Here We Go, Treating Humans Like Zero's

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Let's see Rich Folks fight
fist to fist clean or dirty.

I don't see no vid's, cd's on
them going toe to toe combat slot...

Is it only for those that aint got?

by Joe B.

Just when I think we human’s are stepping out of the collective mud of sloth and misery I see an email on bum-fighting on the internet.

Checking it out there men, women with most of their teeth gone looking like walking wounded physical wreckage.

Looking up its website I saw some of its questions like:

Can I order by phone?

What is the delivery time on orders?

Is it safe to order over the Internet?

How long is the video?

The Answer is 57 minutes.

As you can see the website is popular and people enjoy watching
Other people beat each other to bloody pulps.

I want to know if these folks are getting paid with more than food.

Are these people getting residual checks or cash if they become favorites of web or video hits probably not.

What about contracts and their full knowlege of what can happen to them?

There is something wrong, a rot from a gangrene wound when people either volunteer, film, and make profit off the least of us mentally, physically for financial gain.

For some of the people who watch and buy this misery served up for a cheap thrill think:
It could be your friends, relatives, or you on that PC, CD, or video tape but for fortune, luck, and providence.

Remember Rome with its bread and circus gladiator, beasts against citizen’s?

Well this is another crack in this so called great nation and it is up to citizen’s to give this sad, tawdry, show the boot.


Second Mutation

Invisible radiation change their tiny brains to higher intelligence, also gained immortality too.

Today their natural mutation allows them to use telepathy, telekinesis, and powers of suggestion.

Human’s think they’re in control.

First you talk, then, make fun, make laws, now televised on video, CD’s and DVD’s what do you think is the next step… Death Matches?

I don’t know about any of you readers but this does not look or sound like a harmless sport or good clean fun but further proof of people making money off of human suffering.

Don't give me that"Since The Dawn Of Time Crap"

The meaning of evolution is to change our ways and better or situations both physically and mentally rising above the slime and muck.

Even if we are related to tapeworks and fruit flies its no excuse for this crud.

If I’m wrong I apologize if former fight bums or their friends got out of this situation tell your stories it is time for your input.

Please don’t stay mute until death occurs or it already has that must be revealed too.

That’s it That’s all from me… Bye.

HouseCare-Pro Price range:
$25 per day or 100 a week for
1 bdrm. Apt, small House.
4 to 3 bedrooms, $50 to $100 a week,
$5,000 a week for 20 to 40 rm. Homes.
$25,000 by the week or $100,000 for
50 to 100 rm Mansions
Prices are negotiable.
Non drinker, smoker, drugs (unless its aspirin & vitamins)
Not a party animal, Boredom, works me.

For Joe only my snail mail:
PO Box 1230 #645
Market St. San Francisco, CA 94102
