A. Faye Hicks

The Pagan goddess Esther of long ago

Seated on her throne

Handing out colored Easter Eggs, to her little Bunnies

The Bag Lady in Red, shaking her cup, trying to make a buck

The pharmacies filled with baskets for capital gain

Decorating their windows with wares, to make the queen a profit

Big chocolate bunnies, little pink and yellow rabbits, nestled in greenery

While the Winds and Sands of War, Run Rampart

Up and down the City streets, the shoppers are jostled

The Protesters of War

March with Pride

March in Stride

Hurry, hurry the winds of war is a Terror, a Worry

No houses, no jobs, no Food, no Money

Although the Easter Bunny is coming!

The War Machines Scurry

Oil for Food shouts the Army General

Food not Bombs the people shout

The Mayor of San Francisco Screams

“Stop marching and disrupting my City”

protest this War on your own “Home Base!”

Or “Homeless will have to pay this $900,000 a day

Out of the Care not Cash we set aside for They

Let them put on their Homeless Bonnet

I Hope that Paves the Way

Still the Easter Bunny is on its Way

Hiding colored eggs in city parks

In Glide and St. Anthony’s Food lines

Hop, Hoppity, Hop!

The Muni Bus is stopped

The streets are Blocked

The City of San Francisco is under seige

The mounted police is shouting Please!

As Rocks and Bottles are being hurled, scaring their Thoroughbred Ponies

“ Oh where can I hide my Colored Eggs?”

so they wont be confused as Hand Grenades

2, 000 arrested and detained

The Mayor screams “More Money to be deducted out of the Homeless Pockets”

They can forget about our promises and their Dreams

We have to pay the Police double time

We have to pay the Police triple Time

We don’t care if the Homeless don’t have a Dime

Just stop the Protesters March

Because the Easter Bunny is on His Way!

The Tourist Trade is “Money to be Made”

Their Shopping Shant be Stopped

Hop, Hoppity, Hop!

A. Faye Hicks
March 31, 2003
