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San Francisco Planning Commission “takes-down” a citizen who goes seconds over his time

by PNN Staff

“....the point is, low income disabled people need non-profit service providers in the neighborhoods they live in...” Leroy Moore finished his two minutes comment to the Planning Commission and then he quietly retreated

“Yeahhhh!!.... clap..clap.....” The audience clapped hesitantly,emoting a few nervous hurrahs!

“Could you please refrain from these outbursts?” Anita Theoharris mouthed the words slowly..each consonant sticking to the roof of her mouth - her eyes barely moving across the carmel walls of the planning commission. I wondered as I stepped up to the microphone what she would say to me and how little facial expression she would employ. I wondered how long I would last before my assertions about gentrification in the mission would be characterized as an “outburst” - that was several weeks ago......

On Thursday, September 7th the Planning Commission meeting was marred by the “smack-down” of Jonathan Yuet, of the collective Cell Space and Mission Anti-displacement Coalition. Commission President, Anita Theoharis, called for a “bailiff” when Jonathan went seconds over the time limit during the meeting’s public comment section.

Eileen Hirst, Sheriff’s Department Spokeswoman, stated that Jonathan “went limp” when grabbed by the Sheriff’s deputy. Nothing could be further from the truth. Jonathan was put into a pain compliance hold and taken to the ground with force.

This brutal take-down was in full view of the entire Planning Commission and was caught on videotape. This enraged the over 100 community advocates who were attending the meeting. Although this “smack-down” affected one artist, we consider this to be an assault against our urban social movement commonly known as the Mission Anti-displacement Coalition and our Constitutional rights of freedom of expression and peaceful assembly.

The Mission Anti-displacement Coalition has been organizing for community control of the planning process in the face of reckless planning and massive displacement. Rents are sky-rocketing, long-time residents are being evicted, and small businesses and non-profits that serve the community can’t afford to stay here. Low-income and Latino families, seniors, immigrants, artists and people who grew up here are some of the people being hit the hardest.

Mission Anti-displacement Coalition Demands

*Moratorium on new office developments and market-rate housing and live
/work lofts in the Mission!

*Enforce existing planning codes!

*Commit to community planning process to re-zone the Mission District and ensure funding for this process!
