by Tiger Walsh
my eyes is on the horizon waiting for the African sun to rise shining truth dispelling lies I spread my wings to fly my eyes is on the horizon watching the African sun set my strength is from experience to all I must connect
my eyes are on the horizon as the moon rests in our chests we spill our lives onto rotting pages vomiting diseases of a colonial nation we've been poisoned but we glow stardust from our wombs and our ancestors' tombs bleeding readily to nourish the soil of our souls collective Afric is our mother and we are returning home for our lessons ready for our schooling and our scolding we are curious children always asking why we fly half way across the world to remember who we are before beofre when our breath beat to the rhythm of one before my ancestors joined white supremacy and capitalism into a holier than thou matrimony detaching all of our spirits from our bodies forcing nations of people to either fill gravesr dig them I am a product of 500+ years of genocide and colonization born to profit off the enslavement and broken backs of people of color I made a choice to expose the truth of my ancestors the beautiful and the brutal to fight with every breath every day with the people who are my true family for the justice and freedom we all deserve so I fly half way across the world to remember who I am today 21 years old irish-american high femme queer poethealerrevolutionary together we weave our stories into the fabric of resistance creating a new generation of living heroes with the moon in our chest and the stars on our breath we be watching the African sun set |