What's Wrong?

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At the same time Vice President Dick Cheney was in the hospital for chest pains, Select ‘Prez Bush on a nation wide newcast said “Parents must teach their children right from wrong”.

by Joseph Bolden

A simple answer to a complex set of problems, taking years in the making, and will take years to unravel, re-evaluate, and begin to solve.

It shows he has no idea how problematic the situation is. A former? acid tripping, Cocaine Cowboy now is one of the most powerful men in the free world comes up with his right-wrong moral claptrap as if summed it up in a nutshell.

People of America, with this guy at the helm, we’re a wreck about to happen on rough seas.

What’s Wrong With Us? How do we learn which kids is a problem from the one that are only shy, slightly antisocial, and quiet?

It cannot be known until all children are made precious to us not just the shining, creative, intelligent ones - the quirky, odd, rebellious ones must also be, encouraged that they count equally.

We shouldn’t throw people away lot odd lots in a bad manufactured batch.

Where are the parents, counselors, friends? I was [OK, still a misfit] but books, movies, girls, writing, and thinking kept me from darker thoughts.

Besides I was a skinny kid avoiding fights if I could, fighting when there was no other way. I did know if I brandished a knife or gun in school I’d be shot dead by police.

If black kids make an error in judgment we die. Our parent’s warned us we’re visible they [the main majority pop. at large] build jails and deathrow looking for youngsters to act stupid.

Why are white kids, many with two parents "Falling Down" Most are the luckiest, looked after children in society, so... why are they flipping out or dangerously acting out these days?

Is this the ultimate price of individual freedom, not knowing when a disgrunt- led, child ,woman, or man, or worker will go off?

A Vice President with slight chest pains little heart attacks checks himself into a hospital; this is not good, the guy has attacks while excercising on a treadmill!

While President Bush, former party animal see what happens when and if he gets “flashbacks.”

[When the brain relives episode less traumatic though similar to Viet Nam or Desert Storm Veteran’s
[Post Dramatic Stress Syndrome] or the simpler World War 1 term Shell Shock.

Do have an Idea how this can be prevented? Like I said before don’t leave any child behind this includes their psychological needs.

How we do this, when to stop, and not to go over-board that’s up all of us including clinical Psycholo-gists, therapist, analyststs and other mental health pro- fessionals.

Its becomes a temporary headache than an ongoing migraine. I know it’s not that simple but we must begin now or there will always, be these seeming senseless killings.

We must teach children before they become embittered young adults other ways of dealing with personal, situation s crisis before violence is used.

There are other choices.
Misfits in schools, job loss, stalking wives, husbands, ex-girl/boy friends and mentally ill.

Excuse me I have to bandage my knuckles, they've been scraping the floor a bit.

We must do something to handle this spreading pandemic of explosive deadly violence... Any Ideas?

Mail or Send letters, money orders in care of Joe at Poor Magazine INC.
255 9th street San Francisco, Ca. 94103 USA


For Joe only snail
mail 1230 Market St. P.O. Box #645 S.F., CA. 94102

As soon as I find out my new email address I’ll place it on the web.
