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by Joseph Bolden, staff writer,

Hi, guess who? Its1s Tuesday, Oct. 10. 2000. Are you folks sick
and tired of seeing my columns about voting? Too bad. Any of you
voting for ŒPrez or Vice, Senator1s Judges, Right to Life/Choice,
and Racism or Tolerance, Space, Cryonics, Life Extension, and/ or
Immortality am I right?

I did go to City Hall to find out if I1m registered to vote in
the upcoming elections. I1m registered so I1m voting... for whom?
That1s my choice as is yours not to be revealed until I1m in the
voting booth. I will give folks a hint I1d like to continue beyond
the 20th century moving ahead towards habitats in space, reproductive
rights for women, social security protections, and universal health
care, not only that but also openning the flood gates to life extension
because we1ll all need it as we get older . Is that enough of a
hint folks?

Every generation has had a crisis to face from the founding fathers,
to World Wars 1 and 2, to a socalled Police Action named ŒThe Korean
Conflict - A police action? I still think when you place boys and
men in uniform, train, em, to kill, have Œem sent to fight on foreign
soil against other young boys and men with dying on both sides I1d
tend to call it a war, undeclared or not soldiers on both sides
died in that midcentury conflict. Viet Nam, the first war ever lost
by the then undefeated United States, Then a short glorius war in
1991 called Desert Storm.

If we don1t watch out we may end up a Viet Nam like scenario again
in Korea. You know our government, when we the people are silent
that tells them to have a ball, spend money, Have A War. Uhh, I
think economically speaking making weapons to kill each other is
no longer the economic stimulus it used to be. Peacetime is a better
way less dead citizens lying around, less money to be made on dead
consummers unless you1ve read The Body Broker1s in the Orange County
Register in April off 2000. Vote Vote Vote, Stand up, learn facts,
figures, his/herstories of candidates, then chose and Vote. Is it
November yet? Oh, crap-I Œgotta write this for another month. Well,
here1s the message; whom ever you choose its up to all of us around
this great fertile land to futurize not fossilize America. Do it
early, do it late, but do it; VOTE Bye.

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