"Live" Notes from the Democratic National Convention

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by Aaron Shuman

....Stories about provocateurs in the crowd is true, though there's been
some exaggeration about the materials thrown over the fence separating
delegates from the protest zone. black-clad anarchists were pressing against
the fence and giving cops the finger, and the lapd was using "supersoakers"
to douse the crowd with pepper spray to force them back, though don't
know who's chicken, who's egg. police directed protesters out of the protest
zone and up figueroa; then a cavalry of officers on horseback came riding
down figueroa, driving protesters back into the zone. they attempted to
herd protesters against the fence separating them from the delegates and
drive them out one exit. a toronto globe-mail reporter caught up in it
told me it was a "run the gauntlet" type situation, with police lined
along a narrow fenced-in corridor, delivering verbal and physical abuse
(kicks, batons). the protesters emerged onto olympic; some were given
contrasting directions from police lines, told to go east, then to go
west, then to go east again.

A freelance news photographer recognized homeless activist ted hayes
lying "semi-conscious or unconscious" in the street, surrounded by folks
from his encampment trying to tend to him or get him up. when the photographer
circled to get a clear shot of hayes's face, police charged and started
beating everyone in the circle. by the end of the night, the photographer
got three rubber bullets and a baton blow, one of which shattered the
filter over the lens of his camera.

I saw lots of wounds last night, and with one exception, all of them
were in the back. rubber bullets break the skin, btw, at close range.

I saw lots of wounds last night, and with one exception, all of them
were in the back. rubber bullets break the skin, btw, at close range.
