Letters to Joe

Original Author
Original Body

by Joseph Bolden, staff writer,

Joe welcomes your letters, comments and advice 

write to him at: poormag@sirius.com 

Henry Pellum writes from Hollywood,Ca 

Dear Joe, 

I wish to know more about IPO's, how do I begin to invest in them, also
if you are so poor how come you know so much about Mutual Funds? 

Anyway, I work as a Rent-a-cop, its boring work, I gotta get out. At 35
my life seems set in this rut. Someday I'd like to be married, can you
help me? 


ASK JOE responds; 

Dear Mr. H. Pellem, 

Thirty-five is young these days, just feed your body and mind the proper
nutrients, vitamins, minerals-trace minerals and exercise regularly, cut
down or out on smoking, drinking and be careful with sex partners. Please
get tested regularly too. All these precautions may help you live longer. 

I bought a Mutual Fund for $300 I was unable to place $25 each month
due too homeless and sleeping in shelters but the fund (Bless 'em) didn't
close my account.  Visiting their office one day, surprised me the
money had increased slightly. 

DON'T demean your job, so being a Security Guard bores you, read financial
magazines, Wall Street Journal, bone up on companies you'd like to own
stock in, or quiz your buddies. Save money, open a savings account, go
to free seminars or paying ones. THIS SAME BORING JOB CAN HELP YOU. 

I.P.O (Initial Public Offerings) is new to every one. 

One problem is if it's heard on radio, TV people buy the stock quick plus
if your thinking of Day Trading you must   have $50,000 to start,
it must be fun win/lose money not savings, pension money. You heard a
psychopath killing his whole family then goes to Day Trading building
to kill more people because of a $250,000 loss. Personally I believe he
was unhinged to begin without the money loss. 

Research Day Trading, go to a free seminar or pay. 

I've read 70% of Day Traders lose money. 

While E-Trade(Electronic Trading) is slower paced. You can begin with
a broker as your guide through trading on the internet. When you safely
learn how to navigate economically then find your stocks, research then
buy, sell or keep and the rest is up to you. Any you won't loose your
mind on each transaction on the web. 

Mr. Pellem, relax. People want your boring job don't be too quick to
trash it, set a time table, be frugal, use that job and your time wisely.
Good by, Mr. HP. 
