by Joseph Bolden, staff writer,
2000 is as important a year as 2001. In November of 2000 its time
to get out the vote. I didn1t see the MTV Awards on Thursday and
I1m hear-ing the usual adult (Oh Damn, I1m One) blab on its coverage,
inart-iculate guests, too much T Œn A on stage. Give Me A Break,
MTV was and is made to shock people and its done its job again splendidly
remember it was cre-ated expressly for shocking grown folks and
is a creative outlet for a younger generation - to angry, shocked,
adults single or with children Get Over It as for Rap/Hip Hop
Its Here and Won1t Go Away.
Deal With Reality. Rap and Hip Hop is INTERNATIONAL, GLOBAL,
If you can1t stand the message or music don1t listen. Rap been
disre-spected, Œdissed, banned, and people have been arrested for
selling it, the powers that be tried to overide market forces, that
didn1t work either so now what? If rap still pisses people off because
of messages they don1t want to hear then it too still does its job
as informing, warning inner city folk and those that care enough
to listen that we1re all are being are getting fucked over! If my
phrasing is raw this is as bad as it gets - darn it.
MTV folks, your turn to voice your opinion, views, likes, dislikes,
out-right hate too. Many adults believe you won1t go to the poll,
do your civic duty. 3Actually they don1t want you to vote so
prove Œem wrong show Œem your generation and ones coming behind
you that your Œgen knows the game.2
We will leap forward or stumble backward. Me, I want more political
parties like Life Extension Party, Immortalist Party, or L5-Spacer1s
Party. The L5 or Lagrange Point between earth and the moon and spacer
is for people who are willing to go into space to live on asteroids,
planitoids, or H.O.M.E.1s (High Orbital Mini Earths) yet another
future political party. How about independant asteroid mining for
fun and profit.
Had a good laugh, well this could be our future if a couple of
guys get elected and there are seats open for the Supreme Court.
Call all Grrrrls, Girls, Women, and Wimmin think of your choices.
Doc-tor1s being maimed, killed because of the abortion debate, embryo,
or stem cell research and medical benefits of cloning. (grow brainstem,
nervous system separate from bodies) then you have parts that cannot
be rejected and not another human being and no creepy moral dilema.
Think of homosexuals being beaten up, killed for sexual orientation
alone. There is no Gay/Lesbian/Transexual/agenda, the only agenda
is to stop killing for being slighly different from so called 3normal
heterosexual lifestyles. The Eternal made all of us without errors,
the only Biological Errors are in Peoplekind none of us are perfect,
genetically speaking hu-manity are full of flaws.
In Coeur D1Alene, Idaho a American Mother and child attacked and
beaten in 1998 by Aryan Nations guards outside the white supremacist
group1s North Idaho headquaters is awarded $6.3 million thusday.
Richard Butler says 3You can1t stop us, This is nothing.2 3We have
planted seeds.2 Butler1s chief of staff, Michael Teague said 3This
does not stop the message.2 (Mr. B. the message is dying, its been
heard too many times its old, ugly, filthy, untrue and twisted most
people know you are wrong - GET OVER IT., IS THAT REASON ENOUGH