
Original Author
Original Body

by Jewnbug

Rita preferred Rene

daddy left early in da game

poverty brands fate

housin authority interrogatez

beaten wit word of painz

petite ebony stands stained

bold mental frame

focuses on wut she needs 2 gain

no helpin… parents strung out

belt weltin… screams

she dug route, wit slender midnight claws

articulated jawz

chilled outsyde da skool walls


in arms of no goodz man

shackin up pit in stomachs erupts plans

escapes again

fleein da scene… flesh. spirit. seed.

blessed young laydee continues 2 read

b tween lines conscious of tymes

she perservers not yieldz

turnz obstaclez in 2 wheelz of steel

stackin developing skillz

2 succeed in competitive field

spills her guts

bandages cuts

buildz friendship

suppresses luv

breaks stereotypes up

gives birth 2 Afrikan, Puerto Rican,

Pinay princesses

braids hair

backs bone

makes family builds home

bi barely makin endz meet

she iz Mama, daughter, sistah, niece!
