Flawed Flick Review Part II

Original Author
Original Body

Memorial Day, May 28, 2001.
The movie "Pearl Harbor" is playing
at the Coronet Theater at 7pm.

Our little band of
Poor Magazine students and
staff writers were suppose
to be there at 6pm.

Can you guess what happens
on the way to the movie?

by Joseph Bolden

Pearl Harbor is about how the Japanese, supposedly without warning, bombed Hawaii's Pearl Harbor. The early morning air raid happened on December 7, 1941.

On our way to see Pearl Harbor things began to unravel.

1. I was going to go by car but then it broke down. Having no money I thought, "Can’t go, goody." [WRONG]

2. My boss gave me two dollars to catch the Geary bus.

3. I got there before 6pm and another student was holding a place in the line for
me in case I was late. Of course there was a long line for Pearl Harbor.

4. Two of us wait— Mr. Takuya Arai, a Poor Magazine student who is going
back home to Japan would not be able to see the movie there until July 15. So he’ll see it first hand here and compare it with how he and his friends and nation view it when he sees it back in Japan. Takuya says, "There’s not many Japanese in the line." I hadn’t noticed. There are also not a whole lot of brothers or Latino’s, but there are lots of whites and mixed couples.

5. I thought many people had entered the theater before our little group and that there'd only be space way in the back or too close to the screen. Luckily it was not as crowded as I had imagined.

6. I had been assigned to see this film. It's not what I'd choose to do on Memorial Day.

7. I heard Disney paid $150 million dollars for this epic of tragic proportions. Between the $75.1 million the movie will pull in over the four day weekend, Disney Studios will more than break even on this super patriotic salute to heroism of the dead and living heroes.

8. The plot is as follows. Two boyhood friends dream of flying and war, fall for the same girl, one gets shot down and is presumed dead, but comes back to find his girl with best friend. They fight, escape from MP's (Military Police) and they settle their feud before volunteering for a dangerous Tokyo Boming.

9. "A pinprick compared to Japan’s Heart," says Lieutenant Colonel James Doolittle (Alex Baldwin).

10. It's surprising Dory Michel (Cuba Gooding Jr.) didn’t die along with others in the process of their baptism by fire are stronger. Yet I did not see many blacks, red, browns, and near the end a Japanese medic helps a wounded American soldier and the soldier says, "I don’t want that Jap touching me."

11. When it was over there was no let down, but the hype wasn’t worth the price of the $8.75 ticket. The movie ends at 10:20pm. Not wanting to yak about it I wave bye to coworkers and students and catch a 38 Geary bus, returning home by 11:15 p.m.

12. It's over, the immensely forgettable effects, unlike the real documentary footage from the actual event. At least it was free.

Wait a sec'. if I didn't like this free film, what about those folks shelling out real cash to see this fiasco? I shutter to think how they feel.

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